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Controversy over "homophobic" parodies of Trump and Putin being gay lovers

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This isn't a new issue.

Putin is very anti-gay. 

He's been portrayed in drag makeup to mock him.

Such images are now BANNED in Russia.




It's now out there that "trump" is probably compromised by Putin and that "trump" is weirdly super friendly to Putin. 

So that has been and is being mocked by portraying "trump" and Putin as gay lovers.

They are both political figures representing an anti-gay civil rights agenda.

Right wingers are saying this is hypocrisy! But I think they're being hypocritical because they're actually against gay civil rights, so calling these parodies homophobic is NOT sincere, rather, it's just a way of attacking opponents of "trump" and Putin.

But it seems many gay people are ALSO objecting to these parodies as being homophobic.

Well, I don't follow a proscribed P.C. line and don't think that focus is helpful in this instance.

The situation and political love affair between two anti-gay civil rights world leaders is layered and complex.

Showing them as gay lovers is an effective way of mocking them.

I think these sorts of depictions are totally OK. 

I do understand why many gay people would disagree, but I think they're not looking at the bigger picture when they do.


Current New York Times example of what this is about:






N.Y. Times Paints Trump and Putin as Lovers With Tired Gay Joke



IMO using the imagery of anal sex to make fun of Putin and Trump's relationship is not necessarily homophobic at all (though no doubt some intend it that way).


The symbolic anal sex between the two of them, with Putin CLEARLY the "top," is reminiscent of a large, muscled, dominant male in prison raping and dominating a smaller, weaker male, and has nothing to do with normal sex between two gay men...it's pure and total domination and humiliation.

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