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Foreign prisoners to be transferred home

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12 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


There might be a couple of countries on that list where the home prisons are actually worse than the Thai ones, perhaps Cambodia and Nigeria.  For the others, I'd assume it would be a considerable improvement.


Saudi as well

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45 minutes ago, 1337markus said:

Simple cure. Educate tourists or expats  not to bring any alcohol into or out of the country watch them cry no scam to act on. Bit like the stupid standoff on large bottles of wine or boxed wine, supplies have all dried up because of customs and tax. Yet they still keep the same number of pretties in the booze department doing even less work, lol they hide behind displays sitting on the ground either FB or Line, Thailand's only current work.

I think you posted in the wrong thread. The thread about the tourists that got fined for bringing alcohol into Thailand is here: https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1039843-excise-official-offers-to-make-amends-to-tourists-hit-with-liquor-fine/?utm_source=newsletter-20180526-0735&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news

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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

The girls in the photo are inmates?

Maybe jail isnt such a bad place after all. 


1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Jails are segregated between the sexes 

Also, note that the pic in the article is a "file photo" and probably isn't a pic of the actual prisoners being transferred. In fact, looking at it, I'd say that was probably a pic of one of the "Uzbek Hooker" roundups that they used to do 3-4 times a year in Pattaya.

As sanemax noted, the jails are of course segregated. I did noted that the prison for female "drug addicts" just north of Bangkok (the Thanya Buri Women Correctional Institution for Drug Addicted Prisoners) is located right beside the prison for male "drug addicts" (the Pathum Thani Correctional Institute for Drug Addicts). (Well, there's a gap of maybe 50 meters between the two.) 
(Apparently pretty much everyone convicted of a crime involving drugs is sent there, regardless if they use or not. Not sure why the facilities are named "Drug Addicted". Maybe dates back to a time when most of the prisoners were in fact drug addicts.)

I joked with a friend about all the "fun" stuff that must go on in there and she was adamant that nothing happened, ever. Apparently, prisoners having sex (with anyone) could result in additional years being added to their sentences.

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I am surprised that foreign prisoners want to get transferred back to their European home country jails. Even more surprising though is that 17 Thais wanted to serve the remaining jail sentence in Thailand. Bangkok Hilton springs to mind ! 

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13 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


There might be a couple of countries on that list where the home prisons are actually worse than the Thai ones, perhaps Cambodia and Nigeria.  For the others, I'd assume it would be a considerable improvement.


dont forget laos is a shocker

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15 hours ago, lungbing said:

When the UK tries to deport its foreign criminals the countries of origin refuse to accept them.

Not always the case, foreign prisoners who have served their sentence, or indeed still serving, are regularly repatriated as are visa overstayers, failed asylum seekers and illegal immigrants.
The hardest part of the exercise is getting travel documents, but it does happen.

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14 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


There might be a couple of countries on that list where the home prisons are actually worse than the Thai ones, perhaps Cambodia and Nigeria.  For the others, I'd assume it would be a considerable improvement.


Maybe that's why only 17 Thai prisoners chose to be transferred home. For all those incarcerated in Europe, US, Australia and other developed countries they prefer to stay where they are, and probably never apply for parole either!

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12 hours ago, JAG said:

Actually, I seem to remember reading somewhere that the Japanese prison system has a particularly unpleasant regime - especially if you're a foreigner.

They probably make inmates sing karaoke with a boss and drink bad sake 23 hours a day. Sorry, no office time and no salary.

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16 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

This also helped reduce Thai prison crowding.

!,082 prisoners transferred since 1990. 1082 / 27 = 40.07 each year.


Less than one prisoner a week. That clearly has a dramatic impact on Thai prison overcrowding. Or does it?

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13 hours ago, JAG said:

Actually, I seem to remember reading somewhere that the Japanese prison system has a particularly unpleasant regime - especially if you're a foreigner.

Yes they make you work building railways . Sorry that was a bit orf.

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13 hours ago, JAG said:

Actually, I seem to remember reading somewhere that the Japanese prison system has a particularly unpleasant regime - especially if you're a foreigner.

The Japanese prison system is unpleasant for reasons dealing with harsh regimentation. Prisoners are well-fed and able to keep very clean, but a rigid protocol is observed. I would much rather be incarcerated in Japan.

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17 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

Good news for the prisoners and their families. I can't imagine how they must feel to depart the land of smiles.

As "Baretta" quoted " If you can't do the time ,don't do the crime.

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15 hours ago, sanemax said:

No they do not . The UK are building jails in Nigeria for UK Nigerien prisoners

Thats quite a ingenious idea, then whilst the guards are sipping their 3pm tea somebody accidently leaves the gate open. The escapees are then back in their country of origin minus their passports.

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2 hours ago, Kerryd said:

I also wrote a nasty letter to the newspaper that published the article and noted their extremely lame attempt to portray Karas in a sympathetic light...

...Hopefully that [Thai] committee also agrees that 5 years is not enough time for the crimes Karas committed. I'm hoping they'll also be aware that Canada has a reputation for releasing prisoners as soon as feasibly possible once they're back in Canada, even convicted terrorists. 


Interesting story Kerryd.  I just Googled it for an update and I think I found the original (obviously sickeningly biased) news article you mentioned.  http://torontosun.com/2016/10/23/murderer-seeks-prison-transfer-from-thailand-to-canada/wcm/9833f4c4-2212-4a5a-8a9c-01bf7f4d6f9e


According to the article, his fit of rage was because his Thai gf found out he had just taken one of Pattaya's 'finest' to their hotel for a little boom-boom while she was out.  The gf was furious and threatened to go to the Thai police and reveal that Karas had a fake passport.  That's when he admitted he then "snapped her neck".


OUCH, seems like the schmuck hasn't been very smart in any of his life decisions, especially thinking he could get away with doing a secret short-time with a prostitute—in Pattaya, no less—at the very same hotel he and his gf had been staying for a few months by then.  I've stayed at that same hotel, The Bay Breeze, many times and it's a nice hotel.  The problem is you simply can't sneak a babe past the hotel staff in that lobby so I'm betting it was a nosy employee who spilled the beans to his gf.  Oh well... T.I.T.


Yeah, hopefully the murderer will serve his remaining time in a Thai prison.




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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why take pity on criminals?

I'd rather criminals don't enjoy their time, and don't use it either to be used as "girlfriends" as apparently happens in US prisons, or to learn how to be better criminals, as apparently happens in western prisons.

Being convicted of a crime doesn't necessarily make one a criminal. People who do terrible but legal things doesn't mean that they are innocent.

For instance, a man and his wife live in a country where wife beating is legal. That man assaults is wife whenever he deems necessary. In his culture he is not a criminal.

In another country christianity is banned. There a person has friends gather together on Sundays. He is discovered, tried, found guilty and sentenced to prison. Is he a criminal?

In America, a family has a child with a terrible medical condition. The only thing that can help the child comes from cannabis. The mother, arrested while in possession of marijuana, is tried, found guilty and sentenced to prison.

Is she a criminal not worthy of pity or mercy?

Edited by smx1313
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