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Britain's May refuses to relax Northern Ireland abortion rules


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2 hours ago, BobBKK said:


I don't disagree but they are a fundamentalist bunch and won't budge on this or the gay issue. They really think, as fundamentalists do, that God is on their side and Jesus speaks to them and the Bible say's this or that. Religion and politics should never mix.


True. Which is why the political system infused with religion known as Islam is so dangerous.


But many political parties in the Western democracies are linked to religious groups and/or doctrine. Interestingly, it's only the Northern Irish parties in the UK that are. Not so in England, Wales and Scotland.

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Really a hot potato...


Should be a issue for the N.I. Assembly to debate and amend the law or call a referendum, but looks like it will be a long time before that will be possible.


The other option is Westminster, May has said no, but she could not stop any MP of any party tabling a "Private Members Bill" for a referendum in NI, and all parties (except the DUP) would probably allow a free vote on such an issue.


Funny how the leader of the DUP is against and the leader of Sinn Fain is for.

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


You have little understanding of the divide between republicans and unionists.


Thanks for telling me. For the four years I lived in Aldergrove during the height of the troubles, I could have sworn my time was spent trying to get the two sides together.

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This is nothing to do with Westminster or PM May. The Northern Irish Government has been given all these devolved powers so they can sort out their own issues and if there is enough support for a referendum on something...then so be it, up to them, call it. Another non-issue and if they have no NI Assembly working at the moment it's because the children can't work it out and be reasonable, but that doesn't mean Westminster should wade in and be heavy handed with calling the shots...that'll go down like a lead balloon. Same as some other areas always bleating it's the nasty old Westminster's fault while they ham-it-up to their brainwashed supporters...failing to realise that actually, Westminster, has little (if any) appetite to be involved in any of this stuff in the devolved areas and has way more important things to sort.

Edited by Sir Dude
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25 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

and if they have no NI Assembly working at the moment it's because the children can't work it out and be reasonable,

Exactly why Westminster should step in, NI can not wait for them to grow up, even if it is a referendum just to ask "Would you like the Westminster Parliament to amend the laws of NI in line with England, Scotland & Wales on abortion?"


Amnesty International is challenging the UK government in the Supreme Court later this year on this issue...


The UK Supreme Court is hearing a challenge to Northern Ireland’s abortion law in a three day session that will last until Thursday 26 October.

The court will decide whether the law violates women’s human rights by not allowing abortions in cases of sexual crime (rape and incest) and where the foetus would not survive birth due to a fatal abnormality.

Amnesty has intervened in the case and has given evidence that the ban violates women's human rights.

We told the court that it violates women's rights to be free from "inhuman and degrading treatment" under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Assuming nothing has been done by October it will be interesting to see how the Supreme Court can not find in favor of A.I. and what action would the UK Government then take?

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10 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

If TM has any sense, she will stay well clear of this particular issue - I cannot see any outcome that, were she involved, she would not suffer consequences.

May has to keep the DUP happy.  Always was the danger but she was desperate and now she has her hands tied.  Stupid woman who really shouldn't be in charge of the government.

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