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Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain


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13 hours ago, nauseus said:

Continual P. Fear. Boring.

When the UK leaves the EU, any UK travellers will have to join the non-EU queues, unless of course there is yet another reciprocal agreement to be added to the negotiations.  That is not 'project fear' - what a cute name - it's reality, something that pro-Brexit people fail to acknowledge. Amongst other disastrous consequences about to befall the UK.


But hey, you can eat fish all-day instead of rats. 




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4 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

When the UK leaves the EU, any UK travellers will have to join the non-EU queues, unless of course there is yet another reciprocal agreement to be added to the negotiations.  That is not 'project fear' - what a cute name - it's reality, something that pro-Brexit people fail to acknowledge. Amongst other disastrous consequences about to befall the UK.


But hey, you can eat fish all-day instead of rats. 




Ease of travel was not up front in the list of priorities for most leavers. If the EU want to adopt this stupid immigration strategy for UK passport holders after Brexit then that's up to it. 

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10 minutes ago, vogie said:


You know you are having a really bad day and produced something of epic piles of dung when the remainer bible is attacking your White Paper ?



Never has there been a white paper of such profound potential importance and simultaneous absolute insignificance



Taxi for May.

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5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Couldn't agree more.  Only then will the eu start genuinely negotiating trade terms.

Sounds like a great idea (not).

Trade deals take many years and the UK will have to make those deals with a lot of countries because after a hard Brexit it will start from zero. Good luck with that approach....

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18 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

As a long term project, the government may need to warn the people that there will be an immediate and  huge disruption to the UK economy and business and that people will lose jobs as a result,

Ohhhh wail, howl and cry buckets of tears ??


As a long term project, that should have already started, a plan should have been put in motion to start building, producing and making ALL the stuff that the UK currently imports but should be being produced in the UK.


Loads of jobs.


Great for fighting climate change.


Self reliant and great for the economy.


What is not to like ?


21 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

Hopefully a generation of old pro-leaver codgers will have kicked the bucket by then.

And remainers complain that they get abused, castigated and their intelligence levels called into question on a daily basis ??

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5 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Ohhhh wail, howl and cry buckets of tears ??


As a long term project, that should have already started, a plan should have been put in motion to start building, producing and making ALL the stuff that the UK currently imports but should be being produced in the UK.


Loads of jobs.


Great for fighting climate change.


Self reliant and great for the economy.


What is not to like ?



So back to the North Korean economy model then?


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1 hour ago, The Renegade said:



You can spout as much doom and gloom as you like. You are so filled with negativity that I'm beginning to think your mum sent you for a pint of milk and ran away while you were at the shops.


I will stand by this


Spare me the crystal ball, or that you can see the future shoite.

This is House of Commons Brexit Committee full official internal Brexit Impact study.

Above 0 - benefits of Brexit

Below 0 - cost of Brexit 

Cutting to the chase, Brexit means a much greater recession than even the 2009 economic collapse after the financial crisis.



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7 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Fortunately, that's a problem for eu countries as well as the uk.


I've no doubt that if the uk made it clear that it was genuinely leaving - the eu would start talking trade very quickly!


The population of various eu countries are already unhappy with the eu, and companies would become equally unhappy if there is no trade deal.

A company in the EU can compensate for the loss of trade with the UK by dealing with other counties (inside or outside of the EU). The UK, on the other hand will lose all of its trade deals (because they are currently still trading via the EU made deals).

Companies in the EU are already looking for alternatives in the case of a hard Brexit, but what can UK companies do?

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1 hour ago, The Renegade said:

And the British economy (and the GBP) go down the pan on 30th March 2019.

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3 minutes ago, Spidey said:

And the British economy (and the GBP) go down the pan on 30th March 2019.

Great crystal ball you have ?


Or did your Spidey sense kick in and tell you the future ? ??

Edited by The Renegade
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6 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

This is House of Commons Brexit Committee full official internal Brexit Impact study.

Above 0 - benefits of Brexit

Below 0 - cost of Brexit 

Cutting to the chase, Brexit means a much greater recession than even the 2009 economic collapse after the financial crisis.

It gets worse, Trump has just announced that you can forget the US FTA.

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3 minutes ago, Spidey said:

It gets worse, Trump has just announced that you can forget the US FTA.

It's really not worse. Already tariffs imposed by the US on British goods are very low, If anything, the US will insist on the UK lowering its food standards to allow US agribusiness to decimate UK agriculture and food manufacturing.

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2 hours ago, sandyf said:

Time has a habit of telling all.


Mr Trump added that he had advised Ms May against pursuing a soft Brexit strategy and said she "didn't listen" to him. 



Who does listen to him, and how many of them actually understand him.

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4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Great crystal ball you have ?


Or did your Spidey sense kick in and tell you the future ? ??

No, just economics 101. See the chart that Teebee posted.


Also, days before the vote the polls suddenly showed Remain having a clear lead. The GBP rose 10% on the strength of that. When the result was announced, the GBP tanked by 30%. Remain = strong pound, Brexit = weak pound.


Any expats who rely on a strong stock market and a high value pound will have to consider packing their bags and going home if we leave with no deal. Quite a few have already. Maybe that's what you secretly want?

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