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Satun man killed while cleaning grenade


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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

What kind of imbecile periodically cleans his favorite hand grenade in the house?


I guess the answer to that question is -- one currently missing an arm with a disfigured face.  And probably pretty lucky he didn't lose more than that.


A Thai imbecile..... 

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2 hours ago, Ks45672 said:

A Thai imbecile..... 

Yes he was a Thai imbecile but not anymore.at least his family are safe now him and his bomb are out of the house.i can remember reading about some scrap yard near bkk where a man used a cutting blow torch on a big uxb.well you can guess the rest.

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16 minutes ago, happy chappie said:

Yes he was a Thai imbecile but not anymore.at least his family are safe now him and his bomb are out of the house.i can remember reading about some scrap yard near bkk where a man used a cutting blow torch on a big uxb.well you can guess the rest.

I remember that story 

It was an unexploded shell from the war

They said it was a solid steel piece from a construction wrecking ball and wanted to be paid for the weight on the scales 


Someone even told them it was a bomb but in their greedy ignorance they insisted it wasn't.... And then BOOM








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On Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 3:43 PM, spidermike007 said:

Some men play with cards. Some with cars. Some with women, and some with video games. Never heard of a man playing with a grenade. Beyond comprehension.


An old professor of mine used to love to say "there are many things that people say and do that are completely beyond my ability to grasp, or understand". Great line. It really seems to apply to an abundance of situations here in Thailand.

spidermike , isn't that a good one ?  You don't hear stuff like that now.  A teacher once said " Every time I stand up to speak some idiot opens his mouth "

Another I liked was "I have taught you everything I know and you still know nothing "

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15 hours ago, evadgib said:

Do they not audit their ordnance here? HTF does a civvie end up in possession of a live grenade? If the fly-off lever survived the batch could be traced but TiT ?



I'd say it hardly matters at this point.


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For a minute there, I thought the story was going to read “ he pulled out the pin and threw it away, whilst holding onto the grenade”. 

Glad to see he was not that stupid. 

Oh, hang on, forget my last remark. ?

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