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PM accuses the media of trying to undermine his premiership


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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Judging from his grumbling

I suspect he was in a beastly mood after reading the report of how that gaggle of fools who went to Germany failed on their mission. Thus he can be partly excused for his erratic behavior at the meeting. The loss of face for him must have been huge. 

He is probably also be worried that when he visits Germany they will poke it up him in a nice diplomatic way and the ego denting will be further exacerbated.

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7 minutes ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:



There's only one thing wrong with such ridiculous clueless comparisons.  While Trump certainly is a dangerous thin-skinned loose cannon and truly deserves a lot of the bashing, he certainly did not seize the country in an illegal military coup, trashed the constitution, robbed the people of their democracy, and continues to hold the citizens hostage.  If you hate Trump, or whatever, face the fact that he is the duly elected POTUS.  You can instead, like I do, blame the failed US political system that left us (Americans) with 2 bottom of the barrel presidential candidates.  I certainly am not pro Trump, but shudder to think where we would be now had criminal "pay-for-play" Hillary Clinton won the election.  Post-election she has also proven herself to be a supreme nutcase who continues to publicly blame everybody else for her election loss.


And neeray, sorry buddy, but in this case I can't disagree with the other member you mentioned. 


Nicely commented to me. It would be nice if you could teach Trump some of your gentle diplomacy. While I don't disagree with "some" of his policies and ideas, I find his brash ways very distasteful. "When America sneezes, Canada catches a cold". Our economy is suffering a very serious cold" right now. One way or the other, I'll be glad to see his NAFTA hard-on settled. The indecision is murdering our economy (and my business).

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8 minutes ago, neeray said:

Nicely commented to me. It would be nice if you could teach Trump some of your gentle diplomacy. While I don't disagree with "some" of his policies and ideas, I find his brash ways very distasteful. "When America sneezes, Canada catches a cold". Our economy is suffering a very serious cold" right now. One way or the other, I'll be glad to see his NAFTA hard-on settled. The indecision is murdering our economy (and my business).

Is this thread about Donald Trump-or is this your standard tactic when attempting to divert the topic away from lance-corporal Cutout?

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2 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Is this thread about Donald Trump-or is this your standard tactic when attempting to divert the topic away from lance-corporal Cutout?


I am always happy to comment on Mr Cutout. But when a response causes the reply to go a little away from Mr Cutout, that is the appropriate response. What's the problem. Oh, never mind.

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1 minute ago, neeray said:


I am always happy to comment on Mr Cutout. But when a response causes the reply to go a little away from Mr Cutout, that is the appropriate response. What's the problem. Oh, never mind.

I believe you were told yesterday and-please rest assured-you are being told today.


Feel free to give Lance-jack Cutout your best shot.

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1 minute ago, Odysseus123 said:

I believe you were told yesterday and-please rest assured-you are being told today.


Feel free to give Lance-jack Cutout your best shot.

Have a great day.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:




Because me and a lot of my friends have big guns, I think I can do whatever I want, and just grab power whenever I feel to it.


I work for a select few men, who think they own Thailand and the Thai people.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

It wasn’t immediately clear what triggered his outburst.

"In January [2018], Human Rights Watch released a report saying that forced labour and other rights abuses remained “widespread” in the Thai fishing industry despite the government reforms"

“Many of the human rights problems in Thailand’s fishing industry are common to migrant workers in sectors throughout Thailand’s economy, whose exploitation is aggravated, and sometimes caused, by the government’s haphazard national policies,” http://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/2137480/thailand-says-it-trying-protect-migrant-workers-so-why-are-they

Thai Fisheries and relevant authorities are awaiting a European Union review of the country’s status on IUU – illegal, unregulated and unreported – fishing problems.


The EU inspectors' visit ended in April 2018 and report is due.

Maybe it's been leaked that the EU Commission on IUU will continue its Yellow Card that was issued 3 years ago.

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1 hour ago, neeray said:

Nicely commented to me. It would be nice if you could teach Trump some of your gentle diplomacy. While I don't disagree with "some" of his policies and ideas, I find his brash ways very distasteful. "When America sneezes, Canada catches a cold". Our economy is suffering a very serious cold" right now. One way or the other, I'll be glad to see his NAFTA hard-on settled. The indecision is murdering our economy (and my business).

I too see a tremendous lack of consumer confidence in my business. And many others. Trump has been devastating to the US economy. Of course the large corporations have done well, as he has managed to transfer a massive amount of wealth from the poor and middle class, to his buddies, and the corporations. But the common man once again, is taking a hit. And they are not spending much money. They are scared what this village idiot might do next. Captain Chaos leads the day. And tomorrow, nobody can predict what Mr. Unstable will do.

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My preciouuuuuuus premiership, they wants to steals it from us. Precioooouus.


"But I don’t understand why several people try to destroy the honor of the prime minister – not me but the prime minister of Thailand"


Unelected PM doesn't hold the same honour.


For some reason the connotations in this story and ranting outburst reminds me of Macbeth.

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51 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


image.png.8ebdb8912248f7e57a0c469b0f54746d.pngBecause me and a lot of my friends have big guns, I think I can do whatever I want, and just grab power whenever I feel to it.


I work for a select few men, who think they own Thailand and the Thai people.


Mark this face well, it is as good an example as you could wish to find of a liar.



Edited by KiwiKiwi
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