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Long (permanent) Stay With My Family...

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We are a swiss familly (three kids 6, 8, and 10 years old) and we are considering moving in 2005 to Thailand together with my wife's bother family - my sister-in-law is Thai and has spent much of her life in Thailand (Chiang Mai region). We have regular estate incomes from Switzerland ( about 1'500'000 to 2'000'000 baht each year).

Having looked at different ressources concerning visas, I should say that I have some difficulties finding what could be applicable to our situation.

Our objective would be to move to Chiang Mai region and stay there permanently.

Some answers that we are looking for are :

1) Understanding that obtaining a resident status may not be necessarly easy and would eventually occur after several years, is there any probabilities that a visa renewal could not be accepted? What king of visas could we obtain?

2) On a long-term basis, and in case we would not be able to obtain the resident status, what will be the status of our childrens?

Any experiences, advices, comments or feedback would be appreciated



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You are three years below the normal retirement visa age cutoff but that would probably be your best bet. Immigration has indicated some flexibility on age if other factors favor it so I would discuss it with them prior to any final decision. That visa class requires deposit of 800k in a Thai bank and/or yearly income of that amount and you seem to qualify fine. I would talk with Chiang Mai immigration on a visit and stress the family connection, show them proof of funds available etc.

Residence is not automatic and requires application and approvals after at least three years on an extension of stay and is subject to policy changes.

Another thing is education/medical/welfare as you will not have these provided. Education for your children will probably run close to 1,000,000 baht per year if they attend a good school and your location will be controlled by that as there are not that many outside Chiang Mai city area.

I would take a long and hard look at what you are planning before making any commitment. After children are grown it would make more sense to me. At this time the deck is stacked against you I fear.

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This is not a good place for teenagers. They can easily run amuck, do anything and get into anything they want. The previous reply about education for them is quite correct. A good international school is very expensive.

You might try some trial run during a school holiday period.

Good luck :o

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While immigration does want to know what income your have to support yourself, the easiest way to get financial approval is to have the 800k in a Thai bank and the income, but in that scenario, proof of the income is not required.

If you try to get an "early" retirment visa, don't count on the income as qualifying as it is difficult to get approval of income for anyone, even those who qualify in all other respects.

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Thanks for your replies.

We are basically considering 2 different approaches :

1) Going to Thailand as soon as possible : given the age of our childrens, this would allow to have or finish their education there, therefore having more chances to be integrated in this new country... Difficulties : costs of education, 2 new languages to learn for them (they will have to learn english and thai). Concerning their integration, the question is what kind of visa status will they have at the age of their majority? Is it worth doing that if they will need to find their ways in the visa jungle at this time?

2) Going to Thailand when their education is finished, our children having the choice to come with us or to stay in Switzerland. This would be certainly the best choice, but we would have to wait many years before moving...

Difficult choice.....


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