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Tesla shares fall after CEO Musk abuses British caver


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Musk for whatever reason offered something expensive and spent time and money trying to help. Yes, he got publicity out of it, but it was a nice gesture.


I have no idea how tight the caves were, only the divers know the exact situation, but to dismiss it out of hand and seemingly rudely was not nice.


Musk's knee-jerk reaction was TOTALLY out of order and went too far wit the insult, and it will very likely cost him a lot of money.


Bottom line it was a bit of hand-bag like squabbling, and both could have and should handled it better. 

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Defenders of Vern should say : Let him prove his innocence in a clear yes or no statement.

On the other hand Musk could prove his Minisub wasn't a PR stunt that may bring 10000 jobs for Thailand.

Which is of more essence - the pedo or the Minisub?

If I was the Thai government, I'd choose the Minisub over the Pedo statement.

Maybe it's time the Thai authorities add their voice to this impasse.

To be most grateful to the British diver is one thing they already proved by giving them an Elite card each. 

Best solution for all: Let Musk and Vern bury their grievances and concentrate on the essential things.

Shake hands a la Trump - Putin style.

P.M. Prayut invites both to sit on a table and the world watches a friendly handshake.

Not too difficult if you think.

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He messed up, we all do now and again - in different shades of gray, put those stones back down. Perhaps, he was tired and irritable, he made a visit to China for a number of days after Thailand which probably didn't help, whilst the same time managing three demanding companies Tesla, Boring Company and SpaceX, and bucket load of people disparaging him on possible production delay and people calling the whole cave trip a PR stunt. Perhaps he even had a drink enroute home and that was what broke the camels back, who knows, it was wrong no doubt - the tweet has been retracted and no doubt apologise will be enroute. At end of day, as public CEO he has to do better,  and should at least apologize for such comment but the way everyone is jumping at him is pretty harsh, the guy is super smart and what's he done so far with his three companies and what's ahead (even if Model3 fails) remains impressive. 




This reaction has shaken my opinion of many people. We were asked to create a backup option & worked hard to do so. Checked with dive team many times to confirm it was worthwhile. Now it’s there for anyone who needs it in future. Something’s messed up if this is not a good thing


It was a never a PR stunt in my opinion. He took that to heart though and retaliated with a reckless allegation. 

Edited by mekko
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2 hours ago, Dario said:

Elon lost his temper. In the end we are all just humans, rich or poor, super smart or uneducated. But still, it's a REAL pity for him for a person the whole planet watches. I'm in the tennis world for my young daughter. Many tennis super stars have smashed their rackets on court (Serena, Novak, Maria Sharapova, etc), all people who earn substantial fortunes every year.

All a joke. One old man having a cry. Using Thailand defamation law which l personally would revoke.

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2 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Just two lines tweet costed 2 Billion ? :w00t:


Goodluck next time, don't scribe when you are out of mind.

Of course it didn't, here's the one month chart :




The chart speaks for itself.

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Just going to leave this here, it was shared on some more balanced media sites a few days ago, as can't see it's been posted by any the TV experts that labelling it as a PR stunt from day 1. Musk was "triggered" by all those saying it was a PR stunt, media and those interview on TV, sub was never requested, syb was never needed etc.., this simply wasn't true. Spending time, money, on a backup plan, and then later being labelled a "PR stunt" caused the now deleted retaliation on twatter (which I'm not condoning but to add some light to situtation). 


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Yes in copies of his full tweets, I saw some where, probably on another Thai Visa blog, ... He implied that People that lived in Thailand were "Suss" and it was in these tweets, I think he said that living in Thailand, put a person in a questionably position, ... And all this with out any evidence at all ... Like he did not say Belgum Right, ... Or France, ... Or Australia, where Children seem to be being murdered by their estranged Parents, at an ever increasing rate just at the moment !!! .... As usual he said the Ignorant, knee jerk reaction, of a poor social thinker, with little real information,  ... "Thailand" ... (Just because it gives it's woman the Real Freedom, of being able to do what they want to) ? ...


So he REALLY does have a lot of Apologizing to do, ... Like to all of us Expats in Thailand as well as Mr Unsworth.


I am glad that the shares in his company have gone down, like this can be seen a a Good MORAL comment, .... Though as I say, the short sellers have been hitting them pretty hard, for a fair time already now I think, as there are questions on how fast he is building his cars, his Core Business, .... Other then the Ego, and Publicity stunts of course ! ? ... Right ?

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If I were Unsworth I would just keep quiet and let the whole thing drop definitely wouldn't try to sue one of the richest men in the world unless I was totally sure my whole life was 100% squeaky clean with the money he has lawyers and private detectives will go through your whole life and there is always someone willing to elaborate on something if the money is right could bring alot of grief even if not true just get on with life and enjoy it

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8 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Tesla shares fell because oil dropped $5!

 What they didn't tell you is that Tesla shares dropped $40, from $350 to $310 between June 28 and July 3. Also, even after the drop on Monday, they are still performing better than they were from March 26 until June 5. The share price today is pretty close to the average share price over the last year.

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7 hours ago, d3viliz3d said:

Indeed. Musk certainly went too far with his comments, but this guy firing down on him just because he proposed a possible solution, spending his own money to bring equipment and a team there, is nonsense.

Yep, Musk's replay was hot temperd & too far. But to be honesty:  such insult from this diver probably I would have answerd by smashing instany his jaw! One get what he asks for! I know, it wouldn't be gentleman-like & overdone... But one may also should consider that certain people are sometimes heavely over-stressed. This diver may is a specialist in caves - but an human a-hole & very far from being such a high successfull creative mind as like Musk! So my comment addressed to this diver: "shut the <deleted>** up, carl!"

Edited by German farang
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I do agree Musk comments were over the top and perhaps showed his sensitive side.


If  Musk was indeed asked to come up with a possible solution there’s no reason it kick him for the results. A lot of video was shown on television of

the rescue. A number of them showed the stretchers carried by four persons. 


The boys would have to be take off the strecthers if as described the mini sub wouldn’t fit/work. Realistically we don’t know if the mini sub would work or not? It was an idea used or not that was trying to help. 


Most of the public didn’t know the boys would be sedated for the move. Maybe the mini sub idea was to make sure the boys got air and safe way for transfer. 


End of the day the rescue was a success. The videos also show it was not a handful of people that made the rescue a success. There were a lot of people

doing their part to help.......in the cave and outside across the globe 


Make sure they all get their deserve s thanks ....   if only four persons they’d still be trying to get the boys out of the cave. 







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4 hours ago, drayger said:

If I were Unsworth I would just keep quiet and let the whole thing drop definitely wouldn't try to sue one of the richest men in the world unless I was totally sure my whole life was 100% squeaky clean with the money he has lawyers and private detectives will go through your whole life and there is always someone willing to elaborate on something if the money is right could bring alot of grief even if not true just get on with life and enjoy it

Your arguments is like many others on here that presuming he has some guilt or something to hide.

Let me tell you something please, you cannot be mistaken if u acccuse another of being a pedo, and you better have your facts right.

Its like saying a woman is "a little bit pregnant" either they are or are not.

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