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Trump, Democratic congresswoman clash as tempers rise on immigration


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Trump, Democratic congresswoman clash as tempers rise on immigration

By Yeganeh Torbati



A combination photo of President Donald Trump and Congresswoman Maxine Waters. REUTERS/Leah Millis/Rebecca Cook


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump lashed out on Monday at a Democratic congresswoman who urged Americans to confront members of Trump's inner circle in public places as tensions rose over the Republican president's hardline immigration policy.


Trump faced a global outcry this month, including criticism from some in his own party, over migrant children separated from their parents by U.S. authorities under the administration's policy of seeking to detain and prosecute adults caught entering the country illegally.


The president retreated on Wednesday, ordering an end to the family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border, but leaving his 2-month-old "zero tolerance" policy in place. That raised questions about where to house families detained at the border and how to process them speedily. The government has yet to reunite more than 2,000 children with their parents.


Democratic Representative Maxine Waters told a crowd in her home state of California on Sunday that a Virginia restaurant's refusal on Friday to serve White House press secretary Sarah Sanders should be a model for resisting Trump.


"If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents," Waters said.


Trump, who has stepped up his often harsh attacks on Democrats ahead of November's congressional elections, again targeted Waters on Monday and lumped her in with House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi.


"Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!" he said.


He attacked the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, tweeting it "should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders."


Sanders began her regular White House press briefing on Monday acknowledging her removal from the restaurant and said: "Healthy debate on ideas and political philosophy is important, but the calls for harassment and push for any Trump supporter to avoid the public is unacceptable."


Last week, as Trump was defending his immigration policy, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted at a Mexican restaurant in Washington by protesters yelling: "Shame! Shame!"


Pelosi called for cooler heads on both sides.


"In the crucial months ahead, we must strive to make America beautiful again. Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable. As we go forward, we must conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea," she said.



The American Civil Liberties Union urged a federal judge in San Diego on Monday to block the administration from routinely separating unauthorized immigrant parents from their children, saying an injunction was needed because Trump's order to end separations contained "loopholes," even when children's welfare might be endangered.


A brief filed by the ACLU contained numerous reports of parents unable to locate or communicate with their children after they were separated by border officials.


In one declaration filed with the brief, a mother identified only by her initials E.J.O.E. said that “the government told her that she would be reunited with her son if she renounced her statement of fear,” a first step in asking for asylum. The mother did so, but was then deported without her 8-year-old son.


Although Republicans control both chambers in Congress, disagreements between moderates and conservatives in the party over immigration matters are dampening prospects for a speedy legislative fix to the border crisis.


Republican Representative Mark Meadows, leader of a conservative faction among House Republicans, said he expected that an immigration bill that will likely be offered for a potential vote in the House some time this week would fail. It would be the second attempt in two weeks.


On Thursday, the House rejected a measure favoured by conservatives that would have halted the practice of splitting up families and addressed a range of other immigration issues.


Trump has expressed frustration at laws granting due process to illegal immigrants and reiterated on Monday that people should be turned away at the border. Democrats have accused him of wanting to circumvent the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of due process for those accused of crimes.


"We want a system where, when people come in illegally, they have to go out. And a nice simple system that works," Trump told reporters on Monday.


(Reporting by Yeganeh Torbati; Additional reporting by Doina Chiacu and Richard Cowan; Writing by Steve Holland; Editing by Frances Kerry and Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-06-26
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14 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

Yes, Trump is the one to talk about doing or saying something that is divisive.

Yes, he is divisive, but that doesn't mean the answer is doing the same.


I do believe though in fighting fire with fire, but only to policy makers and policy salesmen, not to ordinary supporters. They don't know better.

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On 6/26/2018 at 9:47 AM, spidermike007 said:

That would be a hysterically funny statement, it is were not coming from someone wearing blinders. Do you have any sense of how divisive your "boy" has been to America and the world? Perhaps the most hateful and divisive president, ever to occupy that office. And like a typical supporter, the blame always goes elsewhere. Because you boy cannot take responsibility for anything he does or says, his "devotees" have to display the same degree of ignorance? Come on. You can do better than that. Show some common sense. Put some thought into the insightful 9 word responses you make. 


And why not vilify and demonize Trump? It not only is fun, but it is the correct thing to do. In a democracy, when people really screw up, and this man does over and over again, they deserve our wrath. The wrath of the American people is just starting to show, with people like Nielsen, and Sanders being heckled out of restaurants. Good on those people. We need to see far more of that. And we need to see people calling out the huckster more often. He deserves that. He has earned it with his hatred, division, racist diatribes, support of dictators, alienation of our closest allies, and destruction of our economy. His supporters like to cite the macro economic numbers. Well, unless you are in real estate, or playing the stock market, or in the top 7% of Americans, you are hurting right now. Prices are skyrocketing, despite the fake inflation news from the very white house, and wages are stagnant. Consumer confidence is very, very low. Do not believe the hype. That is all it is. Nothing behind it. 


Waters is completely correct to encourage the majority, who oppose this creepy charlatan, to show their disapproval of his administration. Out them in public. This is what a democracy is made of. Trump is attempting to erase American democracy from the face of the earth. Start with the media. Then the opposition. Let us make those who work for tiny don feel exactly how captain chaos makes his opponents feel. Call them out. Every chance we get. We are going to start seeing alot more of this, as opposition to this hucksters plans continue to grow. And it is a good thing, though his supporters will attempt to demonize the movement, and will probably call these people traitors and not patriotic, when the exact opposite is true. Those that call out Trump, and his administration, are defending democracy. 

"That would be a hysterically funny statement, it is were not coming from someone wearing blinders. Do you have any sense of how divisive your "boy" has been to America and the world?"


Which is why I posted, think first post, in the thread about Saunders being rejected at the restaurant that that happens when you divide a country.


"And why not vilify and demonize Trump? "

I could give reasons, but agree with you, as I stated, that I have no issues with confronting policy makers and Trump salesmen (like Saunders) with their policies. But I think going after Trump supporters is not justified.


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Coming from trump it’s laughable he is the only one that can bulley I say call them out!at trump Ralleys the press is kept in an exposed area so trump can call on his rabble to intimidate them it’s just plane laughable stuff it ya bafoon 

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5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

"That would be a hysterically funny statement, it is were not coming from someone wearing blinders. Do you have any sense of how divisive your "boy" has been to America and the world?"


Which is why I posted, think first post, in the thread about Saunders being rejected at the restaurant that that happens when you divide a country.


"And why not vilify and demonize Trump? "

I could give reasons, but agree with you, as I stated, that I have no issues with confronting policy makers and Trump salesmen (like Saunders) with their policies. But I think going after Trump supporters is not justified.


I tend to agree with you. But it does depend a bit on the supporter. You sound like a reasonable, and open minded guy. Some are just buying the entire program, hook, line and sinker. It is starting to look like the early days of Mussolini and Franco, when an authoritarian ruler begins to erase any hint of a democracy. That needs to be questioned. Do we just let go of everything we cherish? Without a fight. In general I agree about being respectful to the supporters. I have alot of good friends who support Trump, and I will not do what some of my democrat friends are doing, by calling them names and calling them fools. Alot did not have an alternative, as Hillary was the worst candidate since Mike Dukakis. She was a complete fool and a crime lord. Much like Trump. LOL. I love the confrontation of members of the administration. The same has to happen with Trump. He needs to get jeered everywhere he goes. Constantly. Heckled, booed, and rattled. Nonstop. He has worked hard for that, and he well deserves that treatment. 

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19 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Trump's policies, behavior and comments may well provoke divided opinion.


But AFAIK he has never called for political opponents or those working for the government to be intimidated publicly as this woman has.


She embodies the hypocrisy of those left wing liberals who believe free speech only applies to them and people with whom they agree; think democracy is all about what they say and those with other views shouldn't be tolerated, and want to dictate to everyone how they must think, what they must say and what they can and cannot do. She speaks, as if she is above the law. 


Advocating this type of behavior, harassment and confrontation, is disgraceful and should people be foolish enough to do it then they shouldn't be surprised at the back lash. 


The new democracy of the PC, liberal left - "we will only respect results we approve of". Wonder what she'd say if Clinton had won and Trump supporters were doing this to her staff.

"But AFAIK he has never called for political opponents or those working for the government to be intimidated publicly as this woman has."

Except for welcoming violence used at people at his rallies.

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He has a very odd predilection for attacking women and minorities, especially when they're not around, and yet Daddy Vladdy, Duterte, Kim (not Khardashian), Erdogan, Xi, Bibi are all "fine" people.


I do love the nicknames he comes up with; he seemed especially proud of himself for "coming up with" Whacky Jacky Rosen in Nevada, in what was a truly shocking, rambling, disjointed speech as he seems to be inching closer sundowning.


I'm half-expecting him to start going on about "the missing strawberries" soon.





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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

"That would be a hysterically funny statement, it is were not coming from someone wearing blinders. Do you have any sense of how divisive your "boy" has been to America and the world?"


Which is why I posted, think first post, in the thread about Saunders being rejected at the restaurant that that happens when you divide a country.


"And why not vilify and demonize Trump? "

I could give reasons, but agree with you, as I stated, that I have no issues with confronting policy makers and Trump salesmen (like Saunders) with their policies. But I think going after Trump supporters is not justified.


Fight fire.

Trump is famous for such tactics but runs away like the cowardly draft dodger he is when the heat is on him and meal mouthed henchmen

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As usual, everyone protects his opinion and ideology. However, to equate heckling Sanders and putting in place a policy that separates kids and their parents (thousands of people --and probably more), after the illegal immigrants were exploited by many as under-employed is ludicrous. Apples and oranges. Trump supporters gloss over this, yet this is yet another blunder. Add lies, ad hominem attacks, and who knows what else to get elected. Admitting that Trump supporters have placed their bets on the wrong horse is impossible no matter what Trump does. Only idiots never change their mind. The world is saying this president is an idiot. Experts in psychiatry and linguistics all agree, he is sick and incompetent. He has a Grade 4 vocabulary level and shows all of the signs of an egomaniac who cannot handle criticism. Check perseverance bias. This is why they are hanging on. To change their mind would be mature, but it might shatter their ego. On the other hand, it is true that the other side isn't that much better. Okay! I would not have voted for Hilary either. Senator Sanders was the best bet.

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2 hours ago, JestSetter said:

As usual, everyone protects his opinion and ideology. However, to equate heckling Sanders and putting in place a policy that separates kids and their parents (thousands of people --and probably more), after the illegal immigrants were exploited by many as under-employed is ludicrous. Apples and oranges. Trump supporters gloss over this, yet this is yet another blunder. Add lies, ad hominem attacks, and who knows what else to get elected. Admitting that Trump supporters have placed their bets on the wrong horse is impossible no matter what Trump does. Only idiots never change their mind. The world is saying this president is an idiot. Experts in psychiatry and linguistics all agree, he is sick and incompetent. He has a Grade 4 vocabulary level and shows all of the signs of an egomaniac who cannot handle criticism. Check perseverance bias. This is why they are hanging on. To change their mind would be mature, but it might shatter their ego. On the other hand, it is true that the other side isn't that much better. Okay! I would not have voted for Hilary either. Senator Sanders was the best bet.



“I wrote the criteria that define this disorder, and Mr. Trump doesn’t meet them. He may be a world-class narcissist, but this doesn’t make him mentally ill.”



seems that the experts against trump also share the political agenda against him and are more than willing to label him as mentally ill. the soviets did this also to political enemies often sending them to places called metal institutions.  this is a slippery slope and dangerous for ALL sides if it works for any side.

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I have lived in Los Angeles for about 25 years. I have seen many illegals from Mexico. Not all but many of them are haters and look at Americans as responsible for their poor life in Mexico. No appreciation at all for opportunity that were given by America. 

I’m not trump’s fan, but I hope he finish what he started, since Democrats surviving by acting as savior.

Edited by The Theory
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3 hours ago, atyclb said:



“I wrote the criteria that define this disorder, and Mr. Trump doesn’t meet them. He may be a world-class narcissist, but this doesn’t make him mentally ill.”



seems that the experts against trump also share the political agenda against him and are more than willing to label him as mentally ill. the soviets did this also to political enemies often sending them to places called metal institutions.  this is a slippery slope and dangerous for ALL sides if it works for any side.

You are quite correct to say that there could be political bias that could come into play with this. Opponents will quibble with the definition and present ONE opinion (that one is not biased, of course and that should negate all the research) that he is not mentally-ill. Definitions vary and change with time. They even do change with countries. Much of it is arbitrary and imprecise. Was Hitler a world-class narcissist or was he mentally ill? We can quibble. Many did quibble as he took the leadership. We can quibble to death, but even if one does not construe a world-class narcissist as being mentally ill, it doesn't not change the situation. Do we really want this kind of a person running a country? I believe narcissists are mentally ill because the research shows (using MRI) that the volume of grey matter in the insular region and the thickness of their cerebral cortex are reduced as empathy levels go lower. Add grade 4 reading abilities and who knows what other age-related deficits and you have a disaster waiting to happen. Add his  propensity to surround himself with people who think like him (or else they get fired) and I think we are living in dangerous times. As to the people who support this type, I cannot say what I think.


As to the link that you are making with the Russians (how trendy), let's be fair and analyse American behaviour during the McCarthy era or recent Guantanamo episodes. Let's not forget that when a president is not acting as he should, it is possible to do much worse than labelling him a being mentally ill. We can shoot him or create an extra-marital affair and do the same. We can also invent a story about weapons of mass destructions or some poisoning. And, yes, we could send him to a mental institute for doing nothing. Is separating kids from their parents nothing to worry about? Is paying off people to shut them off nothing? At the same time, I recall the night when Trump was laughed at by some comedian at some public dinner he attended and I thought that this was very cruel to act this way. We could even construe this type of treatment as being quite sadistic (public humiliation).  I even believe that was one of the elements that pushed him to run. So, yes, I do agree that extremists (narcissists, mentally ill or not) exist on both sides.

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14 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

That would be a hysterically funny statement, it is were not coming from someone wearing blinders. Do you have any sense of how divisive your "boy" has been to America and the world? Perhaps the most hateful and divisive president, ever to occupy that office. And like a typical supporter, the blame always goes elsewhere. Because you boy cannot take responsibility for anything he does or says, his "devotees" have to display the same degree of ignorance? Come on. You can do better than that. Show some common sense. Put some thought into the insightful 9 word responses you make. 


And why not vilify and demonize Trump? It not only is fun, but it is the correct thing to do. In a democracy, when people really screw up, and this man does over and over again, they deserve our wrath. The wrath of the American people is just starting to show, with people like Nielsen, and Sanders being heckled out of restaurants. Good on those people. We need to see far more of that. And we need to see people calling out the huckster more often. He deserves that. He has earned it with his hatred, division, racist diatribes, support of dictators, alienation of our closest allies, and destruction of our economy. His supporters like to cite the macro economic numbers. Well, unless you are in real estate, or playing the stock market, or in the top 7% of Americans, you are hurting right now. Prices are skyrocketing, despite the fake inflation news from the very white house, and wages are stagnant. Consumer confidence is very, very low. Do not believe the hype. That is all it is. Nothing behind it. 


Waters is completely correct to encourage the majority, who oppose this creepy charlatan, to show their disapproval of his administration. Out them in public. This is what a democracy is made of. Trump is attempting to erase American democracy from the face of the earth. Start with the media. Then the opposition. Let us make those who work for tiny don feel exactly how captain chaos makes his opponents feel. Call them out. Every chance we get. We are going to start seeing alot more of this, as opposition to this hucksters plans continue to grow. And it is a good thing, though his supporters will attempt to demonize the movement, and will probably call these people traitors and not patriotic, when the exact opposite is true. Those that call out Trump, and his administration, are defending democracy. 


Yes, Maxine Waters is a great American and we need a lot more of the opposition activity she is promoting.


The administration needs to be shut down!


The orange buffoon must go!!!


Impeach 45!!!

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10 hours ago, mogandave said:


Yes, Maxine Waters is a great American and we need a lot more of the opposition activity she is promoting.


The administration needs to be shut down!


The orange buffoon must go!!!


Impeach 45!!!


genius maxine waters is  not exactly the best "great american" role model to  be used/referred to in the battle against trump since she may actually make trump appear as a relative intellect lol

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On 6/25/2018 at 11:06 PM, Baerboxer said:




But AFAIK he has never called for political opponents or those working for the government to be intimidated publicly as this woman has.



Note: edited above post to isolate portion replied to.


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 Trumps opponents took the high road and we all know what happened to them.

Hilary Clinton took the high road, and we all know what happen to her.

 We all sit there on our high horse while people are losing their health care, mothers their children, and the rich get tax brakes that your children will pay, 

Perhaps it is time we get off the high road and go after the bottom feeders where they live.

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On 6/26/2018 at 9:47 AM, spidermike007 said:

That would be a hysterically funny statement, it is were not coming from someone wearing blinders. Do you have any sense of how divisive your "boy" has been to America and the world? Perhaps the most hateful and divisive president, ever to occupy that office. And like a typical supporter, the blame always goes elsewhere. Because you boy cannot take responsibility for anything he does or says, his "devotees" have to display the same degree of ignorance? Come on. You can do better than that. Show some common sense. Put some thought into the insightful 9 word responses you make. 


And why not vilify and demonize Trump? It not only is fun, but it is the correct thing to do. In a democracy, when people really screw up, and this man does over and over again, they deserve our wrath. The wrath of the American people is just starting to show, with people like Nielsen, and Sanders being heckled out of restaurants. Good on those people. We need to see far more of that. And we need to see people calling out the huckster more often. He deserves that. He has earned it with his hatred, division, racist diatribes, support of dictators, alienation of our closest allies, and destruction of our economy. His supporters like to cite the macro economic numbers. Well, unless you are in real estate, or playing the stock market, or in the top 7% of Americans, you are hurting right now. Prices are skyrocketing, despite the fake inflation news from the very white house, and wages are stagnant. Consumer confidence is very, very low. Do not believe the hype. That is all it is. Nothing behind it. 


Waters is completely correct to encourage the majority, who oppose this creepy charlatan, to show their disapproval of his administration. Out them in public. This is what a democracy is made of. Trump is attempting to erase American democracy from the face of the earth. Start with the media. Then the opposition. Let us make those who work for tiny don feel exactly how captain chaos makes his opponents feel. Call them out. Every chance we get. We are going to start seeing alot more of this, as opposition to this hucksters plans continue to grow. And it is a good thing, though his supporters will attempt to demonize the movement, and will probably call these people traitors and not patriotic, when the exact opposite is true. Those that call out Trump, and his administration, are defending democracy. 

I don’t know where your getting your statistics. You said that consumer confidence is very very low? On the contrary, it’s very high, and the economy is very strong. 


“Consumer confidence hits 16-year high in boost to economy


Both consumer and business confidence have surged in the wake of Donald Trump's victory in last November's presidential election.”



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14 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

I don’t know where your getting your statistics. You said that consumer confidence is very very low? On the contrary, it’s very high, and the economy is very strong. 


“Consumer confidence hits 16-year high in boost to economy


Both consumer and business confidence have surged in the wake of Donald Trump's victory in last November's presidential election.”



March 28, 2017

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