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Culture Ministry aims to set up committee for ‘Wild Boars’ movie


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9 minutes ago, JAG said:

You are being very negative Colin. The production values enshrined in the planned level of Government involvement in the project, mean that we can look forward to a costume drama set in a ruthlessly sanitised period from the glory days of old Siam. The boys plight will be brought to the attention of a stern yet brave nobleman, by a winsome serving girl, for whom he has the raging hots - sorry I meant has a secret love - the former, as we all now never happened in those noble times. Venturing into the steaming jungles of Lanna, constantly hassled by evil Burmese ruffians clad in black pyjamas and sporting stick-on long straggly moustaches, our hero, helped by the winsome serving girl who it now appears is a suitably hi so orphan taken in by his father, rescue the boys from the cave, and emerge to the ecstatic applause of the local population, clad in an assortment of polyester traditional garments.

The closing titles will be accompanied by a sentimental yet rather martial ballad, penned by a mystery benefactor, and sung by a chorus of remarkably handsome soldiers with astonishingly white straight teeth.


I can't wait...

It will run and run - especially at Christmas:

Audience: He's behind you!

Noodelman Nobleman: Where: Where?

Audience: Behind you!

Noodelman Nobleman: Oh no he's not!

Audience: Oh yes he is!

etc, etc,. Ad infinitum.


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The wounds haven't even healed and there is a rush to milk the whole thing already.


And by the way, if Hollywood wants to make a movie, they will make a movie. There is NOTHING to oversee for the Thai ministers, ministries or any slapstick committees they plan to set up. If you are really concerned, why don't you work on protecting the boys and the coach from being exploited by the greedy Hollywood monsters - or any other scavenging grave-diggers, for a start? A not-for-profit documetary yes, a multi-million budget movie played by so-called stars with clean mud on their expensive faces who have absolutely no idea what really went on, no.

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11 hours ago, darksidedog said:

A little sad that they are thinking about money making from it already. On the one hand they are telling the press to stay away from the boys so they can recover from their ordeal, while talking to Hollywood about a movie at the same time. I would have thought a prerequisite was asking the family of the boys and Saman Kunan their thoughts on the matter.

Well.... I hope the kids will be not used to make a movie, perhaps a documentary. Anyway, probably lawyers are already approaching the boys families to get a part of the pie. A good movie with an international production company may make a lot of money. A Thai production will make enough to distribute with the kids families, and pay the cost of the rescue, etc. Anyway. The Thai Government and Chiang Rai is already making money with the increase in tourism, nothing wrong about it. 

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10 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

The last thing you need is the god squad making a movie like this. I can see it now. Divers personified by Jesus and all the boys kissing their crucifix before diving out, following the heavenly light. Total betrayal of who they are and the bravery of the men who got them out. 

I don't believe for one second that prayer got them out and I definitely don't want to watch a movie that suggests it did.

Michael Scott, will tell the public god made me do it, and the movie will strictly explain why his imaginary friend let the incident happen in the first place. In the first scene we may see an old man with a white beard sitting on a cloud saying: " holy s#*t not another boring rainy Monday, let's spice up things a little bit."

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Monetising this near tragedy would be a huge mistake on many fronts and i really doubt if the kids or K. Samnan's family or the rescue volunteers would benefit in the end. No "movie" could ever do justice to the people involved and the actual rescue operation. The live news coverage and subsequent interviews presented the facts and thankfully it is now over. Best keep it that way.

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3 minutes ago, chingmai331 said:

Won't sell as no woman involved, as far as i can tell.  If however, we could insert a lovely pretty Thai lass into the cave, let's say as team mascot, then we could see some real financial return.

Spirit of the cave will be the female element, bound to be a hottie

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Most cynical and avaricious thing in LOS for years. Leave the poor kids alone. Let them write memoirs if so inclined. Get back to school, act normal.


Every day there are miners trapped in Chile or China, sadly. Or 100 people blown up in Kabul.


Everyone will want a cut. The parents will appoint lawyers as grabbers. Gawd knows who else will turn up. The CR Tourism Board was planning a museum to take farang money when the poor kids hadn't even got out! Beggars belief...


<deleted> this is LOS. Even a very senior cop has 5 Ferraris (according to a Thai friend--I didn't actually know this until last night)... one of which is a very limited billionaires' edition (only 99 in the world). Somebody else up there has more Langes and Richard Milles than even Vlad the Bad Putin (who is much, much richer than Trump as well as an avid watch collector).


Yes, Hollywood could do it all without help. Get Daniel Craig or Piers Brosnan and take the rig to Mexico (loads of flooded caves in Tulum).


Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.

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11 hours ago, Cadbury said:


Some of their productions include:

1. God's Not Dead

2. God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness

3. God's Not Dead 2

4. Do You Believe?

Most of these movies are low ranking B grade budget movies. The boys deserve something better than this.

Opportunists at their very best. Typically, envelopes will decide if they get the contract.

I would almost rather see the Hare Krishna's make it. I don't think so! They can go and make their next movie after the façade elections and call it: The Regime is not Dead, with a sequel, You Aint' Seen Nothing Yet in the Iron Fist. 

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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

A little sad that they are thinking about money making from it already. On the one hand they are telling the press to stay away from the boys so they can recover from their ordeal, while talking to Hollywood about a movie at the same time. I would have thought a prerequisite was asking the family of the boys and Saman Kunan their thoughts on the matter.

That is a bit of a cynical take on it I think.. You can see they are under a lot of pressure from not just 1 but at least 5 production companies..  Appropriate that they should try to keep some control over how the rescue is portrayed... and set some stiff guidelines protecting the boys from exploitation.

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