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'Together Against Trump', thousands protest peacefully in London


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9 hours ago, dcutman said:

The Trump hate Sheeple seem to be much more civilized in the UK than in the U.S. Of course setting up the ANTIFA head bangers in London was not in the budget.

ANTIFA were there, just not wearing black


Look forward to the Sadiq Khan balloon and inevitable outrage

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4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

You seem to have a problem with people exercising their democratic right to peacefully protest.



The problem is they seem to be speaking for 99% of people who did not protect and the 70% who support and agree with Trump. Rent a mob big mouths who have demonstrated about real dictators visiting london. These SWP dupes have two main targets.  Israel and America.  They are hypocritical clowns who actually hate their own country 

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12 minutes ago, The manic said:

The problem is they seem to be speaking for 99% of people who did not protect and the 70% who support and agree with Trump. Rent a mob big mouths who have demonstrated about real dictators visiting london. These SWP dupes have two main targets.  Israel and America.  They are hypocritical clowns who actually hate their own country 

in what planet 70% support and agree with Trump? Is it planet The manic?

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2 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Great Britain needs its own Trump to get that 'Great' back, I'd say. Perhaps a likely candidate could be found among those demonstrators. 

Alternatively how about our Nige .. And he's buddies with DJT .. What could possibly go wrong ..


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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"The idea that we restrict freedom of speech, the right to assemble, the right to protest because somebody might be offended is a slippery slope," Khan told BBC Radio.

Does this mean we can look forward to the Pig from Pink Floyd's  " Animals " album getting flight clearance again .. 


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7 hours ago, BobBKK said:

I am no fan of Trump but I really don't like the reporting. Most of the demonstrators are anti-brexiteers and a mixture of small socialist parties and labour activists.

Britain welcomes POTUS not Trump and the silent majority will carry on as if nothing happening and the small, noisy minority will scream "see everyone hates Trump"  for political purposes. 


If everything was up to the silent majority, the French Revolution wouldn't have happened.


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Just now, maximillian said:


If everything was up to the silent majority, the French Revolution wouldn't have happened.


Well you have a point but the low turnout and the mix, anti-brexiteers, LGBT, socialist fringe groups shows to me, a Brit, that the opposition is minor (but loud-ish).


Most of us don't care too much and think the US, at the moment, is setting itself low standards and then failing top achieve them. Trump could be got out by intelligent debate, highlighting the obvious weaknesses not this continual whining.


I remember Trump brought up possible interference and Obama told him, publicly, to stop whining it could NOT HAPPEN!

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@7by7. Hey sneering lefty...thought that would smoke you out. Coming from someone with almost 20k posts and can only muster under 7k likes from them is funny. Seems your opinion is obviously in the minority.

Edited by Sir Dude
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19 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Well you have a point but the low turnout and the mix, anti-brexiteers, LGBT, socialist fringe groups shows to me, a Brit, that the opposition is minor (but loud-ish).

Once again, I was there marching.  There was a broad mix of people from all walks of life and political persuasion.  Thousands and thousands of them. The figure of 250,000 is questionable but as Sky News (?) reported it was the biggest demonstration for many years.   Of course that was the second march of Friday.   The first was the women's march in the morning with thousands attending that.  And let's not forget the inflatable Trump baby in Parliament Square attracting thousands more although a great many of them were also attending the afternoon demonstration.  There were definitely plenty of lefties there and as always the gay community were being represented, marching beside members of Unison and other trade union members.  It really was a cross section of England and particularly London.


The atmosphere was carnival and not angry shouting.  But let's not forget the smaller numbers outside Blenheim Palace on Thursday evening.  All those blue rinse ladies and the Cotswold set in their four by fours.  Or the people who turned out at Windsor, very much the locals by the look of them.  Even Scotland turned out in numbers to "welcome" the Donald.


Anyone who thinks this is about left wing activists need to take a reality pill.

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Saturday you have the pro-Trump rally in London.  Permission for this was granted the same way the anti-Trump demonstration were granted, by the London Mayor.  It seems to be pitched as the "Free Tommy Robinson " rally so let's see how good natured that turns out to be.



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Does this mean we can look forward to the Pig from Pink Floyd's  " Animals " album getting flight clearance again .. 

I doubt it as that EX-power station in Battersea is now a very exclusive HiSo housing complex.

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5 minutes ago, martin501 said:

I'm surprised they let this mob out for he day ?




Missed them!  However here is another photograph from the march.  If you look you will see a representative  view of the thousands of marchers.  Take a proper look and you will see the ordinary British people way outnumber the exhibitionists.



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7 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

What a bunch of leftie goons if you want to protest stay at home or work if you are not on universal credit a bunch of Corbyn muppets Trump will impeach himself by tweet sooner or later. 

A tweet by Trump, who is an imbecile, will not get him impeached.  Nothing will, I'm afraid.  Here is a man who openly says he could shoot someone and he would not lose his base.  And the reason he wouldn't is because his base are uneducated morons, much like Trump, the self-proclaimed "stable genius." Nothing could be farther from the truth, though.  He has said he grabbed p*ssy.  Has had countless women claim they were sexually assaulted by him. 


He has colluded with Russians.  He has set up fake negotiations with North Korea.  Yes, crowds actually believed that ridiculous photo op in Singapore was legit, and now yell "Nobel!" at rallies.   


Most Americans are so stupid, they swallow the tripe of Fox News when they should spit.  Trump conned The US and now he wants to con the world.  I seem to remember a phrase from a movie, that the greatest trick the devil played was making people believe he didn't exist. I give you the devil: Trump.  

Edited by falangjim
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1 hour ago, Sir Dude said:

@7by7. Hey sneering lefty...thought that would smoke you out. Coming from someone with almost 20k posts and can only muster under 7k likes from them is funny. Seems your opinion is obviously in the minority.


45 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

That this is the best you can do by way of reply speaks volumes.


BTW, well over three quarters of my posts have been offering advice in the Visas and migration to other countries forum, where we and our friends don't routinely 'like' each others posts.

Please don't hurt Sir Dude's feelings - he obviously needs to be "liked" as much as the Swamp King.

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1 hour ago, Sir Dude said:

Nice try trolls...give you that. Guess we are done here then.

Since you have now twice, at least, proven yourself to be incapable of coming up with anything even remotely approaching an intelligent argument to support your opinion; I can agree with you; we are done.

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11 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

But what are they protesting about is the question. 

Do you truly not know the answer to that rhetorical question or are you pretending to be unaware that he is a mentally ill person in dire need of involuntary psychiatric confinement?


Or do you share the same level of mental impairment this so-called president seems to be afflicted with?

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I know six people who took part in this peaceful demonstration.
They've all got jobs and all earn considerably above the amount where they might need to rely on welfare. 
I wonder if the same can be said of those accusing the protesters of being jobless or welfare scroungers?
Yes of course you do.we all believe him dont we boys and girls?

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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