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WATCH: This video reveals one of the reasons why so many people die on Thailand's roads


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9 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

If driving, especially on a motorbike, treat the activity as an act of war, in a sense that you may be mowed down or killed at any moment. Maintain eyes in the back of your head. Watch everyone. Expect craziness, insanity, lack of reason, and a complete lack of courtesy and respect on the roads, at all times. Expect cars and trucks to be coming at you in the wrong lane. Expect people to overtake you with the slimmest of margins. Expect trucks to be driving very slowly in the fast lane of a highway. 

If riding a motorbike, only do so if you have many years of experience. Especially on the southern islands, where huge numbers of foreigners leave Thailand in a wooden box. Wear the best helmet you can afford. And drive like a grandmother. This applies to ex-pats too. Bring along an international drivers license, or better yet, a Thai motorcycle license. This helps you to avoid being fleeced by the local police franchisee.


The police only show up after the accident takes place. There is nothing in the way of traffic safety on the roads, or on the highways. Those traffic stops are all about weapons, drugs and handouts. Nothing to do with safety. I suppose there is no money in traffic safety. However, if they levied real fines for speeding over 120kph, for reckless driving, making severely quick lane changes, etc, there would be some money to be made, and the highways would be safer. 


Just a few days ago, I was driving along at about 110kph, on a good, straight stretch of highway. A safe speed. And some joker cuts in front of me with his pickup truck. Within two meters in front of me, then slams on his brakes. I guess he never stopped to look at the lane he was cutting into to see that there was no room for him! I slammed on my brakes to avoid the numnut, and barely missed him. Would have been a horrific crash. Why? What was the point of him changing lanes? Why didn't he look first? Who changes lanes without looking first, when they are doing over 100 kph? Why so little regard for his wife, and for others? Where does that mentality come from? Why do Thais seem so polite, yet when they get into a car, everything they have ever learned in life goes right out the window? Why so little in the way of common sense, reason, and the ability to be careful and maintain some vision? Why such idiocy? The apparent lack of skill and peripheral awareness on the road here is very scary.



My friends Thai wife says that their is such concept as "common sense" in the Thai language

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1 hour ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Another triumph for law enforcement in Thailand.


Here's a good exercise. In our village, there is a 'Police Box. adjacent to the main set of traffic lights.


Past the police box (every day) is a procession of driders without helmets, 3 or more on a m/c, phone-fiddlers while driving, red-light runners, and an estimated 80% without legal licenses to drive.


Nary a policeman to be found. Law enforcement (apparently) is not what they do.



Nah, are you talking about one of thoose condemned boxes again, that are no longer fit for working in??? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

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It's interesting that people are saying that this exact scenario is common place here because I have never witnessed anything quite as deplorable as this around where I live. One hand on the bike and the other holding a child yes, but never no hands and staring at a phone.


As someone who has never even ridden a motorcycle, I'm curious how it continues to move forward without a hand on the throttle.




Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


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5 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Nah, are you talking about one of thoose condemned boxes again, that are no longer fit for working in??? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


Probably, except it's new so that means about 60% of the approved budget was spent on the building and 40% went into trouser pockets.

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This just shows how ignorant Thai people are when driving/riding their vehicles with passengers/children in their care! Absolutely shocking & these young kids just are at risk every day, which is criminal ................ but the police do nothing & the mindset will never change here. I just hate driving here, especially during peak times .......... sad really as I'd love to tour the country & visit places, but driving is no fun here. Tried to use the bus system & mini buses as an alternative to driving ....... scared the s##t out of me! 

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6 minutes ago, Dmaxdan said:

It's interesting that people are saying that this exact scenario is common place here because I have never witnessed anything quite as deplorable as this around where I live. One hand on the bike and the other holding a child yes, but never no hands and staring at a phone.


As someone who has never even ridden a motorcycle, I'm curious how it continues to move forward without a hand on the throttle.




Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


It's easy to take your hands off the bars briefly 

Actually the faster your going the better it balances because you have forward momentum although I never do it to use my phone lol

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This is not the major cause of accident or death. The major cause is lack of education. You do a test, if you are lucky you get your license, if you are not lucky you pay 500 Baht extra and get your license as well. Either way, there is no former teaching. No lessons whatsoever. So how can you learn to know rules or even apply them?

You can't expect police to enforce rules, they are overwelmed by a population that has or has not driver licenses and I dear to say that 90% or more NEVER had any previous lessons other then learn how to change gear on the bike.


Every time I hear people say that the police should do something about it. That's not it, they should as well as a good traffic education. 

Edited by Thaijack2014
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39 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:

Actually the faster your going the better it balances because you have forward momentum

Gyroscopic effect, I believe is the answer to the front wheel staying in position. 

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The pathetic excuse of a women, in the video riding the bike, but not in control of it, should be put into prison for a year or two! Her bike license revoked for life! Her motorbike taken away and crushed!


She is clearly not fit to be child minder or parent. She exposed the life of the innocent child to possible death because of her selfish demeanor.


What will the police do? Slap her wrist? She then goes and makes merit at a temple so that all is forgiven and forgotten?! 


Most likely...


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They love ticketing riders without helmets but don’t seem to care at all when car, trucks and scooters drive around at night with no headlights and no taillights. 


No lights is much more dangerous to themselves and other vehicles. Not having a helmet only effects the driver and passengers of the scooter. 

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Disgraceful, and with a kiddie on board. never mind the helmets her actions scream out "I WANT TO DIE!".


I know a lot of us come from a nanny state and we get peed off with the traffic regulations and endless cameras but you have to say how would be people behave if there was no enforcement at all and people were left to their own devices,, well I guess here is the example.You can never underestimate the utter stupidity of so many people. Nothing to do with education, this is a total idiot of the road who will end up killing herself, her child and potentially any other poor innocent who is unfortunate enough to share road space with her.


Hope they find her and punish her appropriately but I doubt it.... Very sad,,,,





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