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DPM Prawit orders Defence Ministry to keep closer tabs on foreigners up to no good in Thailand


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10 hours ago, worgeordie said:

So not only the Immigration,the Police and now the Army 

are going to be involved in checking on dodgy Farangs, 

bit of overkill,in my view,especially if it means more interference

in the lives of good people who are retired,married or working 

working legally here,wonder who will be the first to report a tank

and troop of soldiers has just pulled up at the front door !

regards worgeordie

Yep and as I've mentioned before, before long expats will all have to wear an insignia, maybe on the door of our residence too...now where have I heard of that before...? Well, I mean they have got to blame someone(else) for their problems, haven't they.

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

Reminiscent of the tories "cracking down" on immigrants by putting a cap on the number of foreign students coming into the UK. Just a smoke screen to say they are addressing a problem when really they are just attacking decent people who benefit the country.


Indeed. All right-wing governments are a smokescreen for maintaining privilege in the hands of the privileged, the rest is just a challenge of marketing and effective lying.


The current Thai government is no different except it's lies are more transparent to those of us who've been lied to by experts. Compared to May and her band of brigands, this guy Sanserm is a pane of glass.

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8 minutes ago, connda said:

To the Thai government, we're all criminals simply biding our time and waiting for the appropriate moment to commit our crime.  It's not 'if' we are criminals, but 'when' will we eventually get caught in their minds.  So like Pattaya for example, let's ignore that perhaps 25% of the Thai population doesn't bother to drive with a license and instead concentrate all our efforts into catching evil foreigners. 


I'm pretty sure that 25% is understating it a good bit.

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I think he is smart...

Foreigners transnational crime is small.... so easy...

If he included crime from Thais....the swamp would be to big and impossible to clean...

Anyway .. it is better to do a little than to do nothing at all..

Edited by BEngBKK
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3 hours ago, jayboy said:

But the educated middle class of those places don't have to put up with hundreds of thousands of foreign ill mannered yobs and sex tourists ruining their countries' reputation.

But then they haven't created the environment which attracts hundreds of thousands of foreign ill mannered yobs and sex tourists, specifically because of the cash they bring with them.


Thailand very specifically has.

Edited by JAG
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If this military monitoring and combating crimes committed by foreigners is as effective as the campaigns against deck chairs, street traders, drink driving and so many other military driven initiatives of the junta...

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

Those mentioned in particular were tourists

Top 10 Nationalities to Visit Thailand during 2017

China – 9.92 Million

Malaysia – 3.30 Million

Korea – 1.71 Million

Laos – 1.61 Million

Japan – 1.57 Million

India – 1.41 Million

Russia – 1.34 Million

USA – 1.06 Million

Singapore – 1.01 Million

UK – 1.01 Million


Lower those nations to a maximum 1 million each. That should by itself significantly lower foreign transnational crime - if one believes that tourists present such a criminal threat.

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You have to be born in Thailand to be a Thai citizen, otherwise you can only

be a Thai immigrant with an ID card, and passport. My brother in law was born in

China and his parents came to Thailand when he was 4, he has been a Thai immigrant

all his life, and has never been given citizen status by any government or anyone

else in the country. He is now in his 70s.  Thailand.  Not like the USA, Europ, Canada, Australia, or NZ, or

many other countries.


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12 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


5. The wealthiest families, some of whom commit crime with impunity (think the headman of Sairee Beach on Dark Tao, and his serial murdering son. 


So I guess now I think that since the other voluble seeker of KT Truth & Justice has been, for prurient reasons, thrown into the clink himself, it's up to you to carry the torch.

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11 hours ago, connda said:

To the Thai government, we're all criminals simply biding our time and waiting for the appropriate moment to commit our crime.  It's not 'if' we are criminals, but 'when' will we eventually get caught in their minds.  So like Pattaya for example, let's ignore that perhaps 25% of the Thai population doesn't bother to drive with a license and instead concentrate all our efforts into catching evil foreigners. 

Well..they certainly suspect that a great many of us are committing "thought" crime on a daily basis in Shangri-La


This disturbs the kharmic oneness of the Thai people and their connection to the higher realms of a superior culture which is is universally acknowledged as being the "bestest"in the galaxy.



Edited by Odysseus123
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As the IT becomes more advanced in Thailand, it`s going to be easier for the police to keep tabs on us, especially now that the different police departments are starting to communicate and are databasing criminals with police agencies worldwide.


Problem is now with so many foreign crap arriving in Thailand, we all become suspects as being up to no good according to the police and it`s going to become tougher for the good guys.



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