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British caver says he approached by U.S., British lawyers over Musk's comments


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3 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

I am having a similar thought to your last paragraph.


If Musk is publicly found guilty to his comment to Vern he has the power to send someone to C/Rai to see where Vern eats/drinks then give a local kid a 1000B to go up to Vern and plant a kiss on him ( just a horrid example ) while another kid takes a photo then it starts all over again.  Nasty thought but I would not put it past Musk to try and clear his name.

Nice of you to give the nut jobs here the idea. Do you have his address btw? lol

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I would be mightily surprised if any reputable law firm took on this case.  Oh, someone might get Vern to sign up with them just for the publicity (but that would make Vern a  hypocrite then) and that law firm would then send Mr Musk a letter demanding a sum to end it all.


My guess is Musk would offer to buy the guy a new pair of boots and barring that tell him to stick the lawsuit up where it hurts.  The law firm then tells Mr Unsworth to accept the boots and call it a day. They get their 15 minutes of fame for taking on the case and Mr Unsworth either gets the new boots or ZIP.

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Although "withdraw" would be the better word , "refute" is still acceptable .

But lets not get into the meaning of words , as you know very well what I meant

*Refute :to say or prove that a person, statement, opinion, etc. is wrong or false?


You get funnier by the POST

Mr Unsworth was put in the position of having to refute the comments made by Mr Musk , Why you no understand

POST 51 is going to haunt you Sir, while ever you continue with this

Its known in good old England as getting hold of the Sh@%# end of the stick

I am now going to exit stage right as I have made my point


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Lawyers who get paid by the hour will take a case for a client and get paid win or lose. Even at the Supreme Court, one side wins and one side loses but the lawyers on each side get paid (big) regardless.


Contingency fee lawyers are a different breed and they will (in most cases) only take on a client whose case they know they can win. And if this case  were to be pursued in California, there might be a lot of reasons why a lawyer might not want to take the case.

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Just now, JLCrab said:

Lawyers who get paid by the hour will take a case for a client and get paid win or lose. Even at the Supreme Court, one side wins and one side loses but the lawyers on each side get paid (big) regardless.


Contingency fee lawyers are a different breed and they will (in most cases) only take on a client whose case they know they can win. And if this case  were to be pursued in California, there might be a lot of reasons why a lawyer might not want to take the case.


Just now, JLCrab said:

Lawyers who get paid by the hour will take a case for a client and get paid win or lose. Even at the Supreme Court, one side wins and one side loses but the lawyers on each side get paid (big) regardless.


Contingency fee lawyers are a different breed and they will (in most cases) only take on a client whose case they know they can win. And if this case  were to be pursued in California, there might be a lot of reasons why a lawyer might not want to take the case.

You are correct which is why nothing is gonna happen. Unsworth is not gonna pay a lawyer hourly fees for a case he most likely can't win and no contingency lawyer is gonna waste their time going after Musk with a losing case. Case closed. 

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9 minutes ago, dufusdonald said:

Nice of you to give the nut jobs here the idea. Do you have his address btw? lol

I think he said the cave was his third home , there is one in England and the one here is between C/Rai and Maesai , best I can do for you .

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31 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

'Sue the pants' -- is that a legal term? States in the US do have libel laws and precedents as to what can be claimed and as to how those claims have been decided in courts.


I don't know.


Is it normal for a CEO to call someone a pedo?


If normal, Muck could have named his company pedopal, but he didn't.

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4 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

I think he said the cave was his third home , there is one in England and the one here is between C/Rai and Maesai , best I can do for you .

Well, I was hoping I could sell his address to Musk. If anyone has it please send it to me asap. lol

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2 minutes ago, dufusdonald said:

Well, I was hoping I could sell his address to Musk. If anyone has it please send it to me asap. lol

I do know what car he drives and it might still have a bashed in door , but he did say he was getting shot of it.  Not SHOT rid of it that is more fitting ....er not like a sub that doesn't fit.  

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2 hours ago, kannot said:

Its  pretty clear to any sane person he isnt a paedophile his life wont be ruined it will be even more respected and even more so if  he  just lets it go

some of us here have suffered much worse...let it go

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11 minutes ago, oldlakey said:


Mr Unsworth was put in the position of having to refute the comments made by Mr Musk , Why you no understand


Please try to understand and follow posts and discussions .

My point was that Musk HAS to refute/withdraw HIS allegations .

It doesnt matter what Mr Unsworth says , he can deny them , but until Musk withdraws/refutes the allegations he made, the allegation still stands .

   You join in discussions half way through and misunderstand the gist of what has previously been stated .


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12 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:
42 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

'Sue the pants' -- is that a legal term? States in the US do have libel laws and precedents as to what can be claimed and as to how those claims have been decided in courts.


I don't know.

Then why did you say that you think he should?

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4 minutes ago, Chris Lawrence said:

two wrongs make it right? What if Musk proved his sub worked? Then who has defamed who? Devils advocate.

An excellent point; however, Musk has already proved it does work. Just not if it would work in the cave.  That sms sent to him by the Brit diver telling him to proceed is gonna come back to haunt Unsworth methinks.  One could argue Unsworth sounds like he has a bias against Musk just because he is rich.  Lotsa losers feel the same way about successful people.  And most of em  live in Tland.

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3 hours ago, Mattd said:

So, you would be perfectly happy if someone rich and famous declared to the whole world that you are a "pedo" just because you stated that the contraption you designed would not work, albeit with a sad choice of words, even though you physically had been where the contraption was supposed to go and that rich person or any of his staff had not, which would make you better qualified than the rich person and any of his so called experts?

There was a huge difference between the two statements and unless Mr. Musk has any foundation to back up his statement, which I seriously doubt, then he should be penalised, one way or another, these kind of statements can ruin somebody's life, Vern's statement would come nowhere near to ruining Musk's life, his huge ego yes, life nope!

The other difference is that NONE of the volunteer rescuers did any of what they did for publicity or profit, in fact most shunned publicity, Musk did what he did ONLY for the publicity and the potential profiteering later on, the man is a sorry human being IMHO.


Great words. Thnx !

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1 minute ago, 0815 said:

Great words. Thnx !

Here is a clear example of clear bias against Musk.  You all may recall someone here on TV suggested a tube be constructed that was flexible. He was hammered here.  His idea may have just give Musk his idea of a sub.  I am amazed at the idiots here who "know" what was in Musk's mind.  Perhaps they could email me right before Musk's next discovery or successful project comes about so I could buy some stock in advance.  Musk should not have called the guy a Pedo. Big deal. I think you could make a case Unsworth damaged Musk a whole lot more for saying his idea was crap.  Musk is well known internationally.  This guy was a nobody.  Musk has been damaged a whole lot more. Just reading these idiotic posts tells you that a lot of folks think he did it solely for publicity.  

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2 minutes ago, Robbess said:

What a pack of cry baby’s. Take the litigation sh*t back to the West where it belongs. I moved to Thailand to get away from the snowflakes.

Ha ha , are you aware of Thailands slander and defamation laws and their computer crimes act ?

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20 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Please try to understand and follow posts and discussions .

My point was that Musk HAS to refute/withdraw HIS allegations .

It doesnt matter what Mr Unsworth says , he can deny them , but until Musk withdraws/refutes the allegations he made, the allegation still stands .

   You join in discussions half way through and misunderstand the gist of what has previously been stated .


When somebody makes an allegation against you, YOU refute it

The person who makes the allegation withdraws it they do not refute it

Thats neither here nor there, the point is you totally misunderstood what was being sad in POST 51 and its there for all to see 

Have a nice day

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This does highlight the outside world's view of Thailand by some. If he lives in Thailand he must be a paedo. Ask others overseas though of what they think of when Thailand is mentioned and they'd probably say ladyboys and prostitutes (and who could blame them) rather than paedos. Temples and beaches probably come way down the list, despite what the government would want us to think.

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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Stop, you've been posting nonsense all morning , give it a rest

Thanks for answering my question. Can you point out specifically my "nonsense"? Not only that but I think you saying I have been posting "nonsense" is slanderous. Can anyone give me the names of some good attorneys in Bangkok?  I'm going to sue this schmuck.


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6 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

Go with the US ones, they will sting him a lot harder, half a million US is the going rate for libel, and that's without a gobby unlikeable billionaire being involved.

It may not be that easy. To win a defamation suit, three points must be made; 1) the allegation had to have been made public, 2) the allegation must be false, and 3) the allegation must damage the victim's reputation.


I imagine there would be little argument that point 1 is met. However, how can Unsworth prove he is not a pedo; how can he prove the allegation damaged his reputation? I'd wager a rich man's lawyers could find a lot of argument therein.

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