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problem with extreme noise


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Heads of villages are usually useless with these things. Sometimes a resident will listen to them just to stay on good terms (usually so they get picked by the head with special promotions that have quotas - example, if insurance companies come with promotions for only first 50 people picked by village head). But on the most part no one will listen to them. The head of village will always pass on the case to Tessaban anyway. I earlier stated to film the Tessaban meeting, but asking around I do not think that is quite legal, well the Tessaban lawyer will probably reference some hidden law why you cant anyway.

Regardless, an easier option would be to ask for the documented complaint to be photo copied and stamped/signed by Public Health Official. Once this has been done, they have to act on it by law. If they don't and you take the matter, free of charge, to the military tribunal, they will be in all sorts of trouble. Well, enough trouble for them to be scared of the place. 

Whether rural or city doesn't matter. I live in a rural area. If a sound complaint and the Tessaban doesn't have the relevant equipment to measure how loud it is at the source, and at the house of the person who made the complaint, they can obtain the equipment from the province office. If they do not provide the evidence at the tribunal, then again, a whole lot of trouble as they haven't followed procedure properly. Also it doesn't matter if the noise is being made 1 pm in the afternoon or 1 am in the morning. The Tessaban must go and investigate a complaint. The reason many Tessabans get by is purely on the ignorance of the person who is complaining. However, since the tribunals have come in and villagers have started spreading the information about them, many Tessabans have decided to actually follow some sort of procedure from the beginning. Of course, there will be exceptions. 

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Earplugs cost a few baht a pair.
Sucks, but sometimes that's the best solution.  At least until they piss off a well connected local.
Earplugs dont help at all when the noise is so loud that it vibrates your brain and lungs there is no escape from that torture.
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I have developed Menieres disease. Can't tolerate loud or low frequency noise that was irritating before but is excruciating now.  I have lost my left ear hearing but regrettably that extreme amplification side effect of loud noise and  low frequency noise remains for big trucks, loud motorcycles, pickups with loudspeakers, or party-funeral music.  A room full of people talking, construction, or my loud wife and sister talking causes disorientation.


I have a headset hearing protection that I always used with my wood and steel hobbies.  They do good but not entirely effective.  I now even have to wear them when banging with a hammer.  I made the mistake and  forgot my protection with my drill.  Never bothered me before when I forgot.


The foam earplugs do not work for me.  I've looked and looked for the soft rubber swimmers ear plugs.  Finally my wife remembered a pharmacy where she got a pair a long time ago.


He started rumbling through drawers until he found a pair.  Lifesaver,  I even put one in the right ear when my wife gets louder and louder.  I pulled out the bright blue rubber strap between each ear plug so it will not be as noticable.  Or, I just put on my yellow headset.  She has started going into the other room when talking on the phone thankfully.


My wife is also getting use to only walking beside me on the right side and has stopped trying to talk to me from the let or another room.


I got one better than you for the vibrating glass.  One of my neighbors five houses down  had a live band for the daughter's funeral. Our cement walls actually vibrated on that side of the house and you could really see it.  I later saw 2 trucks drive by loaded with bass speakers and one with the horns.  The base player only knew one note thumbing it over and over and over.  Then they started  karaoke but at a little lower volume.


I was in such pain even with the headset.  I tried walking away but it could be heard all through the village and by then I was too aggravated and disoriented to drive away.


Thanks for the link above.  If it gets worse I may order a pair especially if my other ear acts up.  Rare for both ears but my doctor is watching that black spot on my right eardrum carefully.  My left eardrum is just a black round shiny dome like disk. My ear doesn't produce ear wax, and it has lost all hair.  I read that if you start growing hair back you might regain some of your hearing but nothing will help the side effects.

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I found the best earplugs are the pink wax ones. They are dense and shape into your ear easily.. also comfortable.  They can be bought from most pharmacies.  They are a bit like modeling clay.  


The foam ones seem to let all the sound through... and the thicker ones are uncomfortable for me and make my ears ache.  

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9 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I found the best earplugs are the pink wax ones. They are dense and shape into your ear easily.. also comfortable.  They can be bought from most pharmacies.  They are a bit like modeling clay.  


The foam ones seem to let all the sound through... and the thicker ones are uncomfortable for me and make my ears ache.  

I can pop mine in and easily pull mine out with no problem, no pain, and no rolling around to get it in or out but to each their own.  My ear feels like it's always full anyway with my disease.  I tried both of mine and they blocked out all sound except what's picked up by the bone.  That's just what I need in my bad ear.  I tried the foam and wax.  They don't seem to quite do the job for me and not as easy to use.

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On 6/5/2018 at 6:52 PM, worgeordie said:

Noise is a way of life in Thailand,from the battling speakers at Malls

and Temple fairs,noisy cars ,motorcycles,etc  etc,across the road and

next door we have two new house builds, they have been on 2 and 3 

years, and are now in the stages of making the furniture,so from both 

houses the sound of air staplers is constant,then not far away there

is a market that puts on music shows sometimes,and always someone

has a go at singing Zombie,it's in your head and cannot get to sleep.


Yes certainly is

But it amazes me when they here you go ballistic for some reason they stare at you like a Zombie for some reason 

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I am very sensitive to noise...sometimes ear plugs are not enough.  I have read of internal sound tents for use in rooms that are very effective. You are right to remain anonymous.  if he is pissing you off guaranteed he is pissing off other people including Thais who live near him. There are laws and rules that he is breaking but bide your time..let it be a Thai on Thai issue..meanwhile make friends with cops and monks etc...bide your time..don't show your hand 

..good luck

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1 hour ago, timkeen08 said:

I can pop mine in and easily pull mine out with no problem, no pain, and no rolling around to get it in or out but to each their own.  My ear feels like it's always full anyway with my disease.  I tried both of mine and they blocked out all sound except what's picked up by the bone.  That's just what I need in my bad ear.  I tried the foam and wax.  They don't seem to quite do the job for me and not as easy to use.

Use foam.with antiseptic cream..cuts the noise down and prevents infection....Call on him.early in the morning

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5 hours ago, Aynlrimir said:

Your wife is a "he" ? I hope for their sakes you do t have any kids .

Read more comprehensively.  Are you not taking things out of context just trying to be funny to yourself or trying to build up your likes?  Or do you just like to troll people?  I had just told about a pharmacy the she, my wife, once went to then told you what the pharmacist, he, did in a seperate paragraph. 


To help further clarify for you with a paste of the first paragraph in question, (Finally my wife remembered a pharmacy where she got a pair a long time ago.).  I had already established that she was a she not a HE.  Your question makes no intelligible sense.


And, why would my wife think she could just walk around the pharmacy counter and start reaching in his drawers.  I certainly would have had something to say about THAT, especially if she did it right in front of me.  Don't twist things around in your own twisted mind.  Try actually thinking for a change before you post something.


It makes sense that if the pharmacist was a she I would have said the pharmacist instead of the first he before the second he and changed the second he to a she.  He wasn't a she and since he wasn't a she I left it as he because the pharmacist was obviously a man.  After all, the mention of my wife was a she was in the previous paragraph and the referance to the pharmacist was in the second paragraph.  Have trouble putting things together?


Did you get confused poor baby.  To actually be critical, you wrote "do t" instead of "don't" or am I wrong, did you mean something else?  You don't even proofread your short one liners and then try to correct or question me?  You one liner guys are so unreal.  You see one thing and without thinking you just jump right in because your only thinking is that you are so funny.


You suggestion is egregiously directed towards me especially since I had already indicated that my wife IS a she and you missed it.


Your suggestion also seems prejudicial toward married men with kids.  Married men do have kids (no, I'm not going to explain to you how) with no ill effects to their children or do you not do much reading outside of TVF?

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9 hours ago, The manic said:

Use foam.with antiseptic cream..cuts the noise down and prevents infection....Call on him.early in the morning

No thanks.  I'll continue to use what works best for me without messy creams, twisting, and molding.


I clean my plugs with peroxide and alternate plugs since I mainly use one at a time.  Very efficient, in and out.  My plugs were recommended by my ENT doctor who must know a thing or two since he has to deal with the same disease.  He told me not to clean my ears with anything so I just clean my plugs.  There's good bacteria in the ear canal as well that helps to keep the ear healthy.


Besides, foam earplugs were designed to be disposable and not reused.  We had boxes of them in sealed wrappers located all over the AT&T plant where I worked. They had signs - Replace your earplugs anytime you remove them.  The box had DO NOT SHARE OR REUSE EARPLUGS in big red letters.  So, I hate foam earplugs.


I'm confused?  Call on who?

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8 hours ago, Aynlrimir said:

And by the way i can assure you you dont know anything about noise until you have lived in a room in myanmar surrounded by monasteries that literally have the loudspeakers going at 1000 decibels 24/ 7for days weeks  at a time 

Literally, it takes about 150db to rupture the eardrum, the same as standing very close to a jet during takeoff or being near an explosive blast. 


Literally, about 185db to 200db can literally cause death. The loudest speakers I know of are the European Space Agency's hydrogen gas powered giant air horns with a top level of 154db.  But it probably will cause death if you put your head inside the horn before a blast.  Please let me know of any newer transducers since you seem to be well informed about sound.


I've never used an SPL meter that went up to 1,000db or above.  Did you have one of the scientific devices?  The standard industry SPL meter is scaled at 30db - 130db.


Personnally, I've designed some large and/or loud sound systems including very large speaker arrays, all on a commercial level of course.  I do know a few things about sound.   I thought most people that know about sound understands that each type of speaker has a maximum SPL rating well below 1,000db.


The final complicated SPL calculations for multiple speakers in different type of enclosure is not by linear scale but by logarithmic scale equations since decibels, sound waves, and enclosure dynamics are all logarithmic.


I assure you that speakers don't all add up to 1,000db because 1,000 speakers are blaring all around you through open air from nearby monasteries surrounding you.

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16 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

The problem with these things is sometimes all mental. Even a loudly ticking clock can keep some people awake.

I agree it's all mental in one way or another.  Mental nerve function, mental blood flow, mental chemistry, etc..., and sometimes diet.  All which can sometimes by overcome by pure determination, diet, and lifestyle changes but sometimes they can only be overcome with chemicals that affects or changes those real physiological issues listed above.


Some people just have extreme nonphysiological mental issues that they refuse to overcome that leads to divorce or moving to another room because they snore a little bit when they themselves snore yet deny it and it never bothered them before.


With some it's an issue like you said with a ticking clock (move it, change it) or a leaky faucet (fix it, replace it), etc...  Just a refusal to change or want an excuse.  Just complain and blame.  That is really mental.



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2 hours ago, Aynlrimir said:

Ok. Im new here. I see its a forum for CRYBABY expats with sore ears . Grow up ! So your a gay and married to another man . Its in fact better than being a promiscuous one with all the diseases around . Just remember you are in a forein land and if you cant handle the conditions get back get back to where you once belonged 

I'll try to speak more on your level. What a bunch of cr@p.  You get everything wrong and reversed.  Did you even read my posts?  Probably  nothing upstairs that would help anyway.  How old are you?


My wife IS a very beautiful Thai woman and very much FEMALE by birth and I am a MALE by birth.  Do you inderstand that?  Why are you insulting me and her?


A  newbie baby wannabe Troll and not too good at all.  Are you just throwing together things you saw others on TVF say?


Nothing original.  Really, the Beatles?  I'm finished with you.  IGNORED

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I'll try to speak more on your level. What a bunch of cr@p.  You get everything wrong and reversed.  Did you even read my posts?  Probably  nothing upstairs that would help anyway.  How old are you?
My wife IS a very beautiful Thai woman and very much FEMALE by birth and I am a MALE by birth.  Do you inderstand that?  Why are you insulting me and her?
A  newbie baby wannabe Troll and not too good at all.  Are you just throwing together things you saw others on TVF say?
Nothing original.  Really, the Beatles?  I'm finished with you.  IGNORED

You seem to be biting...
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9 hours ago, timkeen08 said:

Read more comprehensively.  Are you not taking things out of context just trying to be funny to yourself or trying to build up your likes?  Or do you just like to troll people?  I had just told about a pharmacy the she, my wife, once went to then told you what the pharmacist, he, did in a seperate paragraph. 


To help further clarify for you with a paste of the first paragraph in question, (Finally my wife remembered a pharmacy where she got a pair a long time ago.).  I had already established that she was a she not a HE.  Your question makes no intelligible sense.


And, why would my wife think she could just walk around the pharmacy counter and start reaching in his drawers.  I certainly would have had something to say about THAT, especially if she did it right in front of me.  Don't twist things around in your own twisted mind.  Try actually thinking for a change before you post something.


It makes sense that if the pharmacist was a she I would have said the pharmacist instead of the first he before the second he and changed the second he to a she.  He wasn't a she and since he wasn't a she I left it as he because the pharmacist was obviously a man.  After all, the mention of my wife was a she was in the previous paragraph and the referance to the pharmacist was in the second paragraph.  Have trouble putting things together?


Did you get confused poor baby.  To actually be critical, you wrote "do t" instead of "don't" or am I wrong, did you mean something else?  You don't even proofread your short one liners and then try to correct or question me?  You one liner guys are so unreal.  You see one thing and without thinking you just jump right in because your only thinking is that you are so funny.


You suggestion is egregiously directed towards me especially since I had already indicated that my wife IS a she and you missed it.


Your suggestion also seems prejudicial toward married men with kids.  Married men do have kids (no, I'm not going to explain to you how) with no ill effects to their children or do you not do much reading outside of TVF?



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2 hours ago, mogandave said:


You seem to be biting...


Did you not read IGNORED?  Seems like it should be "have been biting".  He is gone from my view along with others, with no hesitation.


I just IGNORE and move on when Trolls or Bashers go too far, are improper and I don't want to see their trash, or when I feel that someone failed to stop something like they are supposed to.  The same goes with consistent negativity and prejudices, when it gets too much they get IGNORED.  There are rules on TVF somewhere.


And why did you feel that you just had to comment negatively.  Do you condone or contribute to Trolling?  Do you think someone being Trolled is funny?


I will eventually weed out those unwelcomed until I end up with only views of conversations with the few normal people left and I care less what those on the IGNORE list have to say behind my back.


I just hope my IGNORE data base is large enough.

Edited by timkeen08
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7 hours ago, timkeen08 said:

No thanks.  I'll continue to use what works best for me without messy creams, twisting, and molding.


I clean my plugs with peroxide and alternate plugs since I mainly use one at a time.  Very efficient, in and out.  My plugs were recommended by my ENT doctor who must know a thing or two since he has to deal with the same disease.  He told me not to clean my ears with anything so I just clean my plugs.  There's good bacteria in the ear canal as well that helps to keep the ear healthy.


Besides, foam earplugs were designed to be disposable and not reused.  We had boxes of them in sealed wrappers located all over the AT&T plant where I worked. They had signs - Replace your earplugs anytime you remove them.  The box had DO NOT SHARE OR REUSE EARPLUGS in big red letters.  So, I hate foam earplugs.


I'm confused?  Call on who?

Having lived on an air base and an oil refinery and oil field I experiments with various styles of ear plugs and found the conical , rewashable, soft sponge ear plugs to be better than the company issued, harder barrel shaped ear plug. To make them more effective I use a lubricant, medicated or otherwise to make a sound proof seal which improves their effectiveness.  However, you seem to be an expert and resistant to advice even though you asked for it. Good luck. 


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Did you not read IGNORED?  Seems like it should be "have been biting".  He is gone from my view along with others, with no hesitation.
I just IGNORE and move on when Trolls or Bashers go too far, are improper and I don't want to see their trash, or when I feel that someone failed to stop something like they are supposed to.  The same goes with consistent negativity and prejudices, when it gets too much they get IGNORED.  There are rules on TVF somewhere.
And why did you feel that you just had to comment negatively.  Do you condone or contribute to Trolling?  Do you think someone being Trolled is funny?
I will eventually weed out those unwelcomed until I end up with only views of conversations with the few normal people left and I care less what those on the IGNORE list have to say behind my back.
I just hope my IGNORE data base is large enough.

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1 hour ago, The manic said:

Having lived on an air base and an oil refinery and oil field I experiments with various styles of ear plugs and found the conical , rewashable, soft sponge ear plugs to be better than the company issued, harder barrel shaped ear plug. To make them more effective I use a lubricant, medicated or otherwise to make a sound proof seal which improves their effectiveness.  However, you seem to be an expert and resistant to advice even though you asked for it. Good luck. 


I think by your comments that I need to be very specific.  I appreciate your input but no thanks.  I'm sure your method works well for you.  You somehow have it in your mind that I seem to think that I am an expert.  Something I never said or implied.  I always spoke for myself and offered no advice.  There is no resistance to advice.  I just like what I have.  I did mention that we were searching for soft rubber swimmers earplugs and I thanked another poster for a link I looked at but nowhere did I ask you or anyone for advise.


I repeatedly stated : No thanks.  I'll continue to use what works best for me without messy creams, twisting, and molding.  Show me where I specifically asked for advise.


Good luck with your future experiments.

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6 minutes ago, mogandave said:




Sorry I don't get it.  Is that some sort of TVF code word?   Oh, I get it now, biting the hook thing.  Really a good one.  Took me a few seconds.


Do tell me if I've got it wrong.

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