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Bullying of LGBT youth still pervasive in Thai schools


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45 minutes ago, Eligius said:

 Also, who decides what 'the right role models of men and women' are?

biology and evolution. even brains of men and women are different, nevertheless you le

ftists call this scientific fact "politically incorrect"


53 minutes ago, Eligius said:

This bogus claim is without all solid, peer-reviewed, scholarly foundation. It is shameful to peddle such mendacious, prejudice-spawned idiocy.

tyou leftists always deny scientific facts which do not fit your agenda - becuase they are "politically incorrect"

but its still a fact



45 minutes ago, Eligius said:

I suppose Prayut is a marvellous role model of masculinity, right?

Prayut is a real man. not same as feminist boys of the West. like  Justin Trudeau for example...


46 minutes ago, Eligius said:

A great model for all Thai kids to follow - NOT!

yes. and no one in Thailand cares that you dont agree with this. it's your problem, not Thai's

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9 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

biology and evolution. even brains of men and women are different, nevertheless you le

ftists call this scientific fact "politically incorrect"


tyou leftists always deny scientific facts which do not fit your agenda - becuase they are "politically incorrect"

but its still a fact



Prayut is a real man. not same as feminist boys of the West. like  Justin Trudeau for example...


yes. and no one in Thailand cares that you dont agree with this. it's your problem, not Thai's

It is interesting that the scientific paper you cite does not side with the claim that gayness is chiefly caused by nurture/social factors, but rather that it is caused by as yet undetermined processes of 'nature'. Here is what the authors write: 'We believe scientific evidence supports the first view [that homosexuality is caused by nature] much more strongly than it does the second' [i.e. that gayness is generated by social factors - which would include absent fathers!].

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but there are scientific evidence chowed in this article which support social theory of homosexuality. but in the end of article authors wrote "we believe" that most evidence are in favor of non -social theory in order to protect themselves from left-liberal lobby which nowadays has a power to destroy career of any US scientist.


same as due to  exponentially increasing pressure from left-liberal lobby, the Board of Directors for the American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from the DSM in 1973.


we should make US science free from leftist agenda to let scientist admit the obvious.

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14 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Discussions with people who use the "leftists" are complete useless and brain- numbing!

adepts of left ideology destroyed so many countries - including Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos.

now they are trying to take control over Cambodia again - by overthrowing an elected government by Soros and NED (National Endowment fro democracy) funded CNRP . But Hun Sen jailed the leader of CNRP - Kem Sokha. Asia fights back with left-globalists.))

this explanation by Kem Sokha was caught on video:

And, the USA that has assisted me, they asked me to take the model from Yugoslavia, Serbia, where they can changed the dictator Slobodan Milosevic, You know Milosevic had a huge numbers of tanks. But they changed things by using this strategy, and they take this experience for me to implement in Cambodia. But no one knew about this.


if you hate to hear that means that I am doing the right thing))

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2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Yes, I fine. Is that your reply? Pretty flimsy. Busy today are we? I thought you were a strong debator on TVF. Shame, I picked the day you're washing your underpants.


Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




Did you come up with that great comment with help of your own imagination, or did somebody need to help you?

However, If you would have bothered to really understand my reply, then you would have seen the deep meaning in it.
The meaning was that you must be the first foreigner in the world, coming to Thailand, and get you life ruined by local bullies. Anyway, Thanks for making me laugh.

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Jingthing, sarcasm.  I come from the age of Lesbiens, Gay, Butchs, S&M, Straights, Queers,

and AC,DC people. Now I have to try remember this new stuff. I may even have to get used to

the new 3rd choice toilets that some are demanding. It is a strange different world that we all

occupy. Yes I am over 60, nearing 70 so I am a...


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Did you come up with that great comment with help of your own imagination, or did somebody need to help you?

However, If you would have bothered to really understand my reply, then you would have seen the deep meaning in it.
The meaning was that you must be the first foreigner in the world, coming to Thailand, and get you life ruined by local bullies. Anyway, Thanks for making me laugh.

According to you. The be all and end all of all things Thailand.

But, I'm glad I amused you as so does the subject of bullying. Obviously you are blind to the real world outside and are living in your own fantasy world.

I wonder if you have any LGBTQ friends over here? If so and I doubt it, you could ask them on whether they were bullied at school.

Were you? Can we have a little openess here. Were you bullied as a boy? Have you been bullied at work?

Come on 'get real' I'm still waiting for the great debate. Your side tracking techniques are so good that you'd make the perfect politician.

Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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57 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

According to you. The be all and end all of all things Thailand.

But, I'm glad I amused you as so does the subject of bullying. Obviously you are blind to the real world outside and are living in your own fantasy world.

I wonder if you have any LGBTQ friends over here? If so and I doubt it, you could ask them on whether they were bullied at school.

Were you? Can we have a little openess here. Were you bullied as a boy? Have you been bullied at work?

Come on 'get real' I'm still waiting for the great debate. Your side tracking techniques are so good that you'd make the perfect politician.

Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Bullying is a disgusting thing, which can wreck a person's emotional life and confidence for years (as an educator, I have seen the harm that bullying can do, and I always oppose it with the utmost vigour). It does not matter whether the bullying is over someone being fat, gay, skinny, having a big nose, big feet, buck teeth, a club foot, or whatever - it is always a cowardly and unacceptable behaviour. 


I think most of us here rightly loathe it - and that is one reason, amongst many, why most of us detest the present ruling regime in Thailand ...


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30 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

According to you. The be all and end all of all things Thailand.

At first. A comment and a sentence as above, is not possible for anybody to understand. If you want me to debate about that, you just have to make it understandable.


30 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

But, I'm glad I amused you as so does the subject of bullying. Obviously you are blind to the real world outside and are living in your own fantasy world.

The real subject bullying, does not amuse me. However, stating like you that you are moving/coming to another country and getting bullied by the locals actually did amuse me.

Not blind at all, and living in exact same world like you. We normally call it Earth. Internationally and scientifically namned "Tellus" Here humans are considered to be at the top of the food chain bases on their capabilities and intelligence. I might then add that, according to me, intelligence is to be able to accept youself as you where born. Also to accept the surrondings an world you where born into, and make that work for you.


30 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

I wonder if you have any LGBTQ friends over here? If so and I doubt it, you could ask them on whether they were bullied at school.

No, I don´t. The first reason you already read above. I can´t for my life understand people that refuse to accept themselfs as they are born. The second reason you can see a big part of in my next answer. Not be so sensitive about everything. The sensitivity in this, in my opinion, misplaced group in society has gone over the top in all areas. If you compare the other groups in society and calculate percentually per capita, then you will see the horriffic result. What it represents is listed below:


  • percentually most stealings and thefts per capita.
  • percentually most complainers per capita.
  • percentually most sensitive persons that ends/turn to violence per capita.

After that, as a man I do not have all access to the female world. As a woman nobody have all access to the mans world. Here we have to accept that there are better suited people for different things, which mean that we have to accept a no in many cases. People from this group consider themselfs as superior to everything and should have access everywhere and can not for their life understand why people say no or refuse to deal or react with them.

Based on that, I can not see what I could benefit out of having LGBTQ friends. Likewise, I would guess that they would not have such a great interest in beeeing a friend of mine.


30 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Were you? Can we have a little openess here. Were you bullied as a boy? Have you been bullied at work?

No, not according to me. I lower classes in school I was a little bit shy, and sometimes got left outside or laughed at. That was something I had to get out of myself, and work on that until I could stand and talk in front of people at school meetings in higer classes. I do not consider that bullying. It all depends on how you consider it. If somebody is a little fat, then he just have to be able to take a clap on the somach. Not be so sensitive about everything. 


30 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Come on 'get real' I'm still waiting for the great debate. Your side tracking techniques are so good that you'd make the perfect politician.

I guess you got your debate know. Maybe more than you asked for, but you will have to remember one thing. The same goes for all other readers. 

This is my opinons. I am not stating them to be aggressive or to hurt somebody, but just as an answer to the comment I quoted. I will not go in further on this subject, and just leave it like it is now. At least all that reads this know my stance. Let´s just leave it with that. If you, Wilsonandson, wants to continue the conversation we can do that in private messages, due to that I do realize my stance might upset the group and suporters to the same.

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22 hours ago, Matt96 said:

it was made up by leftists who uses some "scientists" as an instrument to impose a false narrative. same as they created global warming hoax. scientists get grants, PhDs, jobs, and leftists get base to impose carbon quotas.


its  not about discovery. discovery is the fact that can be scientifically checked. google "popper criteria" to know more.


and "intersex" idea is just a term to convince a group of people that they are oppressed minority and therefore should vote for leftists (who call themselves democrats in the US)


Are people really this stupid? Everything is not a conspiracy theory. In the infinite number of  permutations that nature creates continually, people are born with 6 fingers, albinism occurs, conjoined twins are born, pick an abnormality and it occurs, so is it really so hard to think someone could have both sets of genitals? The idiocy astounds me. I suppose the earth is flat too because the globe makers need to advance their agenda for world domination.

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Always the glb sheep shagging necrophiliac u name it......... whatever.............stuff em, stop bleating, its  way WAY more than just that tiny minority that get  bullied at Thai schools.

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18 hours ago, Eligius said:

It is interesting that the scientific paper you cite does not side with the claim that gayness is chiefly caused by nurture/social factors, but rather that it is caused by as yet undetermined processes of 'nature'. Here is what the authors write: 'We believe scientific evidence supports the first view [that homosexuality is caused by nature] much more strongly than it does the second' [i.e. that gayness is generated by social factors - which would include absent fathers!].

arent 10% of sheep gay also?  

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