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Alf, i cannot believe that you have just made that lengthy and fairly worthless post. As you are fully aware, you have selectively quoted me, often missing out the key part of what i was saying in order to try and make me look bad. And all of this, just because you don't like the truth that i am telling. Hardly the behaviour becoming of a gentleman is it?

I'm going to break this down for you, and don't make me have to embarrass you again like this.

Just to refresh your memory here are some verbatim quotes from you:

"these dinosaurs" reference to older people in your first post.

A jocular figure of speech

"Some of what that entails must be quite repulsive" "not a nice thought"

This is not insulting, it is just a fact that to the overwhelming majority of young men and women, sexual acts with elderly people are not at all appealing

"She had to leave early to get back to her dinosaur husband"

A joke, just a bit of banter with Dr Naam

"In a better world they would be living their dream of hooking up with a decent guy". So, older people are not "decent"!

'with a decent guy, not too distant in age from themselves'.... no mention whatsoever of old people not being decent, it's just what i presume to be a desirable quality that most women would like in a partner regardless of age. Come on now Alf, you can do better than this, that was a shameless attempt to misrepresent me.

"hooking up with these old codgers"

Another figure of speech, don't tell me you're offended by that? you're really clutching at straws

"Is your hearing aid not working properly?"

A joke Alf, based on the fact that despite me explaining my stance on a few occasions now, you keep on trying to twist it into something else as if you haven't heard me. For the record, i have no idea whether you have a hearing aid or not.

That to me sounds pretty disrespectful, insulting and intolerant whatever you say.

Here are a few of your sentiments about the women that you claim to feel sorry for:

"Apparently they're often easy lays"

Once again, if you read the rest of the passage you will see that that is not my thought, i'm merely echoing a Thai friend of mine who indeed does often find them to be easy lays. He has more experience of this than me so i will bow to his superior first hand knowledge, but i have to say, my own observations lend me to believe that this is also the case. Mainly because the women are not sexually satisfied. This is not really surprising is it? Not when you consider that most of these young women are not sexually attracted to their elderly husbands.

"A thai friend of mine in Khon khaen, decent looking chap, is constantly nailing these women who are married to elderly farang" Nice friend. (or is it just YOU wishful thinking)

He's an alright chap, what he gets up to in his own time is no business of mine, not sure what your point is here

"a lady has just arrived at my door requiring urgent attention"

I can't see anything insulting or disrespectful in that statement, nor have i mentioned what the attention was that she required, or indeed her relation to me

"I'm being entertained by two lovely young ladies as i type."

Same again, nothing disrespectful about that. And i said nothing about the manner in which they were entertaining me at that moment in time. Maybe they were just cooking me some dinner while i perused the posts on ThaiVisa?

You are also totally disrespectful of the women you claim to be sorry for.

Not one elderly poster on this thread has found it necessary to boast about his conquests. You are singularly alone in that regard and, since you obviously don't realise it, most women find that "quality" very unattractive in a man.

You seem to think that you are privy to the inner workings of women's minds but you are way off the mark. Just ask. Most women value security, respect, consideration etc. far more than the Rambo image or those who regard themselves as "Us younger, virile studs" (another of your quotes). Looks and age are low in the list of priorities, especially amongst Oriental women (Did you ever take a look at their "god" image and some of the monks that they respect?).

Although you don't realise it the real you is very transparent to the oldies who have been around the block a bit. I've only got one piece of advice for you: "grow up"

I have made one reference to a couple of ladies i have been involved with recently, and have said nothing disrespectful at all Alf, where are all these boasts about my conquests? All in your mind i'm afraid, old chap. A bit of joking banter with one or two people, nothing more, and nothing disrespectful said about the ladies. Be careful not to try your selective quoting or i'll have to take you to task again.

As for asking what the women think, i'll leave you with another quote of mine because i'm getting tired of having to tell you these things over and over again....

Actually Alf, i have spoken with a number of mia farang, both ex and currently keeping up the act, and that is the gist i have obtained from those conversations. I mean, let's be honest, if the prospect of servicing a woman in her 60's or 70's doesn't appeal to these elderly gentlemen or the younger guys out there, why would you possibly think that young ladies are thrilled by the prospect of servicing these elderly gents? They make the compromise for the cash, by and large.'

All this animosity just because i spelt out a few basic truths, and because i feel sorry for disadvantaged women. No end of attempted personal attacks and attempts to cast aspersions against my character from you old guys, in a vain and rather obvious attempt to discredit the content of what i am saying, and as a consequence make you feel more secure with your choices. Respect? You don't know the meaning of the word. All because i've intruded on your dream world. You really must think that Thailand is on a different planet from your home countries, and the women intrinsically different from the species known as women where you come from, sad really. 'On the planet Thailand, it's every young woman's dream to have a sexual relationship with an old man'. I've got one piece of advice for you Alf: 'Try living in the real world'.

Edited by John_Rambo
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If I look at it from Rambo's corner I suppose it must be a blow to some young guys to find themselves in a situation where youth and good looks are no particular advantage compared to buying power. I can understand them being disgusted when a guy twice or three times their age can outbid them. I've seen many young guys get very bitter after their money runs out and they find just how unattractive they are to Thai women without it.

Edited by qwertz
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Oh ye of little faith he is back, way to go Rambo

So this would be "Rambo II"


Not to be confusing I don't concur with all of Rambos thoughts, just knew he had some fire left.

I was just happy to see him in there boxing with us old guys :D

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If I look at it from Rambo's corner I suppose it must be a blow to some young guys to find themselves in a situation where youth and good looks are no particular advantage compared to buying power. I can understand them being disgusted when a guy twice or three times their age can outbid them. I've seen many young guys get very bitter after their money runs out and they find just how unattractive they are to Thai women without it.

This may be true, but I really don't detect any such bitterness in Rambo.

I, too, feel very sorry for the young men & women I see with vastly older partners. It is usually :o PATENTLY clear that if money was not part of the equation, they'd not be with that person. Not only that but I cannot help thinking how highly unpleasant it must be to have sexual relations with someone you are not just not attracted to, but indeed may find unattractive.

Sorry, but I think everyone deserves better options in life. :D

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You're right about the money factor but we can only speculate how things would be if there were none. Rambo is okay and I like his outspokenness but he's speculating just like the rest of us. There's no real competition between young and old there so long as both factions have adequate finance. Take that away and the majority of farangs wouldn't be there in the first place because most of us are there to get more for our money. There's no way to assess under current conditions whether the older men would score better with their charm and wisdom unless you take away their finance. And a young guy will never know if his girl loves him for his youthful beauty or his financial clout. One thing's for sure - young or old - there's no chance of a man wearing himself out on freebies.

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There's no way to assess under current conditions whether the older men would score better with their charm and wisdom unless you take away their finance.

I beg to differ. Just observing the body language will give you the answer in many cases.

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You're right about the money factor but we can only speculate how things would be if there were none. Rambo is okay and I like his outspokenness but he's speculating just like the rest of us. There's no real competition between young and old there so long as both factions have adequate finance. Take that away and the majority of farangs wouldn't be there in the first place because most of us are there to get more for our money. There's no way to assess under current conditions whether the older men would score better with their charm and wisdom unless you take away their finance. And a young guy will never know if his girl loves him for his youthful beauty or his financial clout. One thing's for sure - young or old - there's no chance of a man wearing himself out on freebies.

Come on qwertz we can try to make a grading :D

1. Young man, lots of money, two machineguns at the hips and a third gun somewhere in the middle. :D

2. Old man, lots of money, left the machineguns at home, still fireing with the third though. :D

3. Young man, no money, no machineguns, fireing indiscriminately with the third :o

4. Old man, no money, no machineguns, the third with an old bullet permanently stuck in the barrel. :D

Kind regards. :bah:

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You're right about the money factor but we can only speculate how things would be if there were none. Rambo is okay and I like his outspokenness but he's speculating just like the rest of us. There's no real competition between young and old there so long as both factions have adequate finance. Take that away and the majority of farangs wouldn't be there in the first place because most of us are there to get more for our money. There's no way to assess under current conditions whether the older men would score better with their charm and wisdom unless you take away their finance. And a young guy will never know if his girl loves him for his youthful beauty or his financial clout. One thing's for sure - young or old - there's no chance of a man wearing himself out on freebies.

Actually, i don't think we really have to speculate all that far do we? Just take a look at the options for these elderly chaps in their home countries, where they are not considered to be especially wealthy, and where the women have money of their own. Like i said, some of the elderly guys here in Thailand seem to have convinced themselves that the women in Thailand are a completely different species to the one in their home country.

If you ask a lot of the young guys who come travelling through Thailand with very little finance about their popularity with the local ladies, i get the impression that you will be astounded by what you hear. I mean no disrespect to anyone when i say this, but with or without money they have the women queing up, and a lot of them know that the guy isn't sticking around and has nothing to give them. But isn't that fairly natural? Young women are attracted to young men.

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I cannot help thinking how highly unpleasant it must be to have sexual relations with someone you are not just not attracted to, but indeed may find unattractive.

'WaiWai', this is the main factor of divorce....specialy in young couples

It is natural that after a couple of years the physical attractiveness is lost, specially afther the children come. Some perdure becuase of their sense of love and responsibility....

but if you are going to tell me that all young couples are together becuase they attracted to each others, I am going to tell you that you have no idea what you are talking about :o ...cheers!

Edited by torito
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If you ask a lot of the young guys who come travelling through Thailand with very little finance about their popularity with the local ladies, i get the impression that you will be astounded by what you hear. I mean no disrespect to anyone when i say this, but with or without money they have the women queing up, and a lot of them know that the guy isn't sticking around and has nothing to give them.

Welcome back young studs...one factor that you have to consider is that most thai ladies, specially in the environment that you appears to move, have always expectations :D ......the fact that they don't tell you is another matter :o ...

I mean no disrespect to anyone ..

I think that we are beginning to understand each other young stud... :D

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If you ask a lot of the young guys who come travelling through Thailand with very little finance about their popularity with the local ladies, i get the impression that you will be astounded by what you hear. I mean no disrespect to anyone when i say this, but with or without money they have the women queing up, and a lot of them know that the guy isn't sticking around and has nothing to give them. But isn't that fairly natural? Young women are attracted to young men.

When I first came to Thailand, I ended up traveling around with some much younger and much better looking guys and had a lot of fun. Once in a great while one of them would get a freebie with a middle-aged woman - usually a mamasan - but the attractive young girls always wanted cash. :o

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Then those guys were incredibly unfortunate, or had something else wrong with them. I can assure you from both my own experiences, and from the experience of others i know, that that is not usually the case if you are in any way reasonably attractive.

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Then those guys were incredibly unfortunate, or had something else wrong with them. I can assure you................... if you are in any way reasonably attractive.

Young stud...this is what you do not want to understand...you want to attribute your success to your good looking and youth. It is just your endless ego.....still is a potential better future the only thing that they see in you. :D .

and considering the big mouth you have, for sure you make them to believe that you are more wealthy than you really are....... :o

........ I've seen many young guys get very bitter after their money runs out and they find just how unattractive they are to Thai women without it.


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Then those guys were incredibly unfortunate, or had something else wrong with them. I can assure you................... if you are in any way reasonably attractive.

Young stud...this is what you do not want to understand...you want to attribute your success to your good looking and youth. It is just your endless ego.....still is a potential better future the only thing that they see in you. :D .

and considering the big mouth you have, for sure you make them to believe that you are more wealthy than you really are....... :o

Plenty of them come from families that are far richer than mine ever has been, and plenty of others who have never viewed me as anything more than a bit of fun. I guess the women in my own country that were interested in me were just interested in having a better future as well? I really can't understand why you're having such a hard time accepting the fact that young people are attracted to each other. Or do you really believe that all Thai women are completely consumed by their love of money to the extent of negating any of the other qualities they see in an attractive potential mate?

I know what this is, it's a case of the old guys saying 'we can't get them without the money so we don't believe that ayone else can either'. You're wrong, i'm afraid. And before Alf chimes in and accuses me of 'boasting about my conquests' again, i'm merely using my experiences to make a point. I am not an exceptional case either, and am not trying to make myself out to be. Young women are usually interested in old men only for the money. They are interested in young men for everything else and sometimes the money.

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Then those guys were incredibly unfortunate, or had something else wrong with them. I can assure you from both my own experiences, and from the experience of others i know, that that is not usually the case if you are in any way reasonably attractive.

probably couldn't speak the local language,

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Then those guys were incredibly unfortunate, or had something else wrong with them. I can assure you................... if you are in any way reasonably attractive.

Young stud...this is what you do not want to understand...you want to attribute your success to your good looking and youth. It is just your endless ego.....still is a potential better future the only thing that they see in you. :D .

and considering the big mouth you have, for sure you make them to believe that you are more wealthy than you really are....... :o

Plenty of them come from families that are far richer than mine ever has been, and plenty of others who have never viewed me as anything more than a bit of fun. I guess the women in my own country that were interested in me were just interested in having a better future as well? I really can't understand why you're having such a hard time accepting the fact that young people are attracted to each other. Or do you really believe that all Thai women are completely consumed by their love of money to the extent of negating any of the other qualities they see in an attractive potential mate?

I know what this is, it's a case of the old guys saying 'we can't get them without the money so we don't believe that ayone else can either'. You're wrong, i'm afraid. And before Alf chimes in and accuses me of 'boasting about my conquests' again, i'm merely using my experiences to make a point. I am not an exceptional case either, and am not trying to make myself out to be. Young women are usually interested in old men only for the money. They are interested in young men for everything else and sometimes the money.

I think that finaly I got the point Rambo

And the ones that are in a queue now for you, are there not becuase you have made them to believe that you have money. It is only because you are such a young and good looking guy......

If you put your beautiful body and I put a rich man next to you, I am sure now that the girls will choose you....

This is the factor.....donot know why I did not see it clearly before......you are right Rambo!!

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If you put your beautiful body and I put a rich man next to you, I am sure now that the girls will choose you....

Lets try a different scenario. A PENNILESS Rambo with a muscular youthful body next to an old, withered, bad-breath, horrible-body odor, physically repulsive 200kg hairy beast of a RICH old man, and I wonder who :o will get the attractive young girls juices flowing

Edited by Grover
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If you put your beautiful body and I put a rich man next to you, I am sure now that the girls will choose you....

Lets try a different scenario. A PENNILESS Rambo with a muscular youthful body next to an old, withered, bad-breath, horrible-body odor, physically repulsive 200kg hairy beast of a RICH old man, and I wonder what the attractive young girl will choose :o


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Rambo, I've got to take issue here because you're not focusing on the facts.

Quote Rambo: Plenty of them come from families that are far richer than mine ever has been, and plenty of others who have never viewed me as anything more than a bit of fun. I guess the women in my own country that were interested in me were just interested in having a better future as well?

You're talking past tense here, none of these encounters seem to have had any permanence.

I really can't understand why you're having such a hard time accepting the fact that young people are attracted to each other.

This only states the obvious.

Or do you really believe that all Thai women are completely consumed by their love of money to the extent of negating any of the other qualities they see in an attractive potential mate?

No, they want both if they can get it. Wouldn't you?

I know what this is, it's a case of the old guys saying 'we can't get them without the money so we don't believe that ayone else can either'.

I could still get freebies just by using my talents. I used to write letters to young guys like you (and plenty of old ones too) for the girls asking for more money, in different languages, often up to 3 for one girl. They are coining it man. Want to know how they paid me? Good trade off, intellectual property for corporeal services, no fees attached.

You're wrong, i'm afraid. And before Alf chimes in and accuses me of 'boasting about my conquests' again, i'm merely using my experiences to make a point. I am not an exceptional case either, and am not trying to make myself out to be. Young women are usually interested in old men only for the money. They are interested in young men for everything else and sometimes the money.

Like I said, they'll settle for one or the other but preferably both. And if they have to make a choice, guess what they go for? This is not woman bashing by the way, simply a sensible economic choice which I'd make too in their place.

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Lets try a different scenario. A PENNILESS Rambo with a muscular youthful body next to an old, withered, bad-breath, horrible-body odor, physically repulsive 200kg hairy beast of a RICH old man, and I wonder who :D will get the attractive young girls juices flowing

Thai girls are smart, they will choose none of the above, but something in between. :D

And as there is a massive "surplus" ( just to stay in the millitary lingo) of girls hanging about half boored to death :D , they proberly enjoy giving young poor studs/Rambos a freebe now and again, while they have nothing better to do.

Wonderfull, everybody is happy. :o

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Rambo, I've got to take issue here because you're not focusing on the facts.

Quote Rambo: Plenty of them come from families that are far richer than mine ever has been, and plenty of others who have never viewed me as anything more than a bit of fun. I guess the women in my own country that were interested in me were just interested in having a better future as well?

You're talking past tense here, none of these encounters seem to have had any permanence.

I really can't understand why you're having such a hard time accepting the fact that young people are attracted to each other.

This only states the obvious.

Or do you really believe that all Thai women are completely consumed by their love of money to the extent of negating any of the other qualities they see in an attractive potential mate?

No, they want both if they can get it. Wouldn't you?

I know what this is, it's a case of the old guys saying 'we can't get them without the money so we don't believe that ayone else can either'.

I could still get freebies just by using my talents. I used to write letters to young guys like you (and plenty of old ones too) for the girls asking for more money, in different languages, often up to 3 for one girl. They are coining it man. Want to know how they paid me? Good trade off, intellectual property for corporeal services, no fees attached.

You're wrong, i'm afraid. And before Alf chimes in and accuses me of 'boasting about my conquests' again, i'm merely using my experiences to make a point. I am not an exceptional case either, and am not trying to make myself out to be. Young women are usually interested in old men only for the money. They are interested in young men for everything else and sometimes the money.

Like I said, they'll settle for one or the other but preferably both. And if they have to make a choice, guess what they go for? This is not woman bashing by the way, simply a sensible economic choice which I'd make too in their place.

First off, i am talking past tense because none of these encounters were ever designed to have any permanence, either from my perspective or the young women involved's. When i first came to Thailand as a very young man, i came as a traveller, just passing through places and returning home one day. Did that quite a few times. I have only returned to live here this year.

qwertz, if the rest of it is obvious and understandable to you, then you obviously have more of a grip on reality than some of the others further up the page who have a hard time accepting such simple facts. And i don't disagree with you, of course they want both if they can get it. Oh, and it's only the ones without money who will sacrifice their other dreams and desires in exchange for the cash, unless of cousre they are completely consumed by obtaining money, which some are. There are plenty of young Thai women who won't.

References to bar girls etc deleted.

Please remember the forum rules.


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Rambo, I did actually say good tradeoff, so we're in accord . And I know where you're coming from because you speak for me when I was your age and now I don't agree with most of what I used to say then. Furthermore, if you're anywhere near Phuket when I'm there in Sept, permit me to stand you to well earned a beer, which is more than the other tight old gits here have offered to do.

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i never get tired of listening to old guys tell me how prostitutes like them better because they have more bread. Congrats!

Oi you! I resemble that! You never heard it from me cos I never kiss and tell. :o

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