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Downtown Chiang Mai swamped by flash floods


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2 hours ago, hugocnx said:

You trust those scientists? Influenced, indoctrinated, blackmailed and or payed by their Jezuit owned universities; NWO pastor Al Gore and the whole globalist elite wanting you to believe their nonsence?

Whoa dude ... the Jesuits? Or did you mean the Freemasons, or am I getting things all twisted up? Man, have a beer.

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12 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

Whoa dude ... the Jesuits? Or did you mean the Freemasons, or am I getting things all twisted up? Man, have a beer.

Yes, you are all twisted up. Maybe you heard the bell ring.

Please "dude", if you would kindly answer my question rather than avoiding it.

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7 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Comic books don't count. lol.

Try different scientific journals.  

There was a major report in June of last year that said the overwhelming majority (something like 90%) have totally debunked the Man Made Global Warming theories as "garbage". 


I don't read comic books .   I read Thaivisa when I want to be entertained by superheroes fighting it out.

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2 hours ago, hugocnx said:

Yes, you are all twisted up. Maybe you heard the bell ring.

Please "dude", if you would kindly answer my question rather than avoiding it.

There was nothing in your post that I could find to answer, or to avoid.

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10 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

You appear to be one of those who blame Man for the change in weather when, in reality, it's a natural thing.  There have been 5 major Ice Ages in Earth's history, and they all happened long before Man ever arrived.  It's a Natural thing.  


You have been listening to Donald Trump too much.


Seriously you are lacking understanding of climate change.  Do some research... ie, look at time periods of climate change... how long it took for the climate to change in those past events.

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12 hours ago, thevich2710 said:

After over 20 years in Thailand the weather is and has completely changed. Thank you HAARP and all other unnatural weather altering manipulating <deleted>-ries  US UK biggest contributors. 

But the climate is still the same.

Weather always changes and is always natural.



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19 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Comic books don't count. lol.

Try different scientific journals.  

There was a major report in June of last year that said the overwhelming majority (something like 90%) have totally debunked the Man Made Global Warming theories as "garbage". 


Reference please. This is clearly nonsense.

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15 hours ago, Justfine said:

For those without the time to go through this nonsense, fortunately some qualified people did. It did not go well for Mr. Bell.



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11 minutes ago, JCauto said:
19 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Comic books don't count. lol.

Try different scientific journals.  

There was a major report in June of last year that said the overwhelming majority (something like 90%) have totally debunked the Man Made Global Warming theories as "garbage". 


Reference please. This is clearly nonsense.

I think the "major report" of June 2017 cited by the OP is addressed here:




Apparently it appeared in, or was regurgitated at, Breitbart, not exactly a reliable source of information. It usually takes just nanoseconds to discredit the kinds of garbage disseminated (irresponsibly) by people such as the person who originally posted here, but people will believe what they choose to believe <sigh> ...





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11 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

I think the "major report" of June 2017 cited by the OP is addressed here:




Apparently it appeared in, or was regurgitated at, Breitbart, not exactly a reliable source of information. It usually takes just nanoseconds to discredit the kinds of garbage disseminated (irresponsibly) by people such as the person who originally posted here, but people will believe what they choose to believe <sigh> ...





Yes, this one has adopted the "blast them with links" approach, assuming that nobody will bother to read them (which is usually the case, especially when linking to completely specious material).

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Apparently there are still people around who are still clinging to the belief climate change and global warming are hoaxes.

Fact 1. Carbon dioxide levels have been rising inexorably since the advent of the industrial age.

Fact 2. No-one has ever been able to nullify the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Fact 3. The Antarctic Larsen Ice Shelf and Greenland glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates.

Fact 4. In the last ten years, Australia has had heat extremes in summer never previously experienced.


Every time we drive a vehicle, make toast or run an air-conditioner, we are pumping heat and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I am baffled by people who think this can be done without consequences.


Check out insurance companies. They are quietly assembling terms and conditions on property insurance which minimizes their risk of exposure to climate change. If you live on a seaboard, soon you will be paying through the nose for insurance.

Edited by Lacessit
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5 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Yes, this one has adopted the "blast them with links" approach, assuming that nobody will bother to read them (which is usually the case, especially when linking to completely specious material).

It's funny how people who are so suspicious of "biased journalism" at long-established newspapers and news channels -- which are imperfect but which at least make every effort to maintain journalistic integrity -- then turn around and put all their faith behind "Blogger Bob," some stranger no one's ever heard of ...

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

Volunteers were seen removing trash from storm drain grids that was impeding drainage.

Says it all. C M authorities are no where to be seen when it comes to preventative maintenance.

They don't even have road sweepers in some popular areas and pavements in many areas are collapsing, or blocked by old phone boxes that no longer work. Disgraceful, considering how much they must be making from tourism. 

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29 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Apparently there are still people around who are still clinging to the belief climate change and global warming are hoaxes.

Fact 1. Carbon dioxide levels have been rising inexorably since the advent of the industrial age.

Fact 2. No-one has ever been able to nullify the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Fact 3. The Antarctic Larsen Ice Shelf and Greenland glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates.

Fact 4. In the last ten years, Australia has had heat extremes in summer never previously experienced.


Every time we drive a vehicle, make toast or run an air-conditioner, we are pumping heat and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I am baffled by people who think this can be done without consequences.


Check out insurance companies. They are quietly assembling terms and conditions on property insurance which minimizes their risk of exposure to climate change. If you live on a seaboard, soon you will be paying through the nose for insurance.

Yes, the insurance companies changing rates and the revelations that Exxon and the other Big Oil companies had realised this was happening 25 years ago pretty much put the lies to rest. 

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The other aspect that seems to be ignored by the deniers is the human population is still growing, and that population has rising expectations of the quality of life they think is owed to them. The number of people who want to get into a car far outweighs those who are happy to go back to bicycles.

The Chinese are smart people. They are investing heavily in renewable energy generation, because they know their current coal-fired electricity generation system is unsustainable. Their cities are choking to death. However, we still have morons proclaiming coal is our future. Take a bow, Tony Abbott.

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22 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

There was nothing in your post that I could find to answer, or to avoid.

I noticed that mostly people on the left, call them liberals, progressives or libtards, are never bright enough to have a good answer to questions asked. Avoiding, babbeling, not having a clue and overall avoid getting into debate. Of course I am not talking about you as I would never say anything that I could not prove. You know, things like climate change, Russian collusion and many more things without prove I'd rather leave that to democrats, PC believers and agitators.

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7 minutes ago, hugocnx said:

I noticed that mostly people on the left, call them liberals, progressives or libtards, are never bright enough to have a good answer to questions asked. Avoiding, babbeling, not having a clue and overall avoid getting into debate. Of course I am not talking about you as I would never say anything that I could not prove. You know, things like climate change, Russian collusion and many more things without prove I'd rather leave that to democrats, PC believers and agitators.

Labels are very useful when one wants to argue ad hominem. The literacy of the post of hugocnx makes me wonder

who is babbling.

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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Labels are very useful when one wants to argue ad hominem. The literacy of the post of hugocnx makes me wonder

who is babbling.

Freedom of speech for you and for me. Agreed? And then just now you were labelling me? Ad hominem, are you elite? I know what it means now because you wanted me to go Google it up, right?

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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Says it all. C M authorities are no where to be seen when it comes to preventative maintenance.

There recently have been new rain water pipes installed to take away the rain water , along some of the roads

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10 hours ago, hugocnx said:

Freedom of speech for you and for me. Agreed? And then just now you were labelling me? Ad hominem, are you elite? I know what it means now because you wanted me to go Google it up, right?

I was pointing out the literacy of your post. That's not labelling, just an observation. If you want to argue a particular point of view, it needs to be done coherently to have credibility.

Argument ad hominem, i.e. by calling people libtards is just one of the forms of dishonest argument explained by R.H.Thouless in his book "Straight and Crooked Thinking". I don't consider myself elite just because I've read a book.

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11 hours ago, hugocnx said:

I noticed that mostly people on the left, call them liberals, progressives or libtards, are never bright enough to have a good answer to questions asked. Avoiding, babbeling, not having a clue and overall avoid getting into debate. Of course I am not talking about you as I would never say anything that I could not prove. You know, things like climate change, Russian collusion and many more things without prove I'd rather leave that to democrats, PC believers and agitators.

Your post didn't ask any questions. In fact, beyond a few scattershot references to "Jezuit"-owned universities and the so-called New World Order, your post said nothing at all. You can go on about those non-things if you wish, but please excuse me if I change the channel. There's a rather colorful American expression that applies here, having to do with urinating outdoors in blustery conditions ...

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's amazing to me that a problem caused by lack of maintenance or not providing sufficient drainage has been infiltrated by the climate change mob. It rains every year in C M, and the city administrators never prepare for it. That's the problem, not the average temperature.


BTW, though I ask on every climate change thread for ideas as what to do about it, the pro CC mob never have any realistic suggestions. Seems that they think if they just talk about it enough, and have enough conferences the problem will fix itself.


Certainly it would be spurious to attribute this particular incident to climate change, and no doubt the wonderful Thai attitudes to maintenance would contribute if not be the primary cause of the flooding problem.


The discussion with respect to climate change started when one poster made an observation about how weather had changed significantly in his 20 years in Thailand, and then indeed blamed anthropomorphic causes for the changes. The evidence that the climate has significantly changed in the last 20 years is clear, abundant and conclusive. To expect there to be no effects of this on Thailand would be absurd. So discussing climate change in the context of this event, despite its not being the primary cause, is relevant.


As to your question with regard to ideas about what to do about it, there are a number of ongoing efforts. One, indeed, is awareness-raising, and it, indeed, has had a major impact on people both becoming aware of the issue and changing their practices to reduce their carbon footprints. This is spurring a market in alternative carbon-neutral energy and other eco-friendly products. This has had such an impact that coal is no longer viable economically while the cost of solar and wind continues to plummet as investment in clean technology spurs improved efficiency - note that this is happening without coal being penalized for their carbon costs. Countries are progressively implementing carbon taxes, both as a way to generate revenue to support the shift of the economy away from fossil fuels and to move towards an economy where all costs are accounted for so that people can't extract benefits without leaving problems for others. Does that answer your question?

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On 5/25/2018 at 10:07 AM, Cory1848 said:

It's funny how people who are so suspicious of "biased journalism" at long-established newspapers and news channels -- which are imperfect but which at least make every effort to maintain journalistic integrity -- then turn around and put all their faith behind "Blogger Bob," some stranger no one's ever heard of ...

When all of these long established newspapers and and channel are all owned by the same small group of people, why wouldn't you want to get your news from outside sources. At least as a control to being managed and manipulated. If Bob the blogger can prove his point, why shouldn't he have a platform to speak? Is truth less true when it comes from an independent source? 

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