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one of the girls from my work was driving home last week on her motorbike through patong when she had to stop at an intersection. she had a full face helmet on, gloves, and was very covered up and conservatively dressed.

this farang bloke (she says italian, but who knows) stopped next to her and asked her 'how much for a short time?'

what a prick.

i could not believe this. where do people get off assuming that all thai women are for rent? this girl is a 'nice' girl. she was not dressed provocatively, did not even speak to the 'man' and he just assumes that she is for rent! i was furious.

just wanted to get that off my chest.

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just wanted to get that off my chest

If you were not a Super Moderator I would ask you about your chest, but that would be in bad taste.

Boom Boom.

Ok, funnies over . . . I think it is fairly typical of the type of moron that roams the streets here and believes that he can do anything and buy everyone witha few dollars.

I could go on and generalise about the 'average' westerner here, but thankfully there are enough of the opposite to prove me wrong.

Italian? No offense to your colleague, but Thais couldn't tell an Italian from a turnip.

It is a sad condemnation of cheap airfares.


Lovely little cultural exchange / interlude. Thanks for that. :o

Tourist areas always seem to attract these sort of...... tourists. I always find.

just wanted to get that off my chest

If you were not a Super Moderator I would ask you about your chest, but that would be in bad taste.

With a comment like that, you're only a half a step above from the 'Italian' anyway.


I know it's very unlikely a Thai girl would ever be so rude, but maybe it would have taught him a lesson if she'd raised her visor, eyed his crotch area in distaste & said "Why? Just how short is it?"

Or "How much for you to p### off?"

Inexcusable the way some people behave. :o


When I am in Thailand I try to follow local customs and culture the best that I could, and in general I am a pretty quiet guy. I have been told by many Thai people that I am not like the typical farang, because I am polite and quiet. It is farang like that guy who give all farang a bad reputation.

just wanted to get that off my chest

If you were not a Super Moderator I would ask you about your chest, but that would be in bad taste.

With a comment like that, you're only a half a step above from the 'Italian' anyway.

And you exhibit a definite lack of humour and the irony that was intended


Two sides of the coin here, I mean how many times do girls approach us and ask us for a (payed) good time? As for tourist, almost the only thing you see in these tourist areas are prostitutes! Don't deny this! Very easy to blame the farang and call him a moron.

Two sides of the coin here, I mean how many times do girls approach us and ask us for a (payed) good time? As for tourist, almost the only thing you see in these tourist areas are prostitutes! Don't deny this! Very easy to blame the farang and call him a moron.

Have you been to Thailand?


Yes, it's very sad that cheap air fares have made it possible for detritus like this to travel the world spreading unease amongst the friendly people of LOS, and other places, with being around foreigners.

I haven't a clue what can be done about this kind of incident. A response like "a million dollars would not be enough to go anyplace with a dirty scumbag like you" would only elicit some smart alec retort. A swift kick in the bolleaux might be more effective but nice girls/ladies would not like to indulge in actual physical contact with such a low life.

Education is said to be the cure for Thailand's problems, well we have education in the west and we still turn out scum and, it appears, in increasing quantities. :o

Where has it all gone wrong?

Answers close typed on 254 sheets of A4 paper please.


I would have said, "Come here lovely." Parked my bike alongside his and strolled over. Then I'd have given him a a knee to the groin and handbagged his head before strolling back to my bike and driving off.

one of the girls from my work was driving home last week on her motorbike through patong when she had to stop at an intersection. she had a full face helmet on, gloves, and was very covered up and conservatively dressed.

this farang bloke (she says italian, but who knows) stopped next to her and asked her 'how much for a short time?'

what a prick.

i could not believe this. where do people get off assuming that all thai women are for rent? this girl is a 'nice' girl. she was not dressed provocatively, did not even speak to the 'man' and he just assumes that she is for rent! i was furious.

just wanted to get that off my chest.

Don't worry Donna ... as you know we will be visiting in April ... you just tell your friend to point the perpertrator out to us and I'll set 'big Frank' on him :o

I blame the parents .. whatever happened to good manners ... :D

Two sides of the coin here, I mean how many times do girls approach us and ask us for a (payed) good time? As for tourist, almost the only thing you see in these tourist areas are prostitutes! Don't deny this! Very easy to blame the farang and call him a moron.

Have you been to Thailand?

Have you more importantly.

It actually works the other way round here for the most part. When I have a party at my house (or any of my other friends houses) plenty of Thai women (nice ones from Banks, jewellry shops etc, not bars BTW) turn up and look for farangs. Word gets out through a girlfriend of a girlfriend or wife, and they just turn up, look round for an hour or so then leave if no available wallets there.

Sad but true.

Donna, you should try being a bloke. Women come on to you all the time in Patong and any other destination in Thailand, even Khao San Road, Koh Chang, Koh Phang Ngna and all the backpacker places, like it or not. 90 percent of girls in Phuket are not from Phuket, why are they drawn there? Think they come 1,500 km to work in a burger bar, clothes shop, 7/11 etc?

If 200 men went to a publicised drinking contest at the end of the Airport runway in the middle of a prolonged hurricane, there would be 400 women there by the time it started. If you remember when the American Navy used to come here, it was like the charge of the light brigade for the week before with thousands of girls arriving. They knew more about their ships movements than the Kremlin did. I used to watch them making out the "special" price lists that went up the day before they came.

Not PC, but thats life in Thailand, and you are not going to change it one iota. Next time you are out and about and see a military base or Thai busniness district, just notice how many bars and "hair-dresers_ there are round them. No fat farangs there for you to blame, just good old Thai Military.

Please stop trying to change the world, or, if you are a traveller, travel until you find somewhere more to your liking.

If you remember when the American Navy used to come here, it was like the charge of the light brigade for the week before with thousands of girls arriving. They knew more about their ships movements than the Kremlin did. I used to watch them making out the "special" price lists that went up the day before they came.

the good ol' days when "ha loi baht" changed overnight to "loi dolla" :o


Somehow it reminds me of my friend, who taught English in Hokkaido between her BA and her law degree, while her husband got a Ph.D. in Japanese linguistics. She was young and full-figured and attractive, properly dressed and behaved, going home on the train. A very drunk Japanese man openly flashed her, while everybody watched. She said loudly in Japanese, "It's so small!!"

There's never any excuse for bad manners, even in Patpong.

I would have been more careful, but they were in PATPONG!
There's never any excuse for bad manners, even in Patpong.

Just a point of clarification here...

one of the girls from my work was driving home last week on her motorbike through patong

As in Phuket.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Two sides of the coin here, I mean how many times do girls approach us and ask us for a (payed) good time? As for tourist, almost the only thing you see in these tourist areas are prostitutes! Don't deny this! Very easy to blame the farang and call him a moron.

Have you been to Thailand?

Have you more importantly.

It actually works the other way round here for the most part. When I have a party at my house (or any of my other friends houses) plenty of Thai women (nice ones from Banks, jewellry shops etc, not bars BTW) turn up and look for farangs. Word gets out through a girlfriend of a girlfriend or wife, and they just turn up, look round for an hour or so then leave if no available wallets there.

Sad but true.

Donna, you should try being a bloke. Women come on to you all the time in Patong and any other destination in Thailand, even Khao San Road, Koh Chang, Koh Phang Ngna and all the backpacker places, like it or not. 90 percent of girls in Phuket are not from Phuket, why are they drawn there? Think they come 1,500 km to work in a burger bar, clothes shop, 7/11 etc?

If 200 men went to a publicised drinking contest at the end of the Airport runway in the middle of a prolonged hurricane, there would be 400 women there by the time it started. If you remember when the American Navy used to come here, it was like the charge of the light brigade for the week before with thousands of girls arriving. They knew more about their ships movements than the Kremlin did. I used to watch them making out the "special" price lists that went up the day before they came.

Not PC, but thats life in Thailand, and you are not going to change it one iota. Next time you are out and about and see a military base or Thai busniness district, just notice how many bars and "hair-dresers_ there are round them. No fat farangs there for you to blame, just good old Thai Military.

Please stop trying to change the world, or, if you are a traveller, travel until you find somewhere more to your liking.

have to agree,sometimes it seems the whole country is trying to sell itself. :o

Maybe it's where I hang out but it's been a long time since any Thai women came on to me. Should I be worried? My wife's not...

Don't worry, there's always someplace not far from wherever your are in Tland where you're a "hansum man".


..in this case, she wasnt even anywhere close to giving him any such idea (not sure why how some of the posters made the link to prostitution, or girls that are looking for farangs...are you reading anything of the OP that donna posted?

anyhow.....the issue of existence of prostitution in thailand is always raised by my foreign friends or even casual acquaintances all the time...ocourse i cannnot deny it...but my one simple question....do I condemn the girls who do it as their job..for a living? or should i feel sorry for the men that need to pay for the sex :D

and spare me the every man has to pay for sex in some way or the other....have heard that line enough on this forum......the point is....stop being a hypocrite by pointing the finger at the girls who try to earn money when the very same men are the ones that need to pay for the service.

no offense to the 'nice' men out there :o


the girl may have been offended.....but I wonder if she was curious about how much the offer might have been. I wonder if the guy would get the same answer at 1,000Bt as he would at 1 million Bt., or 100 million Bt for that matter.

Makes me wonder who made the first offer of sex in return for something of value.....the man or the woman. My guess is it was the woman, but we'll never know for sure.


I think its typical that some men will find excuses for poor behavior to a woman when the woman has done nothing to warrant it. These are the same kinds of attitudes that excuse rape based on a woman's appearance IMO.

What does it take for a girl to be left alone in a tourist area? A Chador?

the girl may have been offended.....but I wonder if she was curious about how much the offer might have been.

I doubt it very much... it probably never entered her head. :o

As stated by the OP... she's a nice girl.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

the girl may have been offended.....but I wonder if she was curious about how much the offer might have been. I wonder if the guy would get the same answer at 1,000Bt as he would at 1 million Bt., or 100 million Bt for that matter.

I'd be tempted to swap codes for a night for 100 million bt.

Two sides of the coin here, I mean how many times do girls approach us and ask us for a (payed) good time? As for tourist, almost the only thing you see in these tourist areas are prostitutes! Don't deny this! Very easy to blame the farang and call him a moron.

I sense a Troll posing as a poster.


I know this guys behavior is uncalled for, but I get propositioned in public places--like shopping centers all the time--well at least frequently enough that I have managed to get a bit jaded.

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