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Mob of villagers attack man who tried to rape autistic girl, 19


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46 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

PNG is one of the most primitive, violent, lawless, out of control countries on the planet. Not a good example to cite. 

Let's say it was a comment

( extreme, maybe ) on what can happen when mob rule takes over, country doesn't matter.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

PNG is one of the most primitive, violent, lawless, out of control countries on the planet. Not a good example to cite. 

With Thailand not all that further advanced.. 

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19 minutes ago, Artisi said:

With Thailand not all that further advanced.. 

There is a huge difference. A good friend of mine has been working in PNG. He uses an armed escort to get from the airport to his mine, where he is employed. He cannot walk around any city, anywhere, without an armed bodyguard. Violent crime is rampant. Kids cut each other up with machetes, when one gets in a minor argument with another. It is very different. The violence in PNG, makes the PI look like Canada. We can walk around here, anytime day or night, and not have to worry about getting attacked, robbed or killed. Even in Bangkok. That is a huge difference. Though the homicide rate here is comparable to that in the US, it is 99.9% Thai on Thai. We are rarely preyed upon. Be grateful for that. That is a beautiful aspect of life here. Not to be taken for granted. I feel far safer here, then I do in the US.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/9/2018 at 2:14 PM, Artisi said:

With Thailand not all that further advanced.. 

How can you claim  that? A wild guess perhaps. PNG, has a muder rate of 10.47 per 100,000,000 Thailand's is one third of that at 3.42 . Papua New Guinea ranks with countries such as Mali, Russia Antigua and Babuda,  while Thailand  compares with Estonia, Latvia and India.  Port Moresby is one of the most dangerouus places on earth. PNG has the 42 highest muder rate in the world while Thailand  is ranked at 116th. Even these obvious statistcs would suggest that it is far more advanced.

Perhaps of more personal relevance to you as a foreigner is the murder rates in the places you would be likely to live Life in Port Moresby for a foreigner is basically one behind barricades. Your appartment is garded by armed guards and is high security, you use secure transport while travelling, to your secure place of employment. Walking or catching public transport is out of the question. The murder rate is 54 per 100,000 people. By contrast cities like Bangkok are very safe especially for foreigners

If you are alluding to advancement in terms of more qualitative concepts the Thai people do not murder their fellow citizens on the grounds of witchery, they do not engage in tribal warfare nor do they have groups like the Rascals who are running amok in the major cities to rape and plunder their fellow ctizens at will.

By any objective standard Thailand, while by no means perfect. is far far more advanced than PNG.

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15 minutes ago, mydee said:

How can you claim  that? A wild guess perhaps. PNG, has a muder rate of 10.47 per 100,000,000 Thailand's is one third of that at 3.42 . Papua New Guinea ranks with countries such as Mali, Russia Antigua and Babuda,  while Thailand  compares with Estonia, Latvia and India.  Port Moresby is one of the most dangerouus places on earth. PNG has the 42 highest muder rate in the world while Thailand  is ranked at 116th. Even these obvious statistcs would suggest that it is far more advanced.

Perhaps of more personal relevance to you as a foreigner is the murder rates in the places you would be likely to live Life in Port Moresby for a foreigner is basically one behind barricades. Your appartment is garded by armed guards and is high security, you use secure transport while travelling, to your secure place of employment. Walking or catching public transport is out of the question. The murder rate is 54 per 100,000 people. By contrast cities like Bangkok are very safe especially for foreigners

If you are alluding to advancement in terms of more qualitative concepts the Thai people do not murder their fellow citizens on the grounds of witchery, they do not engage in tribal warfare nor do they have groups like the Rascals who are running amok in the major cities to rape and plunder their fellow ctizens at will.

By any objective standard Thailand, while by no means perfect. is far far more advanced than PNG.

Great response to what was intended as a rhetorical statement 

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