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Israeli army kills Palestinian nurse in Gaza border protest - medics


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8 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Your post shows a complete callous  dehumanizing of the Palestinian victims with a total lack of empathy for people's suffering. It also demonstrates how Israeli apologists think, and why Israel is losing friends and any sympathy it ever had in the world.


About the same "complete callous dehumanizing" you dabble in when Palestinian attacks result in Israeli civilians getting killed. And, of course, that's exactly what you're doing right now as well - milking a death for scoring imaginary propaganda points.


As for your routine "apologists" cries - coming from someone adamantly refusing to even acknowledge any wrongdoing on the Palestinians' part, that's quite rich. 


And while you may fantasize, Israel is neither widely shunned nor harshly sanctioned (if that). The Hamas on the other hand, is. Hard for you to accept, perhaps, but such is life.


Noticing you still avoid addressing anything that's not in line with your extreme narrative.

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29 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Your post shows a complete callous  dehumanizing of the Palestinian victims with a total lack of empathy for people's suffering. It also demonstrates how Israeli apologists think, and why Israel is losing friends and any sympathy it ever had in the world.

I am not dehumanizing the Gaza arabs because they accomplished this themselves decades ago when they  crossed into Israel and murdered non combatant Israelis, particularly children in their homes. They also accomplished it by sending mentally deficient teenagers and  children rigged with suicide bombs  to Israeli border crossings. They have no respect for human life so why worry about it?

I have no empathy because they are the  cause of their own suffering. Israel hasn't lost any friends because the people condemning Israel now were never its friends. It's the same group of Israeli haters, just like you. No matter what Israel does,  they will always hate it and want it juden frei.  Israel pulled back from Gaza and was given a promise of peace. As soon as Israel left, the arabs started the terror attacks and missile launches.The Gaza arab leadership does not want peace. It wants death and destruction. They are getting exactly what they want. It is a cult of death and terror.


I am not as restrained as the  IDF and if it was up to me, I would employ  Arab tactics. The same tactics that are used in the arab world when they deal with these disturbances. I'd have deployed a few minimis in the trouble spots and given the assailants a shower of full metal jackets. If the Saudis, Algerians, Moroccans, Libyans, Tunisians,Iraqis, Syrians, Russians, Afghanis and Iranians can  do this and wipe out a few thousand people every year with no recriminations, why should Israel worry about a few  hundred violent combatants? They want martyrdom, so give it to them.

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2 hours ago, Morch said:


About the same "complete callous dehumanizing" you dabble in when Palestinian attacks result in Israeli civilians getting killed. And, of course, that's exactly what you're doing right now as well - milking a death for scoring imaginary propaganda points.


As for your routine "apologists" cries - coming from someone adamantly refusing to even acknowledge any wrongdoing on the Palestinians' part, that's quite rich. 


And while you may fantasize, Israel is neither widely shunned nor harshly sanctioned (if that). The Hamas on the other hand, is. Hard for you to accept, perhaps, but such is life.


Noticing you still avoid addressing anything that's not in line with your extreme narrative.

>>About the same "complete callous dehumanizing" you dabble in when Palestinian attacks result in Israeli civilians getting killed.
Not true. Put up or shut up. I have always expressed sorrow and sympathy for the loved ones of those unnecessarily killed in the conflict (Jews, Christians and Muslims), if I have been aware of their deaths. Unlike you who callously discusses the efficacy of killing a few with live rounds as a useful crowd control method.


I am not obliged to do Zionist apologists' dirty work for them. And I have also learnt that give Zionist apologists an inch and they will take a mile.


Whatever bizarro world you live in, Israel does not win friends by murdering unarmed 21 year female medics who was simply helping someone injured and was no threat to the IDF pyschopath who singled her out for execution.

Edited by dexterm
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10 minutes ago, dexterm said:

>>About the same "complete callous dehumanizing" you dabble in when Palestinian attacks result in Israeli civilians getting killed.
Not true. Put up or shut up. I have always expressed sorrow and sympathy for the loved ones of those unnecessarily killed in the conflict (Jews, Christians and Muslims), if I have been aware of their deaths. Unlike you who callously discusses the efficacy of killing a few with live rounds as a useful crowd control method.


I am not obliged to do Zionist apologists' dirty work for them. And I have also learnt that give Zionist apologists an inch and they will take a mile.


Whatever bizarro world you live in, Israel does not win friends by murdering unarmed 21 year female medics who was simply helping someone injured and was no threat to the IDF pyschopath who singled her out for execution.


Pfft. Twist my words again, why not. It's all you got on offer anyway.


'US teen' among five dead in West Bank and Tel Aviv attacks



Notice how in this case, the victim was "aiding the occupation", and "knew exactly what he was doing". What fake sympathy you express is irrelevant. The point made was that you "dehumanize" victims on the other side, then harangue others for doing the same. Further down the same topic you try to justify the murder of two elderly Jews stabbed by a Palestinian, coming up with some bogus excuses about his state of mind and circumstances.


Posters are not obligated to emulate your faux emotional outbursts. That you can't seem to address topics without resorting to such antics is regrettable.


Your "dirty work" nonsense "argument" is worn thin. There's a difference between supporting a side, and being unable or unwilling to acknowledge even obvious negatives. Once more, the use of "apologists" while holding such an extreme position is obviously flawed.


I haven't said anything about Israel winning friends. That's your own twisting way of spinning things. I pointed out that Israel is neither shunned nor sanctioned, whereas the Hamas is. These are facts, a concept which you may want to familiarize yourself with, someday. For example, repeating your imaginary version of events, is not a fact.


Noticeably, still no word as to how the Hamas leadership can be totally absolved of responsibility, and not be held accountable.

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13 minutes ago, Morch said:


Pfft. Twist my words again, why not. It's all you got on offer anyway.


'US teen' among five dead in West Bank and Tel Aviv attacks



Notice how in this case, the victim was "aiding the occupation", and "knew exactly what he was doing". What fake sympathy you express is irrelevant. The point made was that you "dehumanize" victims on the other side, then harangue others for doing the same. Further down the same topic you try to justify the murder of two elderly Jews stabbed by a Palestinian, coming up with some bogus excuses about his state of mind and circumstances.


Posters are not obligated to emulate your faux emotional outbursts. That you can't seem to address topics without resorting to such antics is regrettable.


Your "dirty work" nonsense "argument" is worn thin. There's a difference between supporting a side, and being unable or unwilling to acknowledge even obvious negatives. Once more, the use of "apologists" while holding such an extreme position is obviously flawed.


I haven't said anything about Israel winning friends. That's your own twisting way of spinning things. I pointed out that Israel is neither shunned nor sanctioned, whereas the Hamas is. These are facts, a concept which you may want to familiarize yourself with, someday. For example, repeating your imaginary version of events, is not a fact.


Noticeably, still no word as to how the Hamas leadership can be totally absolved of responsibility, and not be held accountable.

So you have been caught out in a falsehood again. It turns out I did express sympathy for the young American and two elderly Jews killed, but you are able to read my mind and say it was fake sympathy. What can I do? Up2u.



Edited by dexterm
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13 minutes ago, dexterm said:

So you have been caught out in a falsehood again. It turns out I did express sympathy for the young American and two elderly Jews killed, but you are able to read my mind and say it was fake sympathy. What can I do? Up2u.




No, there is no "falsehood", other if one accepts your spin.


You may wish to make this about the expression of faux emotions. Or to disregard other words and views you expressed. Doesn't change facts. The point made, though, was that you are perfectly willing to "dehumanize" victims, blame them, hold them responsible and whatnot - so long as they belong to the other side. Apparently, coming up with justifications and excuses for such is not apologetic, when perpetrators are Palestinians.

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I read an interesting article in an Israeli magazine commentary about the young female medic Razan al-Najjar's killing . It struck me how similar was the experience of posting on TVF.


In memory of Razan al-Najjar
"The 21-year-old paramedic was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers while trying to aid wounded protesters near the Gaza-Israel separation fence. Many Israelis either refuse to believe she was actually killed or claim that her killing was somehow justified.

Taken together, the responses reflected the depressing fact that for most of the Israeli public, Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers are guilty by default."



Well worth a read.

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Guess you'll just keep denying that you exhibit the same behavior, and ignore the fact that an example was linked above.


Given that your declared position is to disregard anything reflecting negatively on the Palestinian side, it's pathetically disingenuous to link a dubious opinion column, which relates a failure to meaningfully discuss things between people holding different points of view. About as hypocritical as it gets.


And its a nonsense piece anyway. No particular reason to accept this self-serving column at face value or as being an accurate representation. Making generalized assertions on the force of a some online interactions (whether real or not), is not particularly convincing. Right up your alley, of course, as it doesn't deal with facts, but makes a bogus emotional plea based on nothing much. Wonder if one of them "besmirch" variety replies will materialize. 


People like you, holding one-sided extreme views, aren't bothered by such petty things as facts. Not when these come in the way of a good bash or scoring some imaginary points in the name of supposed justice:



A demonstrably false claim started spreading on social media sites around the world on Friday night, accusing a long-since-released IDF soldier, Rebecca, of being the sniper who shot dead a Palestinian medic during violent clashes along the Gaza border earlier that day.


Amid widespread Palestinian and international anger over the killing of Razan Najjar, a 21-year-old volunteer paramedic, during a riot along the security fence, the baseless accusation about Rebecca spread rapidly on social media, prompting threats against the former servicewoman, her friends, and family members.

http://IDF vet gets death threats after she’s falsely accused of killing Gaza medic




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Once again, the same raging contention. It is true that the Palestinians have terrible leadership. And there are those who seem so fair-minded by conceding that both sides are at fault in this or that dispute. The fact is that Israel has imposed an economic straitjacket on the Palestinians that alone would make a violent resistance a near certainty. Coupled with all the other actions taken by the Israeli government it becomes inevitable.

Here are a few choice words from some other parties who found a much milder form of economic imposition to be unsupportable and worthy of being met with violence:

"...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Edited by bristolboy
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The Deceleration of Independence quote would indeed apply for the Gazans and the Hamas rule. Or, for that matter, the Palestinians and the PA. Not much signs either is about to happen. And doesn't seem like the two Palestinian leaderships' way of doing things goes anywhere or that it benefits their people. While it's all very well spinning things as Israel being solely responsible, the Palestinians can certainly be held accountable as well, for choices made - either by their leaderships, or their own - by accepting such failed leaderships.

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40 minutes ago, Morch said:




The Deceleration of Independence quote would indeed apply for the Gazans and the Hamas rule. Or, for that matter, the Palestinians and the PA. Not much signs either is about to happen. And doesn't seem like the two Palestinian leaderships' way of doing things goes anywhere or that it benefits their people. While it's all very well spinning things as Israel being solely responsible, the Palestinians can certainly be held accountable as well, for choices made - either by their leaderships, or their own - by accepting such failed leaderships.

Seems to me the main criticism of the Palestinian leadership is that when they had the chance, they wouldn't settle for half a loaf. Who knows, maybe if King George had offered to cut taxes by 50%, the colonists would have settled for it. Doesn't seem quite consonant, though, with the principles laid down in the document.

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8 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Seems to me the main criticism of the Palestinian leadership is that when they had the chance, they wouldn't settle for half a loaf. Who knows, maybe if King George had offered to cut taxes by 50%, the colonists would have settled for it. Doesn't seem quite consonant, though, with the principles laid down in the document.


Seems to me that you try to spin things this way. Doesn't make it stick, though. In the context of this topic, for example, the criticism isn't less to do with accepting a compromise - but more strongly relates to their responsibility regarding their people's safety and best interests.

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