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Computer Security On Tot Broadband


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I have just come to live in BK. I have tot broadband. In the UK I used BT internet.

I used to use Norton Internet Security 2006 in the UK however after three months it told me that my subscription was out so I ditched it. I put on Microsoft One Care (on a free test at the moment) and Windows Defender.

In the UK on checking my security with Symantecs site it told that I had no common used antivirus software.

Checking today in BKK. Symantics told me that my security was at risk from hacker attack and that I had no common used antivirus product.

Results of ports were


21 FPT Open

22 SSH Stealth

23 Telnet Open

25 SMPT Closed

29 Fincom Closed

80 HTTP Open

and a few other ports all closed. I don’t understand what is being said. Is my computer safe please..I internet bank on it. If not what should I do.

I do recall last time that I was here using TOT Broadband that the same ports were open.

I also noticed yesterday that there were two programs running Midenty/Midenty Start. I used 'end process' on them but they started again later..I don’t see them running now however.

Advice please.. Be aware I'm not much up on computers? I certainly don't know how to close ports even if its possible.

By the way I'm running XP Pro


Edited by John45
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That's not good if the Windows firewall is leaving ports open like that. I would strongly suggest getting a broadband router, even a basic one from D-link or Linksys will protect you from inbound intruders.

I normally recommend using security products that are independant of each other rather than all-in-one suites.

A good antivirus. Free: Avast, and Antivir have good test results (AVG does not) Paid: nod32, Kaspersky

Antispyware: Windows Defender is excellent. A second one is good for weekly scans: Ad-AwareSE, Spybot.

NAT Router: Strong hardware firewall, and lets you share the connection locally.

Check for open ports at Shields Up!, and get some great security info there as well.

Oh, and Symantec's site is trying to get you to buy their software so take their info with a grain of salt.

Edited by cdnvic
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That's not good if the Windows firewall is leaving ports open like that. I would strongly suggest getting a broadband router, even a basic one from D-link or Linksys will protect you from inbound intruders.

I normally recommend using security products that are independant of each other rather than all-in-one suites.

A good antivirus. Free: Avast, and Antivir have good test results (AVG does not) Paid: nod32, Kaspersky

Antispyware: Windows Defender is excellent. A second one is good for weekly scans: Ad-AwareSE, Spybot.

NAT Router: Strong hardware firewall, and lets you share the connection locally.

Check for open ports at Shields Up!, and get some great security info there as well.

Oh, and Symantec's site is trying to get you to buy their software so take their info with a grain of salt.


I already have a broadband router whch TOT supplied 9is that no sufficent?)..its an x8124r supplied by www.avbell.com here in Thailand.

I have downloaded the free Zone alarm firewall but nothing has changed. ports still a sprevious. Looking at my security settings..my firewall is on and my windows fire wall is off...controlled by group policey it says.

I have e-mailed for help at awbell..telling them that all was ok in the UK. maybe its something to do with their router or TOT ISP

Any more advice appreciated....thanks guys

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It almost sounds as if that router is preconfigured to be on a public server. I would go into your router and manually close all those ports (from incoming traffic only). ZoneAlarm should be blocking them though, that's strange.

Your manual shows two problems:

The firewall is down by default. Go into the router's configuration and turn the protection on (Sec 9.3 of your users manual.

The default password is 'admin'. Change that to make sure nobody else can login to your router remotely.

Turn ZoneAlarm's settings to at least medium. It should be stealthing those ports.

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This is a shot in the dark: Have you run a full system virus scan? Some malware might be manually opening those ports after the firewall stealthed them. Again, just a guess. It is VERY odd that ZoneAlarm is not stealthing those ports.

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That scan is showing the ports on your router open, not your computer.

You should close them down anyway , look for a setting in your router config about security access and set them to LAN access only.

Thanks guys

Yes I see that the router has 21/23 and HTTP ports open. Also its firewall status is

Black list Disabled

Attack Protection Disabled

DOS Protection Disabled

Should I change these?

Got a reply from router manufacturer..have asked for mor edetailed info

How can I look at the status of my computer ports please?


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To add to cdnvic's list of recommended software: Zone Lab's free ZoneAlarm is far, far better than Windows firewall. It monitors not only inbound traffic but also outbound traffic to make sure you don't have any malware trying to "phone home."

... except when the malware has the audacity to disable ZoneAlarm. But that would be really mean, wouldn't it?


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Online habits can make a big difference. If you aren't downloading program cracks, visiting dodgy porn, or warez sites, use p2p programs, open attachments in emails, or other dangerous things then most likely you won't have many problems anyways.

I haven't had any malware make it to my hard drive in years, but that doesn't mean I don't run protection. The properly stealthed router/firewall being the most important part.

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Online habits can make a big difference. If you aren't downloading program cracks, visiting dodgy porn, or warez sites, use p2p programs, open attachments in emails, or other dangerous things then most likely you won't have many problems anyways.

I haven't had any malware make it to my hard drive in years, but that doesn't mean I don't run protection. The properly stealthed router/firewall being the most important part.

Thanks again

I don’t have the router manual and can’t seem to find it on the internet..guess I will get my wife to phone the manufacturer here in BK.

I find windows defender switched off every time I start my computer. Today it said that everything was running ok however a full scan by onecare showed and quarantined a trojan downloader, win32/zlob.gen!dll. I see its not a good thing to have. Don’t understand how I got it.

I’m reasonably careful what I do on the internet. No porn (wife is a lovely thai lady so no need!). Don’t know what programme cracks, warez sites or p2p are. Haven’t opened any e-mail attachments that I don’t know where they came from either.

Am up to Kanchanaburi for new year. Think I will reinstall windows again (done it many times and buy some new software. The Zone Alarm suite looks ok. Maybe also I will install another antivirus programme…any suggestions.

So if I understand correctly it is the router ports that are open and not the ones on my computer?? Where would I look to see the settings of my computer ports please? I don’t really know much about computers but can follow instructions.

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Don't run ZA Suite and OneCare at the same time, as they will conflict each other. If you're going to pay for software, here's what I recommend:

Antivirus - nod32 ($39) or Kaspersky ($49) Both have a free trial.

Antispyware - I'd stick with Windows Defender, although the paid version of Ad-AwareSE does good realtime blocking of spyware. ($29)

Firewall - The free version of ZoneAlarm (pro doesn't do anything you really need.) Or Kerio ($19)

Resist all-in-one suites as they tend to be resource hogs and its never a good idea to put all your security eggs in one basket.

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To add to cdnvic's list of recommended software: Zone Lab's free ZoneAlarm is far, far better than Windows firewall. It monitors not only inbound traffic but also outbound traffic to make sure you don't have any malware trying to "phone home."

Finally tracked down the free Basic version at http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/cata...=GB〈=en

Edited by markg
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Don't run ZA Suite and OneCare at the same time, as they will conflict each other. If you're going to pay for software, here's what I recommend:

Antivirus - nod32 ($39) or Kaspersky ($49) Both have a free trial.

Antispyware - I'd stick with Windows Defender, although the paid version of Ad-AwareSE does good realtime blocking of spyware. ($29)

Firewall - The free version of ZoneAlarm (pro doesn't do anything you really need.) Or Kerio ($19)

Resist all-in-one suites as they tend to be resource hogs and its never a good idea to put all your security eggs in one basket.


I re-install windows, to make everything clean and then use your suggestions. I haven't paid for onecare yet as its on trial. I found Norton really slowed down my laptop...its not running very fast now but Thailand Broadband isn't very fast anyway...sometime the same speed as a 56K modem.........

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Don't run ZA Suite and OneCare at the same time, as they will conflict each other. If you're going to pay for software, here's what I recommend:

Antivirus - nod32 ($39) or Kaspersky ($49) Both have a free trial.

Antispyware - I'd stick with Windows Defender, although the paid version of Ad-AwareSE does good realtime blocking of spyware. ($29)

Firewall - The free version of ZoneAlarm (pro doesn't do anything you really need.) Or Kerio ($19)

Resist all-in-one suites as they tend to be resource hogs and its never a good idea to put all your security eggs in one basket.


I re-install windows, to make everything clean and then use your suggestions. I haven't paid for onecare yet as its on trial. I found Norton really slowed down my laptop...its not running very fast now but Thailand Broadband isn't very fast anyway...sometime the same speed as a 56K modem.........

A friend of mine sent me a cracked full version of Ad Aware Se which works just fine, and it updates too, though i find it a bit slow to use on a daily basis.

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