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Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain


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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

I just cannot understand you, a committed Scottish nationalist.

You screamed that Scotland’s entry into the Union hundreds of years ago,was not democratic, as the general public were never given the vote, the same of course could be said of the English at that time. Now in the 21st century the Scots democratically voted to remain inside the U.K , and the the British people as a whole voted to leave the hated E.U. Yet for some perverse narrow minded reason you are against democratic votes.

Really? You can't understand why? Maybe it's because the Scots voted to stay in a UK that was a member of the EU. Of course, maybe you, as a Brexiteer consider leaving the EU a minor matter and not worth fussing about. But somehow, I think the Scots mostly have a different opinion about this. 

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8 hours ago, The Renegade said:

Here is 3 reasons to be against the single market.


By staying in the single market it ensures that the UK remains under the control of Brussels, under the jurisdiction of the ECJ and keeps the UK pumping £ Billions into the EU.


These seem like legitimate reasons for being against the single market.


Perhaps you would like to stump up a contribution to the £12 Billion a year, less rebate that it costs the UK to allow you to access those 500 million people ?

The cost of leaving the single market without a deal



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4 hours ago, whatsupdoc said:

I agree N+CU looks like the best option now for the UK, but several red lines need to be erased for that. Think of freedom of movement, role of ECJ, paying into the EU budget... Cannot see the Tory government doing that.


I guess the UK can forget about the rebate in any scenario and to be honest, Schengen and even the euro are quite good for most Northern European countries taking part in it. But to have opt outs is obviously not a bad thing for the UK.

Personally, I would have gone for SM and CU on condition of some EU migrant throttle

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14 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

European Project is a con trick....it has led to the destruction of the indigenous population of countless European cities.”


Where do you get this hogwash from?


Firstly, the cities of Europe are not ‘countless’ more importantly every city in Europe has had a multicultural population going back centuries.


You give us idiotic xenophobic statements while having yourself moved to live in another country.



I think you need to visit some towns in the north of England. Bradford and Dewsbury come immediately to mind. In Parts of these cities and others, you could be forgiven into thinking that you are not in the U.K.

Just today I was speaking to a chap who lives about 4 miles outside Boston in Lincs. He happened to mention that it’s sometimes difficult to hear British spoken in this town. Is this a bad thing, well that obviously depends on your point of veiw.

Personally I’m not bothered,as long as these immigrants are prepared to integrate.

But what is a fact,is the the British people were never asked, if this would be acceptable to them.


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11 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

LG - you know that there's no point in responding to taunts from remainers, as the main weapon in their armoury is insulting those with whom they disagree...


I know it's hard, but best to largely ignore these types of posts ☹️.

You could at least understand where they’re coming from.



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8 hours ago, The manic said:

Then you have never worked abroad or been tested for TB or  HIV to get a job. Or has CRC or security check which is The system used by the real world in which I have been working and travelling for forty years

It works well not the eurozone hell. No body from England can set up a small business in France or Italy.  They don't  play by rules.  Even the Italians and french hate their own government and mafia interference and find the UK better for business. You know nothing about the reality of the real world just the fantasy. The EU only benefits multinational corporations and illegally immigrants

Nonsense writ large

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8 hours ago, nauseus said:

Great deal:10BN/year for a 90BN trade deficit. Perfect. At least we don't have to make our own laws!

We're not discussing house keeping! Finance at this level can be counter intuitive. Do you think the USA is doing badly because they run a huge deficit?

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39 minutes ago, vogie said:

And maybe you as a remainer don't respect democracy, it was not a Scottish vote, if I can remind you, it was a vote offered to the United Kingdom of which Scotland is a member. The irony is that Bristol voted heavily to remain, independence for Bristol.

The Scots were offered the vote to stay or leave the UK, they chose to stay and by such must adhere to the democratic decisions of the UK.

I wonder if, knowing what they do now, the Scots would still vote to stay in the UK?

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10 hours ago, The manic said:

Then you have never worked abroad or been tested for TB or  HIV to get a job. Or has CRC or security check which is The system used by the real world in which I have been working and travelling for forty years

It works well not the eurozone hell. No body from England can set up a small business in France or Italy.  They don't  play by rules.  Even the Italians and french hate their own government and mafia interference and find the UK better for business. You know nothing about the reality of the real world just the fantasy. The EU only benefits multinational corporations and illegally immigrants

Er, I've run 3 small businesses in France over the last 12 years. The Auto Entrepreneur scheme makes it incredible easy to set one up now. No problems at all because I am English   


Current one is here https://www.shapeways.com/shops/tebee if you don't believe me.

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5 hours ago, nontabury said:

I think you need to visit some towns in the north of England. Bradford and Dewsbury come immediately to mind. In Parts of these cities and others, you could be forgiven into thinking that you are not in the U.K.

Just today I was speaking to a chap who lives about 4 miles outside Boston in Lincs. He happened to mention that it’s sometimes difficult to hear British spoken in this town. Is this a bad thing, well that obviously depends on your point of veiw.

Personally I’m not bothered,as long as these immigrants are prepared to integrate.

But what is a fact,is the the British people were never asked, if this would be acceptable to them.


Net annual immigration to the UK in 2013 was 2013,000


Just three waves of previous periods brought 390,000 immigrants to the U.K.:

1. Polish Resettlement Act of 1947, where 200,000 Poles, including my Dad, were given citizenship in a single year.

2. Huguenot immigration after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, where 50,000 French protestants arrived in the UK.

3. Jewish immigration from eastern Europe in the Victorian era, where 140,000 Jews arrived in the East End.


Where did you get your photo of black people descending an Ethiopian Air boarding stair? Africa is my guess!


Well OK you ripped it of some racist website/facebook page you frequent, but the photo was taken in Africa.


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42 minutes ago, tebee said:

I wonder if, knowing what they do now, the Scots would still vote to stay in the UK?

What a rediculous question, if I know what I know now, I would have backed France to beat Belgium.

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

What a rediculous question, if I know what I know now, I would have backed France to beat Belgium.

Why is it a ridiculous question? If I was thinking of getting divorced,  and was told, "sure you can have your divorce, but remember your going to be thrown out of the house after and have to live on the streets" and decided I'd make it up with my partner. I'd be pretty pi*sed, if five years later that same partner said "OK I've decided to burn the house to the ground anyway". 

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8 minutes ago, tebee said:




you can guess how sad I feel about this.....

The Brexit Lie is dying.


And What about Alaxander Boris (man of the people) de Pfeffel Johnson calling in a photographer for the moment of him signing his resignation letter.


A piece of Old Etonian theatre for the masses.


Go on stick it to the ‘Elite’!



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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The Brexit Lie is dying.


And What about Alaxander Boris (man of the people) de Pfeffel Johnson calling in a photographer for the moment of him signing his resignation letter.


A piece of Old Etonian theatre for the masses.


Go on stick it to the ‘Elite’!



The real elite - the upper class - has always been very good at persuading the working class that it's the middle class that is their enemy, not them. 


The turkeys then vote for christmas to stick one up one on their supposed enemies......    

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I think you need to visit some towns in the north of England. Bradford and Dewsbury come immediately to mind. In Parts of these cities and others, you could be forgiven into thinking that you are not in the U.K.

Just today I was speaking to a chap who lives about 4 miles outside Boston in Lincs. He happened to mention that it’s sometimes difficult to hear British spoken in this town. Is this a bad thing, well that obviously depends on your point of veiw.

Personally I’m not bothered,as long as these immigrants are prepared to integrate.

But what is a fact,is the the British people were never asked, if this would be acceptable to them.



I assume those figures include tourism - how very Brexit of you to use misleading figures and a picture of a flight from a non-EU country to try and conflate Brexit with Non-EU immigration.



Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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16 hours ago, The Renegade said:

Only 2 things on the ballot paper.


Vote leave 




Vote remain


More chose to vote leave, regardless of what they had read, understood or thought might happen.


And as most leavers were over 45, it can be assumed that they at least had some idea of what they were voting for.


Contrary to what most remainers trot out. It is impossible that 17 million people in the UK are racists, xenophobes or right-wing lunatics.

post reported, introducing racism is totally unacceptable.

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16 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

To be fair there were probably just as many Remain voters who didn't hear (or understand) all the arguments, or were taken in by lies.


Wouldn't dispute that,  but it will go down in history that the UK shot itself in the foot over a contentious result.

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11 hours ago, aright said:




"Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain"


it's called hypocrisy  when we cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves the way we see and judge others.”

I will accept your point on the basis you think that Trump is not trying to influence the brexit negotiations.

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5 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



Good. Go right ahead and make yourself really silly.


There is NO racism in my post above.


If you can see racism in the above comment, the issue is all yours, not mine.

Do not use my name to promote your infantile and paranoid rhetoric.

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In a nutshell.


But speaking at the think tank, Mr Barnier reiterated his early warnings that Britain could not secure a better deal than EU membership, stating: “It will be clear, crystal clear at the end of this negotiation that the best situation, the best relationship with the EU, will be to remain a member.”


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16 hours ago, sandyf said:

Do you seriously believe that everyone that voted to leave had heard or read what DC stated, understood what DC stated and recognised the consequences of what DC stated?

It should be remembered what DC had put on the ballot paper, DC had no authority to say that anything else would happen, just as TM had no authority to invoke Art 50, something DC also thought he could do. The future cannot hang on someone's delusion of grandeur.

If it wasn't on the ballot paper, it wasn't voted for, anything else was nothing more than promotional decoration.

Of course I do I believe everyone has a duty to keep up with politics and adults are all equal, regardless of who they voted. I, like others watch the PM's question time and many of the political programs. These are the places David Cameron consistently repeated what would happen if people voted to leave. 

I guess I have more faith in people than you do.?

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The Brexit Lie is dying.


And What about Alaxander Boris (man of the people) de Pfeffel Johnson calling in a photographer for the moment of him signing his resignation letter.


A piece of Old Etonian theatre for the masses.


Go on stick it to the ‘Elite’!



The Brexit nightmare is becoming a reality.There are so many versions by little squabbling minorities and all are unworkable........

Just comb through a few Brexiteers responses, the all have a different agenda and all ignore the reality.......Brexit as a concept is a non-starter, even if we left, it would never work.

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