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Elon Musk calls British diver in Thai cave rescue a 'pedo' in baseless attack


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20 hours ago, ttrd said:

What do you mean by "I have a very Homosexual friend in Changmai? I assume you are a gay or you are not a gay as you have hetero or not hetero - I dont consider my self as "very" hetero, but just hetero or maybe I have missed something…??...


Pls as well do not forget that we are all "Homo" (Sapiens) - including Mr Elon Musk…:whistling:

Yes Probably the wrong Wording. I meant very verbaly Gay. Like always happy to talk about it, "I have been gay since i was 17 ant it is normal" sort of coments but him happily telling you in a discussion. And. Some people did not like this. Not that he was gay, but that he would make a point og it a lot.


NOT A PEDO but likes sitting by the swiming pool watching the children. He was a life guard in bristol once i think. Now dieing at 73 but still a good friend of mine even if "Very Gay" 


I taught in an informal school with him once and can vouch for him. But yes I also was not interested in joininh the discission.

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20 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

Yes Probably the wrong Wording. I meant very verbaly Gay. Like always happy to talk about it, "I have been gay since i was 17 ant it is normal" sort of coments but him happily telling you in a discussion. And. Some people did not like this. Not that he was gay, but that he would make a point og it a lot.


NOT A PEDO but likes sitting by the swiming pool watching the children. He was a life guard in bristol once i think. Now dieing at 73 but still a good friend of mine even if "Very Gay" 


I taught in an informal school with him once and can vouch for him. But yes I also was not interested in joininh the discission.

Mark, without effort I understood Your post. My reply had a general meaning With a humorous twist - nothing more nothing less. Sorry to hear about Your friend that passed away and thanks for sharing.

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20 minutes ago, Fish Head Soup said:

I thought I read a claim yesterday that his twitter account had been hacked and these tweets had been posted before control was regained over the account?

Of course they were hacked, just ask Musk - he can have his experts confirm this fact quite easily,  and Vern's comments were dubbed. 

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On 7/16/2018 at 8:58 AM, The Deerhunter said:

Precisely!!  One of my favourite people in the world dethrone himself in a tweet with two words. His submarine was a cute idea but inappropriate for this application.  What if it had gotfirmly stuck with a kid in it and blocking the passage as well.  Experts evaluated it and declared it inappropriate but Elon'a ego knows no bounds.

He is still srt of one of my favurirte people but his halo is severely tarnished.  I can never see him in exactly the same light and his share holders agree with us.  Power corrupts.   Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  A Clint Eastwood movvie called "Absolute Power" is one of my favourite movies.  This has wiped how many millions off the paper value of Elon's shares in his company.

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

A number of off-topic posts, troll posts and defamatory posts have been removed.


Silly me, I actually hoped that by this morning Musk would have issued a retraction along the lines of "I was just calling names in anger, I had no intention to seriously  imply the man was a pedophile" and the whole shoddy story put to rest. ?


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1 hour ago, ttrd said:

Mark, without effort I understood Your post. My reply had a general meaning With a humorous twist - nothing more nothing less. Sorry to hear about Your friend that passed away and thanks for sharing.

No worries, it is early here, ... Just getting up and getting my shit together, ... I should not have even mentioned "Gay" in the first place, ... It was just the "Homophobe" comment I saw about Muck, .... probably incorrect also, ...


The Woman who said that Musk should apologies, admit it was only said in anger, and was not true, and well we all could be happy, and let it go. (And Musk go off in to space ...har har) 

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22 hours ago, grollies said:

I think you are struggling with your comprehension skill set.

A payment is the 'right to remedy' and should be what is considered commensurate with the damage done.  $100mill is no better than $0 in a case where it wasn't assets stolen, but a kind of damage that cannot be undone.


In reference to the diver case, if I were to address you in a way that you consider 'not flattering', does that mean I owe you my assets for your interpretation of words expressed? 


I think I comprehend it just fine.

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32 minutes ago, Shiver said:

A payment is the 'right to remedy' and should be what is considered commensurate with the damage done.  $100mill is no better than $0 in a case where it wasn't assets stolen, but a kind of damage that cannot be undone.


In reference to the diver case, if I were to address you in a way that you consider 'not flattering', does that mean I owe you my assets for your interpretation of words expressed? 


I think I comprehend it just fine.

You don't appear to understand what defamation of character is or what it is to defame someone!!!

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On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:50 AM, Kwasaki said:

Fill the caves with water and call his bluff.

caves are probably refilled again, maybe Musk would be willing to put himself in the toy sub and take a trip well into the cave -- what did he say " sorry I'm too busy at the moment"  -  Ok any excuse is better than none.  

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Yes ... I think this english gentleman has been not only defamed but insulted and in fact accused of committing a delictuous action (pedophile)..

The amount of damages has to be adjusted to the damage done and also to the financial possibility of the offender, not forgetting his intelligence level..  Musk is not a basic guy who can be allowed to express his anger and frustration in any type of manner (which apparently he is used to do).. In this case he should be punished in a hard way, even if the damages go for example to an OGM protecting children and few to the english gentleman.. For him 10.000 dollars is nothing..

Have a nice day

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21 minutes ago, Artisi said:

caves are probably refilled again, maybe Musk would be willing to put himself in the toy sub and take a trip well into the cave -- what did he say " sorry I'm too busy at the moment"  -  Ok any excuse is better than none.  

Get with the program, Musk already said he will do this! "we will make (a video) of the mini-sub/pod going all the way to Cave 5 no problemo". Wouldn't that be cool to see? Elon has also called for release of footage of the rescue because he believes it will prove Vern lied when he claimed the sub wouldn't make it 50 meters. So it's just a matter of time before vern is eating humble pie. I really hope Elon does not press too hard on Vern in the courts with all his money behind it over Vern's words strong words of slander. Setting the truth straight should be satisfaction enough.


Edited by canopy
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2 minutes ago, canopy said:

Get with the program, Musk already said he will do this! "we will make (a video) of the mini-sub/pod going all the way to Cave 5 no problemo". Wouldn't that be cool to see? Elon has also called for release of footage of the rescue because he believes it will prove Vern lied when he claimed the sub wouldn't make it 50 meters. So it's just a matter of time before vern is eating humble pie. I really hope Elon does not press too hard on Vern in the courts with all his money behind it over Vern's words strong words of slander. Setting the truth straight should be satisfaction enough.


all of which has nothing to do with slandering vern

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4 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

all of which has nothing to do with slandering vern

True, but It's been hashed enough hasn't it? I've certainly condemned elon plenty of times for it already, not need to put it in every single post. But the sub making it to cave 5 would be such a sweet video. Just the threat of it is making all the thaivisa armchair experts balking at the sub squirm with discomfort. I say game on!


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1 minute ago, canopy said:


True, but It's been hashed enough hasn't it? I've certainly condemned elon plenty of times for it already, not need to put it in every single post. But the sub making it to cave 5 would be such a sweet video. Just the threat of it is making all the thaivisa armchair experts balking at the sub squirm with discomfort. I say game on!



1 minute ago, canopy said:


True, but It's been hashed enough hasn't it? I've certainly condemned elon plenty of times for it already, not need to put it in every single post. But the sub making it to cave 5 would be such a sweet video. Just the threat of it is making all the thaivisa armchair experts balking at the sub squirm with discomfort. I say game on!


nonsense. the kids wernt in cave 5 and doing it weeks later means nuttin. they only had a few days

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12 minutes ago, canopy said:

Get with the program, Musk already said he will do this! "we will make (a video) of the mini-sub/pod going all the way to Cave 5 no problemo". Wouldn't that be cool to see? Elon has also called for release of footage of the rescue because he believes it will prove Vern lied when he claimed the sub wouldn't make it 50 meters. So it's just a matter of time before vern is eating humble pie. I really hope Elon does not press too hard on Vern in the courts with all his money behind it over Vern's words strong words of slander. Setting the truth straight should be satisfaction enough.


not sure if you are being factious, thick, or trying to be funny.   

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Just now, Artisi said:

not sure if you are being factious, thick, or trying to be funny.   


Don't listen to me. Do your own research. What I have said is out there plain as day for everyone to see.


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8 minutes ago, canopy said:


Don't listen to me. Do your own research. What I have said is out there plain as day for everyone to see.


"Don't listen to me" - luckily most don't.

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51 minutes ago, canopy said:

Get with the program, Musk already said he will do this! "we will make (a video) of the mini-sub/pod going all the way to Cave 5 no problemo". Wouldn't that be cool to see? Elon has also called for release of footage of the rescue because he believes it will prove Vern lied when he claimed the sub wouldn't make it 50 meters. So it's just a matter of time before vern is eating humble pie. I really hope Elon does not press too hard on Vern in the courts with all his money behind it over Vern's words strong words of slander. Setting the truth straight should be satisfaction enough.


The whole concept of an object like that going through those tunnels is totally ludicrous!!!


And frankly, anyone that would believe it could is displaying a complete lack of knowledge of the situation within that cave complex.  


Its actually extremely amusing that anyone would give the Musk global PR stunt one ounce of credibility!?

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35 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:


the kids wernt in cave 5 and doing it weeks later means nuttin


Getting to cave 5 means doesn't mean "nuttin" it means vern was telling porkies on CNN.


39 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

they only had a few days

This is crucial. Do not forget if conditions outside their control had deteriorated just a hair earlier than they did (pumps failed, rain arrival) we know the diving rescue would have been called off for good and leaving them there for 4 months was considered a death sentence. Now what? Maybe we'd have found out real quickly if the sub could have made it.


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Just now, carmine said:

The whole concept of an object like that going through those tunnels is totally ludicrous!!!


And frankly, anyone that would believe it could is displaying a complete lack of knowledge of the situation within that cave complex.  

Development of the mini-sub concept was encouraged by Richard Stanton, British diver, cave expert, and one of two that found the kids. So "frankly" the non believer in the sub have far less credibility than Stanton who was there and made the dive himself and went on to give crucial information and encouragement for the mini-sub. So how is the humble pie tasting?


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4 minutes ago, canopy said:


Getting to cave 5 means doesn't mean "nuttin" it means vern was telling porkies on CNN.


This is crucial. Do not forget if conditions outside their control had deteriorated just a hair earlier than they did (pumps failed, rain arrival) we know the diving rescue would have been called off for good and leaving them there for 4 months was considered a death sentence. Now what? Maybe we'd have found out real quickly if the sub could have made it.


lol! you think that sub could have gone up against that current without divers shepherding it? hahahahahah

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