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U.S.-Canada row escalates after tense G7, Europeans criticise Trump


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4 hours ago, kamahele said:

I truly believe that Kudlow was putting on a show for Trump's benefit and doesn't believe a word that came out of his own mouth. He earned his acting chops yesterday for sure but hurt the U.S. in return.

True that. It was an utterly ridiculous performance. If he had any credibility whatsoever, before this interview, it evaporated within 5 minutes. He is a hack, just like Sanders, Mnuchin, Ross, Kelly, and the others that surround this charlatan, snake oil salesman. 

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48 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


 And at the same time Trump is slapping around Canada and feuding with the other western allies, he's also back at the White House letting Chinese phone maker ZTE off the hook, erasing a total ban imposed by his own administration on ZTE doing business with U.S. suppliers that effectively would have put ZTE out of business.


This being the ZTE that has repeatedly violated, and admitted violating, U.S. law by selling prohibited technology to rogue states like North Korea and Iran, and is considered by U.S. intelligence agencies to be a potential threat to U.S. technology infrastructure because of providing potential insecure or compromised hardware.


ZTE, a repeat violator of U.S. law and in league with the Chinese govt., Trump is OK with. But Canada, one of the U.S. closest allies, they're obviously the worst and deserve berating in Trump's book. The man is either intentionally trying to sabotage U.S. national interests or he's so far deluded as to have totally lost any clue.


PS -- don't forget, = Putin's too.


Of course he let ZTE of the hook, a few days earlier China approved a loan to Trump's Indonesian enterprise.

Edited by stevenl
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15 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump also said he might double down on import tariffs by hitting the sensitive auto industry, throwing the G7's efforts to show a united front into disarray.

Bring it on! The G7 is just a cabal, IMO, that decides best how to enrich the 1% at the expense of their citizens. The sooner that farce is done away with, the better.

Trump upsetting the "leaders" of the G6- I'm lovin' it.

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3 hours ago, quandow said:

IF Trump was a man of intelligence and integrity then he MIGHT have stood a chance.  Only if . . .


A pathetic spoilt child indeed; when a national leader conducts diplomacy by throwing temper tantrums, his country looses trust and respect all over the world. Trump is taking the reputation of the US down the dunny, and no doubt this is causing much joy and amusement in Moscow and Beijing in the process.


                               Golden showers anyone?

Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at 08.54.13.png

Edited by Nigel Garvie
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Americans feeling "he's not my president" are starting to have a much better rationale for feeling that way.

We've been taken hostage by who knows what.

"trump" does NOT represent Americans in the way he acted in Canada!

It's like an alien takeover.

Anyway, to concerned international people (you SHOULD be concerned) please be patient. Maybe the "trump" can be well checked in 2018 and booted out in 2020. If not, it wouldn't be fair to ask for patience after that. 




Debacle in Quebec



He didn’t put America first; Russia first would be a better description. And he didn’t demand drastic policy changes from our allies; he demanded that they stop doing bad things they aren’t doing. This wasn’t a tough stance on behalf of American interests, it was a declaration of ignorance and policy insanity.





Edited by Jingthing
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15 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

True that. It was an utterly ridiculous performance. If he had any credibility whatsoever, before this interview, it evaporated within 5 minutes. He is a hack, just like Sanders, Mnuchin, Ross, Kelly, and the others that surround this charlatan, snake oil salesman. 

The lying was too much for him. I've read he's been admitted to the hospital after suffering a heart attack. I hope he recovers and realizes the mistakes he has made.....

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10 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

A pathetic spoilt child indeed; when a national leader conducts diplomacy by throwing temper tantrums, his country looses trust and respect all over the world. Trump is taking the reputation of the US down the dunny, and no doubt this is causing much joy and amusement in Moscow and Beijing in the process.


                               Golden showers anyone?

Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at 08.54.13.png

Many, many sex tapes. Trump has never met a gal he could say no to. And no doubt King Vlad has tapes of Trump with underage girls. Remember, Trump likes them young. He has been quoted as saying so. And those 22 trips to Orgy Island, on board Jeffrey Epstein's jet were not to inspect real estate. No doubt, there was alot of underage sex going on, which Epstein was arrested and jailed for. No doubt the president is a serial statutory rapist. I am hoping that is just part of what Mueller uncovers. That might be the final straw for this phony religious supporters. 

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