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Sex noises from next door inspires Facebook post - now Thai TV gets involved


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10 minutes ago, Jeremy50 said:

Fashion a small piece of mirror, the mirror from a compact make up is about the right size. Slide it quietly under the gap below the bottom of the door and the floor, so it is lying flat on the floor. Then look into the mirror at an angle of about 45 degrees with your eye close to the mirror, you will be able to see the whole of the interior of the room, thereby getting the whole vivid scene, as well as the explicit vocals.

Just knock on the door,ask them if you can sit and watch

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18 minutes ago, ezzra said:

This stupid act by even more stupid and nosy neighbour only reinforces the need for some people to be barred from having access to social media so not to pullut any further what is already loaded with lots of garbage anyway...

Thanks for helping.

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when we stayed at a very upper class hotel in Bangkok one time we were greeted in the hallway to our room by a very loud moaning female enjoying what was being done to her, a lot louder than the one in the video with a few words thrown in as well. Thing is as soon as we went into our room and closed the door there was no more noise, makes you wonder about her claims of it stopping her hearing the alarm. Maybe she means her reaction to listening to the other couple is causing her to ignore the alarm and she recorded it because she is not happy she has to fly solo, why didnt she record it from her bed, hmmmm.................

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25 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

If you make that much noise that it interferes with other peoples life, it isn't private anymore.

So that justifies publicizing it to a potential audience of millions?



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35 minutes ago, seajae said:

when we stayed at a very upper class hotel in Bangkok one time we were greeted in the hallway to our room by a very loud moaning female enjoying what was being done to her, a lot louder than the one in the video with a few words thrown in as well. Thing is as soon as we went into our room and closed the door there was no more noise, makes you wonder about her claims of it stopping her hearing the alarm. Maybe she means her reaction to listening to the other couple is causing her to ignore the alarm and she recorded it because she is not happy she has to fly solo, why didnt she record it from her bed, hmmmm.................

Probably because you were staying in quality accommodation they had installed proper doors which are quite soundproof. Thai apartment blocks have doors made of plastic or composite, and are hollow. I hear all corridor noises from my room. I solved the problem by making a noise blocker from an old heavy stiff mattress I no longer use. This I affix to the inside of my door with plenty of overlap.  The sound proofing qualities of the mattress blocks all noise from the corridor, such as idiots talking loudly outside their room at 3am, fools slamming their doors etc etc, and I can get an uninterrupted night's sleep.

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Reminds me of a girl I knew many years ago in Nana Plaza. She was deaf and couldn’t speak. During sex she was unbelievably noisy but she had no idea. A few months later I was back there and she recognised me. Same thing happanwd again. 

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Reminds me of a girl I knew many years ago in Nana Plaza. She was deaf and couldn’t speak. During sex she was unbelievably noisy but she had no idea. A few months later I was back there and she recognised me. Same thing happanwd again. 

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37 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

I  like loud moaning females me self...don't you?

I've known a couple that made a lot of noise but it seemed (to me) that they were doing it because they thought all guys wanted to hear it so they'd think they were doing an awesome job. I even tested it with one girl. I barely had to touch her (i.e. put a finger on her shoulder) and she started moaning like she was starring in a porno. Touched her on her knee and she got loud enough to wake the neighbours and nearly cause the house to shake ! I was sitting there, literally shaking my head, watching (and listening) to her. Anyone else listening would have thought there must have been a gangbang going on even though we hadn't even "started" doing anything yet.

Another time she was sleeping and I had already had a shower, got dressed, had a cup of coffee, poured another one and walked into the bedroom. Touched her shoulder lightly to wake her up and she immediately went into "porn star" mode and started moaning. I was standing there, fully dressed holding a cup of coffee and started snickering. She opens her eyes and realizes that I wasn't about to jump her bones and the moaning suddenly stopped (no point in wasting a good moan) !

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1 minute ago, Kerryd said:

I've known a couple that made a lot of noise but it seemed (to me) that they were doing it because they thought all guys wanted to hear it so they'd think they were doing an awesome job. I even tested it with one girl. I barely had to touch her (i.e. put a finger on her shoulder) and she started moaning like she was starring in a porno. Touched her on her knee and she got loud enough to wake the neighbours and nearly cause the house to shake ! I was sitting there, literally shaking my head, watching (and listening) to her. Anyone else listening would have thought there must have been a gangbang going on even though we hadn't even "started" doing anything yet.

Another time she was sleeping and I had already had a shower, got dressed, had a cup of coffee, poured another one and walked into the bedroom. Touched her shoulder lightly to wake her up and she immediately went into "porn star" mode and started moaning. I was standing there, fully dressed holding a cup of coffee and started snickering. She opens her eyes and realizes that I wasn't about to jump her bones and the moaning suddenly stopped (no point in wasting a good moan) !

Maybe she was scared and was crying

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11 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

I've known a couple that made a lot of noise but it seemed (to me) that they were doing it because they thought all guys wanted to hear it so they'd think they were doing an awesome job. I even tested it with one girl. I barely had to touch her (i.e. put a finger on her shoulder) and she started moaning like she was starring in a porno. Touched her on her knee and she got loud enough to wake the neighbours and nearly cause the house to shake ! I was sitting there, literally shaking my head, watching (and listening) to her. Anyone else listening would have thought there must have been a gangbang going on even though we hadn't even "started" doing anything yet.

Another time she was sleeping and I had already had a shower, got dressed, had a cup of coffee, poured another one and walked into the bedroom. Touched her shoulder lightly to wake her up and she immediately went into "porn star" mode and started moaning. I was standing there, fully dressed holding a cup of coffee and started snickering. She opens her eyes and realizes that I wasn't about to jump her bones and the moaning suddenly stopped (no point in wasting a good moan) !

But would you give he a 9 out of 10 for her performance?


"All the world's a  stage.."


Big,bad, Bill Shakespeare.

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Not in Thailand, stayed in a little country motel one time, and about 10pm the moaning groaning from next door started up.


My first thought was, what pay-per-view channel is this guy watching ?


Couldn't find it on my telly, but then the adjoining wall starting to vibrate alarmingly.


I'm sure their bed was up against the same wall that my bedhead was touching .... you know, like 1" of plaster board  seperating us. At least that's the way it felt like when I put the empty glass cup up against the wall.


Anyway .... someone next door were getting their jollys big time. And not for a short time either, I should add. Bastard .... I thought.


Next morning I heard their door slam shut, so being a nosey-parker, I had a peek through the curtains. Had to be the Boss and his fire-cracker 25yo secretary, who decided she wasn't staying in the mail room for too long.


Charming couple, I thought. Perhaps I should introduce myself. You know .... feel free to knock on my door tonight at 11pm if your mini-bar runs dry, or something equally suave like that.


What's the point of my post ? Nothing really, except it might bring a smile to some expats who've had a screamer girlfriend .... or a bedhead too close to an adjoining wall.



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5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Sounds like the man is giving the woman a good hiding,

rather than having sex.makes a change from noisy motor bikes,

cocks crowing,builders hammering away,karaoke,you know 

the typical sounds of Thai life.

regards Worgeordie

Dogs wake me up at all hours and much louder than a few oooohs and aaahhhs

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6 hours ago, HooHaa said:

Just another example of  an idiot sharing the details of other peoples private lives on social media.

Well guess the couple also wants to share, im wondering when they will place it on social media

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6 hours ago, robblok said:

Funny, but it could get quite irritating that way. Though this lady should have just gone to neighbors and asked them to tone it down a bit.

Or join them??

Edited by TKDfella
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