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Call me any time: Trump says he gave North Korea's Kim direct number


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36 minutes ago, Justfine said:

Yeah talking about golf is what all the bad guys want.


They will have the secrets to reading the greens on the tricky front nine.

This is your defence for Trump ignoring security protocols. As with your other comments above - pathetic

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Just now, simple1 said:

This is your defence for Trump ignoring security protocols. As with your other comments above - pathetic

Pathetic = all the Trump hatred.


Whining everyday about Trump achieves nothing.



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3 hours ago, Justfine said:

Djia - 25,000 pts


Under Obama it was 18,000 or less.


Yet the haters said the sky would fall in if he won.



You must be talking about Republican predictions for the stock market and economy if Obama won a second term.

And as you clearly don't recall, the stock market was in free-fall when Obama took office. Where is that cave were you living in when that massive financial struck?

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6 hours ago, Justfine said:

Canada is a small insignificant economy compared to most.


It's odd how trying to solve the NK brings out all the haters.


After 50 years of gaining no ground finally a POTUS tries to deal with the issues and all the haters can do is complain.



The G7 stands for the Group of 7 Richest Countries in the World, which was recently held in Canada.


You calling Canada a small insignificant economy compared to most is like you being the 7th Richest Person in the World and me calling this nothing and insignificant compared to most other peoples wealth. 



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17 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

The G7 stands for the Group of 7 Richest Countries in the World, which was recently held in Canada.


You calling Canada a small insignificant economy compared to most is like you being the 7th Richest Person in the World and me calling this nothing and insignificant compared to most other peoples wealth. 



It's doesn't stand for the 7 richest nations in the world. China and India aren't members. 

That said, Canada is the 10th richest country in the world. And given that its population is a bit smaller than California's, that's quite impressive. By no rational standards does Canada have a small, insignificant economy. Of course, to a Trump supporter, rational standards generally are of no consequence.

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In 2018, Top ten countries by gdp ppp terms are : China, United States, India, Japan, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, United Kingdom and France. 


And I'm not a Trump supporter.


Wrong on both counts.



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4 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

The G7 stands for the Group of 7 Richest Countries in the World, which was recently held in Canada.

The original G6 (expanded to G8 adding Canada then Russia, then reduced to G7 by removing Russia) was formed by the US of industrialized democracies to discuss issues such as global economic governance, international security, and energy policy.


At this time is makes mores sense to admit India before considering Russia's return.

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4 hours ago, Justfine said:

GDP ppp per capita Canada only ranked 34th last year.


Not even close to top 7.

Well, if GDP ppp per capita is your criterion for ranking a nation'a economic importance then there's an even morey minor nation that ranks at #70 at best depending on which ranking system you use: Ii's called China and it occupies the humble position of 2nd largest economy in the world.


And where did you come up with that figure of #37 for Canada?. I've got 3 separate ratings for it and it runs anywhere from 19-25.

And of course if you actually look at lots of those nations that rank highly they're either tiny nations with large amounts of oil or tax shelters that distort the GDP figures. And even then those figures for most of the small oil producing natons are misleading since they only count citizens in their statistics and not the huge numbers of foreign workers engaged in menial labor.

But apart from those considerations, your factoid was relevant and impeccable.



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4 hours ago, Justfine said:

GDP ppp per capita Canada only ranked 34th last year.


Not even close to top 7.

When you look at per capita income and like you are doing, you are not looking at a countries wealth, but rather the average yearly income per person in that country. That is a big difference! 


For example China has the second largest economy in the world today and only behind the USA, and thus larger than Canada, but because of a huge population it ranks 79th place, and behind Canada, when measured in per capita income, and what you are measuring this in. 


On the other end of this scale you have Qatar ranked as the 1st on per capita income, but surely not having the largest economy in the world. and larger than the USA, China, or Japan. It is ranked 1st because the country is quite wealthy in Oil & Gas but mostly because this country also has a very low population, making the per capita income higher.


When you are looking at Oranges and counting them as Apples then your figures are bound to be off. I can assure you that Canada is at least in the top 10 wealthy and most advanced countries in the World. Which are 2 of the criteria to be in the Group of 7. 

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8 hours ago, bristolboy said:

It's doesn't stand for the 7 richest nations in the world. China and India aren't members. 

That said, Canada is the 10th richest country in the world. And given that its population is a bit smaller than California's, that's quite impressive. By no rational standards does Canada have a small, insignificant economy. Of course, to a Trump supporter, rational standards generally are of no consequence.

I stand to be corrected. The G7 was formed and stood for the Group of 7 Richest and most (Technically) Advanced Countries in the World. With this criteria in mind this is why China and India could not be allowed to join as even if there Economies meets the criteria, they are not technically advanced countries. 


The same holds true about Russia. Some believe that when Russia joined it was then called the G8, or Group of 8. But in reality it never was called this technically, and only reported this way. The technical name was the G7 +1.


Again Russia lost out on the criteria of not being technically an advanced country. Even if they could make the A Bomb.I beleive being technically advanced has more to do with your labour force and secondary educaion, the standard of living, but I am not 100% sure about that part.    

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On 6/17/2018 at 9:36 AM, Justfine said:


Whining everyday about Trump achieves nothing.



Fair enough, though would qualify democracy requires exposure of crass lies by leaders. Equally applies to those constantly endeavouring to deflect / support the liar in chief, even Trump's after summit press conference regards N.K. IMO accessing Fact Check sites should be mandatory prior to posting; as should the media when reporting on Trump's nonsensical comments.

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