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Boat caught in Europe's migration spat brings hundreds to Spain


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51 minutes ago, manarak said:


you seem to know much better than me where to find this information.


the point here was to recognize that there is a problem of too many asylum seekers staying after rejection and the extent of the problem (huge).


beyond that, the dicussion about democracy is also relevant, because while minority protection is a good thing, the decision by governments against the will of their voters to import of more minorities from abroad really hurts the feeling of democracy.


in several European countries, large groups of voters are right wing without being far right extremists, yet the increasingly left-leaning policies of their elected parties give them the feeling of not being represented in parliament and they are presented with the choice, for example in Germany, to either continue to vote for CDU/Merkel for policies they disapprove of, or to vote for the AfD, which has been taken over by the extreme right in recent years.

The shift of the CDU from the right to the center under Merkel left Germany without a proper right wing party.


OK, but the OP is in regard to Spain's decision to take in asylum seekers for assessment.

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