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Frenchman reports sale of Nazi inspired goods to Pattaya Tourist Police

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

May offend people??? really? is that what you get form millions of people perished and civilizations of europe nearly wiped out? offended people?...

Ok than Just curious, what Would the proper term be if its not "offended" please give another suggestion

20 minutes ago, Voodoochile said:

The swastika is actually a bhuddiste symbol to begin with, the aryens/nazi's just flipped it over changed the rotating direction.

(look it up)


maybe be that is part of the confusion in thailand?


It is originally a Hindu symbol from India long before Buddha was around.

7 minutes ago, billd766 said:


It is originally a Hindu symbol from India long before Buddha was around.

Yes, the original symbol was used before Buddha became round , they used it when he was  still slim


don't really need an explanation.  nazi stuff doesn't have the same meaning here as in western lands.  i've read (no personal experience) that chairman mao gear is all the rage in the us lately.  i would never call to have those images banned.


as for the usa, there is an american national socialist party, which does publish newspapers and websites, does run candidates for office, sponsors sections of highway for monthly cleanup, etc.


lotta negatives you can bring up about the usa, but can't fault freedom of speech. wonderful thing about that is it protects unpopular speech.....seeing as popular speech needs no protections. unfortunately too many westerners believe they have a god-given right not to feel offended.  that's sad,   sadder still when they try to force that on others.  does thailand need more limits on expression?


photos:  myanmar fashion








A fine one to talk, like Vichy France didn't exist? The people most disgusted by this are the Germans. In my innocence I once wore a brown t-shirt, and my German friend was distinctly uncomfortable. 

2 minutes ago, nausea said:

A fine one to talk, like Vichy France didn't exist? The people most disgusted by this are the Germans. In my innocence I once wore a brown t-shirt, and my German friend was distinctly uncomfortable. 

I highly doubt that "the people the most dégusted by this are the germans"

4 hours ago, Srinivas said:

Yes these too are also swastika.

Thai Sawasdeeka(khap) orginates from sanskrit swastika.?

The word sawatdi was coined in the mid-1930s by Phraya Upakit Silapasan of Chulalongkorn University.[2]Derived from the Sanskrit svasti (meaning 'well-being'), it had previously been used in Thai only as a formulaic opening to inscriptions.


From Wikipedia.

5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

As I'm from the U.S. where it's legal for actual Nazis to gather and parade around (as long as they have a permit) and I'm OK  with the concept of freedom of political expression in that regard, it would be hypocritical of me to suggest what a Thai policy should be. 

I browsed over the thread and it really took more than 60 posts for someone to clearly speak out on that.

9 hours ago, impulse said:

Real freedom of speech means the freedom to sell and wear stuff that may offend people.



As long as it doesn't offend your totems.  Sex stuff offends most especially stuff that would appeal to the local clergy.  Then there is snuff porn, that gets a lot.  Where do you draw the line?  Everybody has a line.  Where is yours?

9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Which shows quite clearly the Thai world history lessons are totally lacking. They know their own history inside out, or at least the version they are taught, but global events just pass them by. Many here are unaware that world war 2 even happened.

Is it that or just the only things that are sacred are my sacred things.  Look at flags.  What countries is it OK to wear as flag underwear and what not?  Is that history or just insensitivity to anybody else except me. 

6 minutes ago, Rarebear said:

As long as it doesn't offend your totems.  Sex stuff offends most especially stuff that would appeal to the local clergy.  Then there is snuff porn, that gets a lot.  Where do you draw the line?  Everybody has a line.  Where is yours?

I formed my line into a swazstika and snorted it.

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8 hours ago, smew said:

Read your history: You must be a commie or a Stalin lover. French gave up  after 7 weeks of fighting highly mechanized German army. Stalin managed to stop them only because of western assistance with steel, technology and equipment thT was shipped via Murmansk.

general G Patton wanted to take on the commies and keep on going east in 1945, and that is why he was assassinated in December 1945 

hitler’s shit should not be slowed to be shown or sold anywhere.

totally agree with the Frenchman and my hat off to him for reporting it! , Bravo

I have read my history and not one reputable history program at a reputable college would allow you to try and push those untrue myths.  Check your history and include a link for us to read.  Until then prevailing history is nothing like you describe. 

6 hours ago, Tengtai said:

Thai people doesn't even know what WW2 was, they don't know anything about European history, so I'm not surprised at all something like this is possible in Thailand.

WW2 was fought in Thailand not just Europe.  Thailand was an aggressor and attacked and occupied Burma and French territory.  What do you think the Victory Monument is for in Bangkok.  Victory of Thailand over France.  

4 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Thais love Hitler! But they don't understand that he, Hitler, would have sent them right to Nazi concentration camp, if he had won the war and conquered Thailand. Besides, most Thais don't care, or know about their own country's history, so why should they care about world history...

He would not have conquered Thailand they were an ally.  And Japan's only voluntary war ally.  Thailand fought on the Japanese side during WW2 and against the French the year before WW2 started.

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19 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

I browsed over the thread and it really took more than 60 posts for someone to clearly speak out on that.

I really don't much mind the swastika stuff.  What really gets me teed off is the lack of knowledge of the West at what happened to all of the Germans who financed Hitler and made a fortune from WW2.  The two richest German families from slave labor profits and confiscated factories all through WW2 were Krupp and Flick.  They were tried and convicted of war crimes and sentenced to life in Prison and/or death and millions in financial penalties.  An American lawyer named John McCloy got them both out of prison after a year along with all the other Nazis that made a fortune on the war and still run Germany with the money.  That to me is criminal. 


Let the Thais dress up. 


Do something meaningful. 


Go back to Germany and get all the businesses that started as a result of slave labor (hundred of thousands of deaths) and confiscated factories all over Europe and get the money back. 


Give it to the families who lost members during the war.    That to me is an atrocity, not some silly symbol.  Krupp and Flick killed hundreds of thousands and not only got out of jail but got all their money back. 


Another Big Story the Mainstream Media Missed: GE-Krupp Conspiracy Trial of ’47

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11 minutes ago, Rarebear said:

I really don't much mind the swastika stuff.  What really gets me teed off is the lack of knowledge of the West at what happened to all of the Germans who financed Hitler and made a fortune from WW2.  The two richest German families from slave labor profits and confiscated factories all through WW2 were Krupp and Flick.  They were tried and convicted of war crimes and sentenced to life in Prison and/or death and millions in financial penalties.  An American lawyer named John McCloy got them both out of prison after a year along with all the other Nazis that made a fortune on the war and still run Germany with the money.  That to me is criminal. 


Let the Thais dress up. 


Do something meaningful. 


Go back to Germany and get all the businesses that started as a result of slave labor (hundred of thousands of deaths) and confiscated factories all over Europe and get the money back. 


Give it to the families who lost members during the war.    That to me is an atrocity, not some silly symbol.  Krupp and Flick killed hundreds of thousands and not only got out of jail but got all their money back. 


Another Big Story the Mainstream Media Missed: GE-Krupp Conspiracy Trial of ’47

Not to mention the Americans  who got rich off Nazi Germany.....Ford, Chevrolet, Coke, IBM, Chase Bank Standard Oil and many more.

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10 hours ago, sanemax said:

Although this isnt in France .

He seems to think that everyone should adhere to his way of thinking and anyone who thinks differently should be banned .

   Maybe Hitlers time in France did have some effect on French people after all

He has a moral compass. It is obvious many others on this thread do not. It is young people like him who stop genocides and atrocities because they speak up and do not sit behind a computer offering dismissive justifications for bullies.

I know that it is very popular amongst some in  TVF to ridicule the French, but I remind them that the USA had a majority who didn't want to stop the nazis, and that in England there were the blackshirts and that when the Channel Islands were captured by the nazis, they did exactly what France did, and deported their jews to their eventual deaths.


10 hours ago, BuaBS said:

I see no problem selling these things here. This is Thailand not europe.

Doubt the Thai have laws against it like nanny state France.

You see no problem, do you? How about some images of the  Burmese impaling Thais or defiling the sacred sites as they did when they invaded  SIam?

You see nothing wrong with glowing portraits of Pol Pot either I suppose, and regard the Bosnia death camps as holiday camps where young men and women had their buttocks massaged by rapists, do you?  It is wrong. If you are in a car crash amd I pass by and let you bleed out, because I do not wish to get involved, I can do that too because there is no enforceable law that compels me to render assistance.  It's about knowing right from wrong.


10 hours ago, LennyW said:

Yes, so why you want to hide it????

Brilliant logic  Pedophiles  from Australia, USA and the EU are present in significant numbers in Thailand. How about we put on an avant garde "art show" depicting children in sexual acts with their adult lovers. It's present, so why hide it, right? They'd love it and we could make some delightful luchre.


10 hours ago, harrycallahan said:

Did he complain about the Che Guevara shirts? 

He wasn't at a Che Guevera product outlet. The fact that there may be other questionable merchandise on sale elsewhere does not take away from this man's courageous stand against violence and hate.


10 hours ago, impulse said:

Hey, you won't see me buying or wearing that crap.  Or a Stalin T-shirt, or a pair of Idi Amin shorts, or a Pol Pot ballcap or...or...

But unless they're calling people to violence, their free speech rights trump my sensitivity.  And yours.

But they are inciting violence. The manifesto of the nazis was pure violence. The presence of such materials desensitizes people to the moral depravity of the nazis.


9 hours ago, planemad said:

Darksidedog replied - "Which shows quite clearly the Thai world history lessons are totally lacking. They know their own history inside out, or at least the version they are taught, but global events just pass them by. Many here are unaware that world war 2 even happened".


You are quite correct, but I also wonder how many Western students know anything about, say, Chiang Kai-shek, Sun Yat-Sen or more recently, Pol-pot and what about Mao Tzedung?


I might also suggest asking the same students what they know about WW l and WW ll, you might get a nasty surprise!

Many wester curriculums include classes on the genocides of this world. Not all, but  I know that my younger family members were taught about the Killing fields, Bosnia, Rwanda and even the  Boer prison camps. Kids today are often dismissed as idiots, ridiculed as snowflakes, but they are a lot more savvy and aware of their world than the old farts who sit on the bar stools in Thailand. More importantly, they don't have the same prejudice and are able to co-exist with people of different  backgrounds.


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11 hours ago, LennyW said:

Yes, so why you want to hide it????

because it could some easy minds get to the conclusion there are some parallels out there to their current situation. Just the same, but just some different colors in the state flag (and no, it's not Donald but Hillary)

1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

He has a moral compass. It is obvious many others on this thread do not. It is young people like him who stop genocides and atrocities because they speak up and do not sit behind a computer offering dismissive justifications for bullies.

I know that it is very popular amongst some in  TVF to ridicule the French, but I remind them that the USA had a majority who didn't want to stop the nazis, and that in England there were the blackshirts and that when the Channel Islands were captured by the nazis, they did exactly what France did, and deported their jews to their eventual deaths.


We are talking about photos (or whatever they are ) which are for sale , we are not talking about stopping any genocides or atrocities .

   If the guy wants to stop genocides and atrocities , I suggest that he goes to Syria to try to stop current ones .

   I also question your claim that the U.K. deported Jews to their deaths , but, thats not the topic

  • Confused 1
12 hours ago, sanemax said:

Although this isnt in France .

He seems to think that everyone should adhere to his way of thinking and anyone who thinks differently should be banned .

   Maybe Hitlers time in France did have some effect on French people after all


Sane?max, you don't really know what you are talking about.

2 minutes ago, maximillian said:


Sane?max, you don't really know what you are talking about.

Maybe you could reply to what I posted , pointing out what you mean ?

28 minutes ago, Trouble said:

I was a history major so I well know the sins of the past. Those sins unfortunately go back to the beginning of time. Whether it's the Romans and their treatment of the Christians, Attila the Hun, or Genghis Khan, slaughter and cruelty has occurred throughout history.  Unfortunately no one today cares about the past. It's about instagram, twitter, and facebook these days.  To young people WW II is ancient history. What happened during WWII in the Third Reich has not stopped subsequent genocides. It did not stopped the purges of the Communists in the Soviet Union, the genocide in Cambodia, and it certainly did not stop the purges in China during Mao's time.  Although some of the Stalinist and Chinese purges occurred in the 1930's, they continued well after WWII. It's estimated that 70 million Chinese perished under Mao but no one seems to find pictures of him offensive and his prominence in China is evident everywhere. Knowledge of past genocides certainly has not stopped the more recent occurrences in Africa or the Middle East. So while the Nazi stuff being sold at a stall in Pattaya maybe offensive to some, it is not to the vast majority there. So get over it and stop with the righteous indignation. Don't like it, don't buy it and move along. As long a man inhabits the earth there will be death and destruction somewhere so might as well get used to it. It's like everything else, one group of people find something offensive whether its the Nazi flag or the Confederate flag and they force their indignation on everyone else to be politically correct. It's like never ending sensitivity training.

Sometimes I think PC thinking has gotten out of control, but the Nazi flag and the Confederate flag do exemplify racist and genocidal ideals. Blacks in the Southern US have every right to "force their indignation on everyone else" when that Confederate flag is waved around. Same with people in Europe who can still remember  the suffering from the Nazi scourge. I think if Thais were educated about Nazism they wouldn't embrace it.

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2 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

Sometimes I think PC thinking has gotten out of control, but the Nazi flag and the Confederate flag do exemplify racist and genocidal ideals. Blacks in the Southern US have every right to "force their indignation on everyone else" when that Confederate flag is waved around. Same with people in Europe who can still remember  the suffering from the Nazi scourge. I think if Thais were educated about Nazism they wouldn't embrace it.

Yes, blacks IN America and Europeans IN Europe but not to try and DICTATE what another country can or cannot sell as long as the seller is not breaking any of the countries laws. You are a visitor in Thailand, you do not try and dictate what can or cannot be sold here, if you do not like what is being sold then you have the choice of not buying the product but you do not have the right in any foreign country to try and dictate to them what can and cannot be sold by its residents. Don't complain about Thailand because you made the choice to come here, no one forced you, it was your choice.

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11 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

I think if Thais were educated about Nazism they wouldn't embrace it.

Selling some photos is hardly "embracing" Nazism .

I am quite sure that there is no connection between the photos and nazi ideology in Thailand .

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Yes, blacks IN America and Europeans IN Europe but not to try and DICTATE what another country can or cannot sell as long as the seller is not breaking any of the countries laws. You are a visitor in Thailand, you do not try and dictate what can or cannot be sold here, if you do not like what is being sold then you have the choice of not buying the product but you do not have the right in any foreign country to try and dictate to them what can and cannot be sold by its residents. Don't complain about Thailand because you made the choice to come here, no one forced you, it was your choice.

When did I ever suggest I'm for controlling or dictating the sale of this crap in Thailand? NOWHERE and I can shout TOO.

What I suggested was that when education in Thailand exposes them to what happened during WW2 with the Nazis that people will realized what repulsive trash they are selling and that it makes them a laughing stock worldwide.

They'll pull this crap off the market voluntarily in time.

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