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Petchaburi Brit tops the overstay list in latest crackdown on foreign criminals


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3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I wonder how they located Mr. Laverack?


Petchaburi is very off the radar.




One of my mates a few years back went to work there as an English teacher. I went to visit him for what was meant to be 2 weeks, I left after 2 days as I was rather bored. 

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As far as i'm aware if due to medical conditions you're unable to make it to immigration then so long as it's supported by doctors note someone else can do the extension on your behalf?


A lot of your comments seem to be very aggressive Colin, there's not really any need for that....

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1 hour ago, colinneil said:

Well i was on overstay for 35 days 4 years ago, so according to you i should have been kicked out.

but was that not for medical reasons?   but if not then the rules apply to all

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1 hour ago, grumbleweed said:

Typical British traveller, think the empire still exists and they can still colonise any land they step foot on.

Now let's see who's dumb enough to take offence at this without me having to spell it out


Yeah, the old the new and the would like colonists...


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27 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

Meanwhile, the migrants land illegally in Europe by whole boats convinced of their rights. :crazy:

it happens here as well.

But think maybe,   they just push the boats back out to sea. :shock1:


Edited by stanleycoin
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20 minutes ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

One of my mates a few years back went to work there as an English teacher. I went to visit him for what was meant to be 2 weeks, I left after 2 days as I was rather bored. 

Oh come on ,   there is more to Thailand than, bar girls, booze and massage parlours,  isn't there ? :giggle:


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3 hours ago, chippendale said:

187 days is nothing.


I bet there are still guys hiding out on 10+ years overstay. Award a gold Rolex to the cop who rugby tackles him.

I know a DPM who might put his left hand up for that tackle. 

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1 minute ago, colinneil said:

Coma, coma, are you aware of what that is?

Because it appears you have no idea, and you wonder why my comments seem to be aggressive.

Words fail me.


I did not take it as that, I take it as if people (in general) do the appropriate reporting - you would not be on overstay.  If you are a comatose patient in a hospital then the hospital should be (not knowing the exact process - but since there is a process for most things - there should be one) responsible for reporting your medical condition to authorities and the clock for overstay should be suspended.  

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Just now, JaiLai said:

Yes, i'm aware.


Was your PP not submitted to the hospital with visa in it? were no family members or friends aware or your visa requirements?


I see so many of your comments in other threads such as "hang the fool" or "bloody idiots" or "throw away the key" or "he needs a bloody good kicking" but it's a bit different when the shoes on the other foot, you expect them to bend the rules just for you?


You really should relax and be happy....it will bring you peace, try to slowly count to ten when you feel the red mist coming...


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1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

I had English friend Steve... how many years? 5? 10? Homeless living on Jomtien Beach, depending on the kindness of strangers and friends. Was even on CNN and another channel that escapes my mind. Would get locked up by cops time and again. Then released: he had no money so nothing in it for them. Was a good guy, kept himself neat & clean tho seemed to live to get drunk. Even wrote a book "Paradise Gone Wrong". Cops finally bit the bullet and kicked him out year or so ago. I miss him.

Made the error of buying that book after a long thread on this forum several years ago.  What a waste of money!   Totally self-serving and self-absorbed, bragging about all the people who's kindness he has taken advantage of and then using funds donated for food and medical care to buy more booze and go on another bender...and he thinks this is perfectly cool.  Has no feelings of responsibility for children he has fathered or wives he has left caring for those offspring.  He does occasionally try to contact them...if he thinks he can guilt them into a handout.

Nothing whatsoever redeeming about this lout. Nothing but a parasite.

Edited by dddave
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2 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

I did not take it as that, I take it as if people (in general) do the appropriate reporting - you would not be on overstay.  If you are a comatose patient in a hospital then the hospital should be (not knowing the exact process - but since there is a process for most things - there should be one) responsible for reporting your medical condition to authorities and the clock for overstay should be suspended.  

Well  neither my wife or the hospital were aware of my  visa situation.

So nothing was done about it, until i was able to communicate with my wife, which due to tubes it was done in  notes i scribbled.

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The Majority of us here in Thailand

adhere to the Thai Immigration laws on our 90 day reporting and making sure our Visas are current 

so no excuse for anyone who fails to report and gets caught 

They know  the  consequences 

There will no doubt be some exceptions Medical wise ect   but they are in the minority

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15 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Well  neither my wife or the hospital were aware of my  visa situation.

So nothing was done about it, until i was able to communicate with my wife, which due to tubes it was done in  notes i scribbled.

For the hospital, your visa situation is irrelevant.  One way or another they have to report the presence of all foreigners to immigration -- immigration would know your visa situation.  

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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I wonder how they located Mr. Laverack?


Petchaburi is very off the radar.





Thais get money if they dob in a farang or foreigner for overstay. Thai lady next door god bless her soul had this German friend. A guy. Well, one day the German got drunk and told his new best friend the Thai lady he had overstayed his visa. Next morning he got visitors The Police and he was arrested went to the Bangkok Hilton and was deported. End of friendship Sad story you think? 2 things came out of this story. Don't get drunk and start telling your friends all about your bad things or just plain simply don't trust Thai ladies when there is money involved. We all know certain Thai Ladies have ways to get information out of you (Wink Wink )

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7 minutes ago, mgthom63 said:

If you were in a coma, then there are clearly extenuating circumstances as to why a 35 day overstay should be overlooked and not lead to you being kicked out of the country.


But I think you were being a little mischievous when you posed this question about your overstay without mentioning these extenuating circumstances, per below.  Not everyone on this forum knows about your particular circumstances.


If I posed the question, "should I lose my driving licence if I speed at 130 mph" I would expect the majority of posters to say yes.  But I wouldn't get indignant with them if I failed to mention I was driving my wife to the emergency room with a gunshot wound and no ambulance was responding to my 999 call.


Me mischievious, shocked  i am.:cheesy:

The member expatthailover who that comment was aimed at is aware of what my situation was at the time,.but has been very quiet since he posted that anybody 10 days or 10 years over stay should be deported.

Edited by colinneil
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