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Country shocked as rejected men resort to murder


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4 minutes ago, JAZZDOG said:

As much as I hate to admit it there is most likely as much violence as here within 40 miles each side of I-4 between Daytona and Tampa.


A lot of folks confuse the prevalence of violence in the media with the prevalence of violence in the community.


Given all the posts about the prevalence of violence in the Thai soaps to attract viewers, it's pretty reasonable to expect the local media to focus on the same kind of violence to attract clicks.  Works great on TVF, too.


And, a lot of long stay guys seem to think the world back home has stood still and June and Ward are still having problems with Wally and the Beaver misbehaving in gym class.


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2 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

As much as I hate to admit it there is most likely as much violence as here within 40 miles each side of I-4 between Daytona and Tampa.

Same same in many countries, BUT this forum is about Thailand.


Secondly, we as 'world' citizens, should never give up trying to make improvements (in a socially acceptable way) to our life or others. So often we do not succeed, but never give up!

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2 hours ago, impulse said:

And, a lot of long stay guys seem to think the world back home has stood still and June and Ward are still having problems with Wally and the Beaver misbehaving in gym class.


We took away our guns in Australia and knife violence is out of control. I remember when I took all my semi-auto weapons in order to be destroyed in front of me and the guy using the machine said to me as a joke, I will be here in 25 years time bending knives.


How true he was


Australia has big problems with drunken king hits, home invasion (by mostly African gangs in Melbourne) and lack of harsh prison sentencing to these people. Australia is not rosy.


My hometown at 1 in the morning is a no-go zone due to Meth Heads, and the parks around our beach/harbor area are full of homeless/druggo/alcoholics. Thailand has its problems but so do we.


Nothing is perfect



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23 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

We took away our guns in Australia and knife violence is out of control. I remember when I took all my semi-auto weapons in order to be destroyed in front of me and the guy using the machine said to me as a joke, I will be here in 25 years time bending knives.


How true he was


I can remember when you could talk smack to the girls (and they gave it right back), chewing gum in class would get you in big trouble, and smoking in the boy's room would mark you as an incorrigible delinquent.  Today, they have to burn down the school to get in trouble.  Or, on the flip side, say something sexually inappropriate to a girl and you risk expulsion.


No use lamenting what doesn't exist any more.  Or judging today's kids (or Thais) by the standards we grew up with half a world and half a century away.  It's different today.


Edited by impulse
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On 6/6/2018 at 3:50 AM, kannot said:

What can you do??? stop being so  bloody LAZY, simple as that, parenting takes a HUGE amount of effort  and work, it does not mean sticking Somchai in front of a screen.

WOW! What an analysis!

Is this the same reason that in some countries dudes go shooting school children? Any simple solution you could prescribe?

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3 minutes ago, ravip said:

WOW! What an analysis!

Is this the same reason that in some countries dudes go shooting school children? Any simple solution you could prescribe?

"Dudes" surely you mean "schoolchildren"?

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On 6/5/2018 at 10:38 PM, kannot said:

None of  which I  follow as I can think for myself yet I dont go round shooting people, you dont need any religion to give you morals

         Theravada Buddhism really has no need for any god or gods.  And yes..Buddha welcomed you to think for yourelf.   Many people.... (not all) would say Buddhism is not a religion... but a philosophy and way of life.  Many Buddhists  (again.. not all)  are in fact atheists or agnostic...  

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.

        But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

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I'm wondering if anyone has noticed a trend that may coincide with this - the re-emergence and increased demand for a suitable somchai. Maybe its just my own circumstance, so could be skewed vision, but in 10 years I'm sure I've not seen such a wave of eagerness for ladies to settle down with a local lad and tie the knot at the denouncement of all falangs - even the cash cows. 


The gik and somchai has always been in vogue, of course, but he's seeming to be more popular and brazen (perhaps riding the coat tails of the man with 3 wives press coverage)  especially in the post-songkran and Marry-Me-Its March high that folks are still coming down from.


Anybody else getting this reading? 

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On 6/6/2018 at 8:37 AM, British Bulldog said:

You know ... you are 100% correct ... although we live in Laos, I took my Lao son aged 21 to a Psychiatrist in Khon Kaen, Video Gaming was his problem, we suspected this, hence the reason we needed both an expert opinion  and the words from the Dr's mouth rather than M&D saying "Stop playing those stupid games" ... the Dr was great, fortunately our son took note, he's now off games playing maybe an hour or so on a Saturday, his whole life has changed, his moods, character his yearning to get out and get a job also ... if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it ... the treatment came with some medication which he took for a month or so, and then we had to closely monitor him ... we were very lucky it all turned out for the best and we weren't 'too late' ... the Dr. went on to tell us how common this problem is and how 'fatal' this disorder can be ....


I'm sorry for the long message, however, I just wanted to let other parents know who may have a child (or two) like our son was, to let them know that there is a cure and if the child is as cooperative as our son was, you just won't believe the change in him/her and the better life that he leads now

I smell laziness in feel good yarns. They don't get these "fatal disorders" in ,for example, Malawi, where boys/men have to wake up at 5 am to try and make a living. What did the shrink say to the guy that he  couldn't have thought of himself? 

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To be honest : I'm not shocked. 

I see just a reaction of misleaded violent young ones without values as respect, honesty, moral, virtues.

They can watch every day how to solve any kind of problems with a gun when watching "Thai soapes " in daily TV as an example of Thainess. 

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