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Israel strikes Hamas sites in Gaza after militants fire rockets


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Israel strikes Hamas sites in Gaza after militants fire rockets


JERUSALEM/GAZA (Reuters) - Gaza militants fired rockets at Israel on Saturday drawing retaliatory Israeli air strikes on Hamas sites, the Israeli military said, a few days after the area's most intense fighting in years.


At least four projectiles were fired from Gaza at Israel, the military said in a statement, adding that three were intercepted and one fell short.


Rocket alerts sounded in Israeli towns and villages near the border after dark, sending residents rushing to shelters. None of Gaza's militant groups claimed responsibility for the rocket fire.


Residents in Gaza said Israeli aircraft struck at least three sites belonging to Hamas, the Islamist group which controls the enclave.


The Israeli military confirmed in a statement it had carried out the air strikes, adding that "the Hamas terror organization is solely responsible for all events that transpire in the Gaza Strip and emanate from it."


There were no immediate reports of casualties in any of the incidents.


Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza reached a de facto ceasefire this week after the most intense flare-up of hostilities since a 2014 war, both sides signalling they did not want a wider escalation.


Militants from Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired dozens of rockets and mortar bombs at southern Israel throughout Tuesday and overnight into Wednesday, to which Israel responded with tank fire and air strikes on more than 50 targets in the small, coastal enclave.


Violence along the Israel-Gaza frontier has surged in recent weeks. At least 120 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli troops during mass demonstrations along the Gaza border that began on March 30.


Israel, which has drawn international condemnation for its use of deadly force, says many of those killed were Hamas members and militants trying to launch attacks under cover of the protests.


The Palestinians say most of the dead and the thousands wounded were unarmed civilians against whom Israel was using excessive force.


More than two million Palestinians are packed into the narrow coastal enclave. Israel withdrew its troops and settlers from Gaza in 2005, but maintains tight control of its land and sea borders, citing security concerns.


Egypt also restricts movement in and out of Gaza on its border.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-06-03
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And again and again ... it's a vicious circle with no end in sight . But it is " David against Goliath " and the palestinians pay the much higher price because they do not have the means to retaliate proportionally ... ( I sometimes wish they had ...)

Edited by nobodysfriend
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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

Yep ,Fine, absolutely no problem with that

No comment ... anyway , before my posts are deleted by the mods , or somebody calls me " stupid and not having a clue " same yesterday on another threat ... I better stop .

I love peace , but if there is no hope for peace , I want justice .

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Go and get yourself a cape, wear your underpants on the outside and go and seek justice for the world


What exactly is your problem ? Did you fall off your tree ? Better go and see a doctor ,( or a Vet ) , it's urgent ...:cheesy:

Edited by nobodysfriend
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3 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

And Palestine is not a country ... so they do not have that right ... ok . got it ...


Do tell. Is your imaginary Palestine ruled by the Hamas or by the PA?

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Just now, Morch said:



Mostly what you seem to want is casualties on the Israeli side, so that things will be "balanced". I find that somewhat odd for someone advocating peace, but eh...

Wrong - I do not want to go  down on that level - I want nobody dead , but justice ...

You are supposing again , when will you realize that your ' point of view ' is not the only one ... and do not waste my time with your always same rhetoric , it does not lead to anything constructive

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Here's a timeline of related events:


Islamic Jihad tried one of the IED thing. It didn't work out, Israel retaliated, killing 3 of their men. The Islamic Jihad vowed revenge, and initiated mortar attacks on Israel. Hamas soon followed suit. Israel retaliated in force, and Egypt mediated a ceasefire. The OP is what the next episode.  All in a span of a few days.


IDF shells Islamic Jihad post, killing 3, after attempted IED attack



Islamic Jihad vows revenge after 3 terror group members said killed by IDF



Gaza militants launch barrages across border, Israel hits back with air strikes





Edited by Morch
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5 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

Wrong - I do not want to go  down on that level - I want nobody dead , but justice ...

You are supposing again , when will you realize that your ' point of view ' is not the only one ... and do not waste my time with your always same rhetoric , it does not lead to anything constructive


I'm not "supposing" anything. What you posted is pretty clear. Wishing that the Hamas would have the means to "retaliate proportionately" is rather obvious.

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17 minutes ago, Morch said:


I'm not "supposing" anything. What you posted is pretty clear. Wishing that the Hamas would have the means to "retaliate proportionately" is rather obvious.

Learn to read ... what I said is ; "the palestinians pay the much higher price because they do not have the means to retaliate proportionally ... ( I sometimes wish they had ...)

' Sometimes ' means when something like the  "dead nurse"  yesterday happens .

That is different from what you "presume " .

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11 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

Learn to read ... what I said is ; "the palestinians pay the much higher price because they do not have the means to retaliate proportionally ... ( I sometimes wish they had ...)

' Sometimes ' means when something like the  "dead nurse"  yesterday happens .

That is different from what you "presume " .


Ok, so you're sometime a peace loving guy, and sometimes want to see some dead on the other side. Gotcha.

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7 minutes ago, Morch said:


Ok, so you're sometime a peace loving guy, and sometimes want to see some dead on the other side. Gotcha.

Right ... and that would only be fair ... I would like the sniper who killed the nurse yesterday to be shot as well ... you really got me there , 555

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1 minute ago, nobodysfriend said:

Right ... and that would only be fair ... I would like the sniper who killed the nurse yesterday to be shot as well ... you really got me there , 555


Thanks for confirming what I originally posted.


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It is sad, and a commentary on the thinking of some, that they prefer perpetual violence and terrorism. Victimhood is a way of life for the Palestinians, and few show any tendency to reverse it. Their lives could be so much better if they accepted that they lost and make REAL peace.

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

Firing rockets at other Countries cannot b classified as "self defense" , it can be classified as *attacking others*

Israel is illegally occupying Palestinians, not the other way around. Palestinians have the right by international law to resist occupation, just like every other brutally occupied people in history.

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5 hours ago, Morch said:

Here's a timeline of related events:


Islamic Jihad tried one of the IED thing. It didn't work out, Israel retaliated, killing 3 of their men. The Islamic Jihad vowed revenge, and initiated mortar attacks on Israel. Hamas soon followed suit. Israel retaliated in force, and Egypt mediated a ceasefire. The OP is what the next episode.  All in a span of a few days.


IDF shells Islamic Jihad post, killing 3, after attempted IED attack



Islamic Jihad vows revenge after 3 terror group members said killed by IDF



Gaza militants launch barrages across border, Israel hits back with air strikes





You carefully cherry pick your starting point for your timeline. No mention of the small matter of Israel killing over 100 and injuring 12,000 including children, press and medics that may just have provoked some retaliation, prior to where you wish to dictate your perfect narrative.

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6 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

That's interesting , too ... have a look ...




U.S. President Donald Trump continues to play with the fire in the Middle East. He first persuaded Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to initiate a harsh polarization campaign in the region and to impose a blockade against Qatar, politically the most open state in the Arab world. Then, Trump declared Iran a terror state, withdrew from the multilateral nuclear agreement signed with Tehran and promised to impose new sanctions against Iran. In addition, neglecting decisions made by the United Nations Security Council, Trump declared Jerusalem, the third most sacred city for Muslims and also sacred for Christians, the capital of Israel —

Yes, all pieces of the same jigsaw.

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38 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Israel is illegally occupying Palestinians, not the other way around. Palestinians have the right by international law to resist occupation, just like every other brutally occupied people in history.


Mortar and rocket attacks are not considered legitimate. Same goes for terrorist actions against civilians. All the more so when it comes to attacks taking place in Israeli territory. Spin away.

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12 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Israel is NOT occupying Gaza , there are no Israelis in Gaza .

Palestinians have no right (by International law) to attack the sovereign nation of Israel .

   Israel has the right to defend itself from invaders


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9 minutes ago, dexterm said:

I don't believe that Israeli Jews or even world Jewry regards itself as the anti Semitic meme chosen people, although there may be a handful of religious nationalist fanatics who do.


But Israel does demonstrate what happens when you combine religion, nationalism with overwhelmingly powerful weaponry and international friends in high places whose strings are easily pulled to grant you carte blanche for any barbarity. Israel at the moment is power drunk.

At the moment , yes ,certainly ... What will happen when Trump's support brakes away is written on another page .

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