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Majority of Americans think Trump mishandling Russia: Reuters/Ipsos poll


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Majority of Americans think Trump mishandling Russia: Reuters/Ipsos poll

By Damon Darlin and Chris Kahn



Protesters rally outside the White House in Washington, U.S. on July 16, 2018 after U.S. President Donald Trump's return from Helsinki, Finland. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


(Reuters) - More than half of Americans disapprove of the way U.S. President Donald Trump is handling relations with Russia, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted after his controversial summit and joint news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


However, Trump's performance at the Helsinki summit, where Trump refused to blame the Russian leader for meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and cast doubt on the findings of U.S. intelligence agencies, did not seem to have an impact on his overall approval rating.


Forty-two percent of registered voters said they approved of Trump’s performance in office in the latest opinion poll, compared with a daily average of between 40 and 44 percent so far in July.


The poll found that 55 percent of registered voters disapproved while 37 percent approved of his handling of relations with Russia.


Among Republicans, 71 percent approved of his handling of Russia compared to 14 percent of Democrats.


Trump still enjoys broad support among Republican voters despite criticism from party leaders about his words and actions while standing alongside the Russian leader answering questions from reporters, the poll results showed.


Trump surprised even his supporters when he praised the Russian leader during the news conference for his "strong and powerful" denial of meddling.


On Tuesday, Trump attempted to calm the political storm following his remarks, saying he misspoke at the news conference and had full confidence in U.S. agencies. But he appeared to veer from his script to add: "It could be other people also - there's a lot of people out there," he said.


A majority of registered voters, 59 percent, agree with the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia attempted to influence the U.S. election, the Reuters/Ipsos poll found. But only 32 percent of Republicans think that is true compared to 84 percent of Democrats.


The Reuters/Ipsos poll also revealed a distinct split among Republican and Democratic voters over whether Russia should be considered an adversary of the United States.


Overall, 38 percent of registered voters agreed that Russia is an enemy of the United States. About the same percent considered Russia "a competitor" while 8 percent said it was "a friend."


However, half the Democrats said it was an enemy while only about one in three Republicans considered it so.


Forty percent of Democrats described Russia as an imminent threat while only 14 percent of Republicans agreed.


Overall, 27 percent of registered voters considered Russia an imminent threat. Only North Korea got a higher response on that question, 31 percent.


The poll also asked Americans whether they think authorities will find evidence of an illegal relationship between the Trump administration and Russia. A slim majority, 51 percent, said it was likely, while 77 percent of Democrats and 19 percent of Republicans did.


The same general split was true when asked if Trump or someone from his campaign worked with Russia to influence the 2016 election. Overall, 52 percent of registered voters agreed. But 81 percent of Democrats said that was true versus 19 percent of Republicans.


The Reuters/Ipsos poll gathered responses from 1,011 registered voters throughout the United States, including 453 Republicans and 399 Democrats. The poll has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 4 percentage points.


(Written by Damon Darlin; Editing by Mary Milliken and Grant McCool)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-07-18
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13 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

A majority of people have decide that shit stinks. Well, that's progress.


Well, not really...  That majority you refer to only exists because Democrats still outnumber Republicans in the U.S.   But a large majority of Republicans still think Trump's sh** smells just fine!  And that's the scary part!


And that's even AFTER a fair number of right wing beacons like Fox and its commentators told them that Trump had stunk up the place.  Dementia truly has set in.





Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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1 hour ago, klauskunkel said:

There are an awful lot of Trump devotees that continue to wear blinders, and refuse to embrace objectivity, when it comes to their master.


They are riding the tiger and can't get off. Som nam na.

I think it more akin to chasing the dragon. The first hit is always the best. It is all downhill from there!

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i keep telling people don't blame Trump, blame the electorate who elected him.  maybe the Dems will get off their buts and go to the polls this November.  doubt.  the republicans on the other hand are vicious and motivated.  it's my hope that the Democrats will take back the congress.  many Republicans can not stand Trump but they like his views and so they tolerate him.  

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

There are an awful lot of Trump devotees that continue to wear blinders, and refuse to embrace objectivity, when it comes to their master. No matter what he does. But, my guess is that if Putin revealed what he had on Tiny Don, they might be humiliated and disappointed. He is very, very scared of Putin. Shows in every aspect of his behavior. The level to which he kisses King Vlad's butt is unprecedented. He is such an abject failure on any measurable level, as president. 


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The midterms are the key republicans are terrified of trumps wrath the survivors will speak up rite now it’s a matter of survival for them hopefully the dems take both houses and everyone takes this as a wake up call ( god I hope so)

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Bye bye America.  It sure has changed since I was a kid.  All of these lives wasted forming and defending a democracy.  Who knew there were so many weak minded idiots 

Edited by Redline
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20 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The Republican numbers in this poll result, which was done AFTER Trump's summit performance, are SHOCKING!


The Republican Party I've known for my entire life and what it stood for, much of which I've never agreed with especially on domestic and social policy, has lately vanished and been replaced by this bizarre, alternate facts, head in the sand cult of unreality.


21 hours ago, pegman said:

So, 71% of Republicans approve of Trump's dealings with Russia do they. Just goes to show Trump isn't the real problem with that country. 



Well, when the Republican party is bleeding off people and shrinking at a rapid pace, you probably won't see this type of percentage change as the base gets more solid and fierce about protecting itself. It is a sad state of affairs that some Republicans are willing to follow a traitor no matter what.


GOP base is shrinking



"The base is shrinking because there are fewer Republicans. So the base is more solid than it was, but there's fewer of them," he said. 


The analysis also found that 40 percent of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, while only 29 percent are Republicans. 


Edited by Silurian
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15 hours ago, Thingamabob said:


If you are referring to orange man, I completely agree. He is a garbage man. He is human refuse. There is no doubt Putin has something on him. Either that, or Tiny Don is bisexual, and is in love with Putin. Which is also a possibility, as his level of deviancy has no limits. There is simply no other reason for him to be kissing butt to the level he has, with Putin. It is an extraordinary thing to witness. Trump really shot himself in the foot this time. In a huuuuge way. The meeting (definitely a non summit) was a tremeeeeendous failure. Epic. Might lead to his impeachment. Hopefully, though the thought of Petty Pence leading the nation is not exactly reaffirming. 

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18 hours ago, dunroaming said:

How he sits there and lies over and over again is mind boggling!

This is why Trump lies.  And it does aptly apply to his base....


[The President of the United States thinks you’re very, very, very, very, very … (please imagine the word “very” an additional 40 to 50 times) … very, very stupid.

That president is Donald Trump. At least, I think his name is Donald Trump. It’s quite possible he’s lying about that, as he seems to lie about virtually everything, sometimes twice in one sentence. Now that I think about it, we should probably ask to see his birth certificate.]



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On 7/18/2018 at 11:21 AM, webfact said:

Among Republicans, 71 percent approved of his handling of Russia compared to 14 percent of Democrats.

So nobody else finds this interesting? From what I read, all Democrats despise Trump and everything he stands for, yet it seems these 14% agree with something he's done. Is it possible that people are individuals and do not always share a hive mind mentality.

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Bizarre. Now he is saying there was collusion and Putin is to blame. He is insisting he has said this many times before, when in reality he has been in denial for 30 months. This was a major part of his campaign, and has been a major talking point within his presidency. Within 24 hours his story has completely changed. Previously he has said it was all fake media and bad intelligence that cannot be believed. This is a historic flip. The biggest of his presidency so far. What are his devotees to make of this complete and utter uturn?


Obviously someone finally got him into a room, and managed to get him to focus his little, restless mind for five minutes. They told him the remaining credibility he had was badly being eroded and he would have to capitulate, or risk losing some of his base, and all of his credibility. 

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2 hours ago, SABloke said:

So nobody else finds this interesting? From what I read, all Democrats despise Trump and everything he stands for, yet it seems these 14% agree with something he's done. Is it possible that people are individuals and do not always share a hive mind mentality.

If ever there was a case of what's called blinkered thinking this is it. Let me lead you to enlightenment. Did you not notice that it was 71 percent of Republicans who approved of Trump's approach to the Russians. So what about the residuum of those who don't support Trump in this. Are they hive thinkers because they agree with the majority of Democrats, or are they individuals who do not share the hive mentality of the rest of Republicans?

And here's something else to consider. If 99.99 percent of all people agree that 2+2=4 are they hive thinkers? And the only free thinkers are  the .01 percent who disagree?

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So, 71% of Republicans approve of Trump's dealings with Russia do they. Just goes to show Trump isn't the real problem with that country. 
That's true. The real problem are the desperate democrats. If someone won't vote for Trump because he don't like his haircut...ok,i got it. But why in hell someone would vote for democrats. That's the real danger.

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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18 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

The real problem are the desperate democrats. If someone won't vote for Trump because he don't like his haircut...ok,i got it. But why in hell someone would vote for democrats.


Let's see:

--People might not vote for Trump because they abhor him and his policies, both.


--People might vote for some future Democrat because..

--they don't want a congenital liar as president.

--they don't want a U.S. president who disses our allies and buddies up to autocratic dictators.

--they don't want a U.S. president who's more interested in his private business dealings than in the interests of his country and average Americans.

--They don't want a president who thinks Russia is a better friend to the U.S. than the EU, Canada, NATO, etc.

--they don't want a U.S. president who promises "fantastic" health coverage for all Americans, and then proceeds to dismantle ACA and try to cut Medicare, and provides nothing in their place.

--they don't want a U.S. president whose tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations far beyond what the middle class got are going to balloon the current federal deficit in coming years.

etc etc etc.


Not hard to find countless reasons, none of them having anything to do with Trump's hair.



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