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Hua Hin taxi wars: Angry taxi driver makes online threats against all Grab drivers, woman assaulted

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7 minutes ago, AccidentalTourist said:

Grab, Uber you will find all over the world; there is hardly a issue with this in Europe; which of course are mostly civilized countries... which makes the difference

Wrong. Try to Google "Uber war Paris".

Everywhere that Uber comes the established taxi lobby fights them in every way possible. Including throwing rocks at Uber vehicles etc.

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24 minutes ago, AccidentalTourist said:

Grab, Uber you will find all over the world; there is hardly a issue with this in Europe; which of course are mostly civilized countries... which makes the difference

Uber has had their license taken away in London. 

I do have some sympathy for the black cab driver - the ‘Knowledge’ takes many years - but they are stunningly expensive and to be honest with google maps - do you really have to spend years driving around on a moped memorising every street in London. 

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Good gravy, there are so many ridiculous statements in that story that one doesn't stand out as being exceptional. Taxi drivers the world over have had a monopoly for decades and here comes the competition, instantly doing more, doing it better, doing it more efficiently and effectively and the taxi drivers are upset.


Too freaking bad. Too many of you have been treating customers with rudeness, disdain and at times criminally for far too long. Taxi drivers in Thailand are infamous for all of the above.


Remember the video of a taxi driver speeding and the customer telling him to slow down and the driver said, "Are you dead yet?"


Bring on the competition.

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1 hour ago, Bobobirdiebuddy said:

  And it is shameful that the Hua Hin police  not to show more courage in dealing with these violent taxi drivers. 

That's because since the first of the month they have been shaking down falangs. I was actually chased down last week by the HH police (which I've never seen). He pulled me over and took my IDP and made me follow him back to the air conditioned police hut where he showed me a xerox copy in English of violations and fines. He asked for 1000 baht. I only had 600 which he gladly accepted. No ticket, no receipt.

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Local taxi drivers in Hua Hin are angry at the sudden loss of income since the launch of Grab.

Not even under total monopoly would I want to ride with this guy who thinks beating a woman is the way to win a discussion.

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1 hour ago, hobz said:

The "real" taxis are not insured either it seems. Based on the relatively recent news about British tourist who was hospitalized after an accident with a supposed "real" taxi and had to beg for money online to cover hospital expenses.


If they want to keep make a living all they have to do is join grab. Their experience should allow them to become top grab drivers quickly if they just follow the rules.

Hell, many of them seems to have done it already in Chiang Mai.


As for long term future. Self driven cars will sooner or later take over. But before then I'm not sure if grab is making losses just like Uber did and how long they can keep it up. Maybe they need to raise prices to a level where the taxi mafia can compete again. Who knows?

It never became clear if that was a legal taxi or not. And knowing the area and destination, I doubt it was a legal taxi.

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

A taxi driver assaulted a female hotel employee just hours after posting online threats against all Grab taxi drivers working in Hua Hin.

Can we not do the typical 500baht fine and instead jail this psycho (and anyone that supports him) for at least a year


These taxi wars cannot continue, it will have a direct impact on customers and therefore tourists, a strong message needs to be sent to these thugs making sure they understand that this behavior will not be tolerated, they either get with the program or go find something else to do 

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3 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

another town in the LOS that has a problem with taxi or motorbike mafia

..perhaps the Taxi Control Board will transfer the offending driver to an 'inactive' position.

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I first used Grab in Penang and loved the service.  Tried it in BKK and while not as good it was still better than the robber taxis. Rarely use cabs in HH but I find the local guys pretty good although getting home can be a challenge because they all want to up the price. 


Last week however a group of six headed to the jazz festival and the taxi (not Grab) that took us, was happy for a call to come pick us up. Same price (200 baht)  both ways which was nice.


Maybe some are learning. 



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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

If taxis and motor bike taxis didn't have such an appalling reputation for bad manners and overcharging, I might have some sympathy.

Good point…:)


But what may be a real concern if it will end for Grab as for Uber then the question is who are actually running this country...??.....:coffee1:

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4 minutes ago, Somchai Logic said:

Even the street representatives of the local mafia (the BiB) are telling everyone to not use the competition. We will NOT protect you. This country and its indigenous are an absolute disgrace. From Top to Bottom :coffee1:

It is something both "Power" and "Powerful" linked to the word "TAXI" - its very similar to both "Taxes" and "Taxin"....:shock1:

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If the taxi owners had any brains (only met a few) they would offer the same service & put Grab out of business. They could have a look at many models that work in many places like

Jakarta's Bluebird. Phone or app to contact & book,  uniformed, clean  courteous drivers, no overcharging, always metered,,,,,,,,, maybe too much to expect from a bunch  of bandits here

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Hua Hin taxis are a Mafia of its own. Why is a ride with a simple Tuk Tuk three times more expensive than a ride with a decent airconditioned Bangkok taxi. And the best: Once it starts raining the taxi prices raise by 200%. It is time competition comes!

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We have been allowed by a succession of incredibly weak, and toothless administrations, including the current one, to get away with charging whatever we want to charge, without regard to the laws. Now, the conditions that we have created have encouraged fair competition, in the form of these new alternative taxi services. We do not like that at all. The government needs to protect us, as they have up to now. We do not want competition. It will lead to lower rates. Lower rates are bad! We want more money. This is bad. We will misbehave! Nobody will punish us, especially not the weak army! 

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