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New Honda CRH buying price guidance


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We don't really need a new car so I thought I would ask at the Honda dealer if they ever have once a year sales or something and would he call me when they do.  It turns out that the new 2018 Honda HRV is available next month.  The EL model has been the top end but now they have introduced an RS model as top end one for an extra 100,000.  It is not clear to me what bits have been removed from the new EL which is a lower price at 1,059,000 for the 2018. The 2015 model is 1,099,000   It seems to be just a facelift, and still based on the 2015 design. It seems that the RS gets lane changing warning, LED lights and a camera out the back.  Not a lot of stuff for 100K.  I am in Buriram and they have a 2015 model demonstrator that is offered at 10% off.  I have not bought a new car in Thailand although I have owned plenty elsewhere over the years.  Here is my question or maybe 2.  Is it that some dealerships will compete with others of the same mark, in this case Honda, and am I likely to be able to get a much better price from a big dealership in BKK?  Second question is to ask if there are better cars for around the same 1,000,000 price tag of the Honda?  We have a pickup and I am not interested in a flash car, quite the opposite and that is one of the things that appeals about the Honda.  Nice car but not a jaw dropper and I hope not to create jealousy or contempt as the rich farang in our small rural village.  Here is a 3rd question.  My GF has an old Toyota that she (I) pays 8,000 pcm and will do for another 7 or 8 months.  It runs ok is is fine for taking Mum for a checkup at the hospital but I kind of fancy a new car.  So what do we do with this old dented Toyota?  Nobody has a DL in the family (except GF) so we cannot just give it away to a sister or something.   Is there some way I could work the old car into the new car purchase?  I plan just to pay for the new one when I pick up the keys.  Thanks for any comments and directions to relevant information websites would be great too.  

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After I posted the note above I realized that I looked  right <deleted> just to buy an expensive car just 'for fun' and 'we don't need one' etc..  I am writing this to apologies and explain that I just turned 70 and this is the last car I will ever buy.  I started work on a newspaper delivery route when I was about 14 and I have worked ever since.  I am not well educated but I am a carpenter and worked hard and did OK.  I have separated from my wife (another story) and she robbed me of 90% of what I worked all my life for.  Yes, I do have a few million baht and I built a small house with a small pool but that is what I wound up with after working hard all my life.   I know lots of fellows have stories much worse than mine and who have less than me too and sorry when I learn about that.  Quitting the alcohol and being robbed by my wife of over 30 years set me back a bit but there you are.  I am sorry to have been an offensive as*hole about this and thank you for advice you have posted for me in the past. 

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Go for it notrub....I bought my last car here a few months back and hopefully (I,m 70 also) I,ll get a few more years to enjoy it.....we cannot take our "brass" with us...get it spent :thumbsup:

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