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Trump warns Iran to never threaten U.S.


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4 hours ago, Hummin said:

I am sure Iran is a different issue than NK! We have not seen the last of this yet. Iran is quite fed up being bullied for decades, and it will come to an end before than later. 

It is. North Korea does not pose a threat to US national security or  national interests in the same way Iran does. Iran has long been linked to the funding of groups who have specifically targeted US nationals and assets. Need I remind you who the  most important backer of Hizbollah is (After the Qataris)? Islamic Jihad is the group which  murdered the 243 US marines & 58  French troops who were peacekeeping during the Lebanese civil war. Islamic Jihad was backed and funded exclusively by Iran.


Iran has been  funding terrorist and extremist groups in the region for decades and  is responsible for their being a state within a state in Lebanon.  Assad was able to hang on was because Iranian Republican Guards backed him up.


The BS  hyperbole of Iran being bullied  is laughable. You do know that the Iranians have illegally occupied parts of the UAE for some time and have regularly threatened the Sunni Gulf states for decades. The Arabs in the region detest the Iranians and with good reason.


Trump is speaking  in terms Iranians understand. Talking in empty hollow statements doesn't work in that culture. They understand action and will push and take advantage if there is any weakness shown. One need only look at the  UK sailors who were captured by Iran. The UK response prior to the capture was laughable. When the Iranians threatened a US warship, they were met with a strong response and quickly backed off.


Trump's relationship with Putin  will get the Russians onside in preparation for kicking the Iranians out of Syria. The Russians can keep their naval base but the  Iranian Republican guards are going to have to leave  and stop threatening Jordan and Lebanon. They are one of the reasons why there hasn't  been a resolution of the Israeli issues with the PLA. The Iranians have done their utmost to undermine any resolution.  Pacify Iran and a lot of the region's problems will go away. 


And in case you have forgotten, Iran  has murdered thousands of dissidents over the years and some of the more recent cases involving the  deaths of the elderly woman journalist from Canada  and the  wildlife biologist who was an advocate of protecting Iran's wildlife speak volumes about the religious  despots who rule Iran.

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as you know, many points from either sides during the history. 


I have not sided with Iran, just pointed out the obvious, there is no single head evil, and just one solution. 


And who have not founded terrorism during the last decades? And giving support to different suspecious fractions? Who built and supported taliban? Who shot down a civil Iranian airplane? Who backed Saddam during the Iran war? 


Just to make it fear and balanced. Middle east is deleted up! Easy explanation!

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It's about time America had a President with Balls in foreign policy. The previous administration was comical in how they dealt with rogue regimes and that's why we have the problems we have today (Syria, North Korea, China, Yemen, Venezuela, Nicaragua, etc.). Iran has consistently instigated conflicts with others in the region, along with fomenting problems in Latin America and Asia. 

The current Iranian regime is despised by the people of Iran as seen by the recent protests throughout the country. Pulling out of Obama and John Kerry's farce of deal is the smartest thing Trump has done. That deal was such a joke from the start, Obama didn't even try to get it ratified as a treaty because the US Senate would never have passed it. The Iranian economy is in tatters, just look at the currency depreciation in the past few months. 

There is no way Iran could even come close to challenging the US militarily, all of their equipment and technology is quite old and outdated. Israel has proven that numerous times with their strikes against Iranian position in Syria. Iran is isolated in the middle east since they are not Arabs and have few if any friends (Qatar). Getting rid of the current regime in Iran would go a long way to solving many problems in the Middle East and the world.

And yeah, it would be great if we could all hold hands and sing kumbaya, but when the other guys refuse to play along it's kind of hard.

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1 hour ago, whatsupdoc said:

This is all about Iran being an enemy of Israel. To the USA or Europe they are not a big threat. And Iran also actively fought against Islamic State. Anyone who fights IS deserves credit for that. Those Sunni extremists are the real enemy, not Iran.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


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3 minutes ago, lincolnshire poacher said:

We all know that the mad mullahs are a bunch of bastards, but are they worse than the Saudi wahabis and salafists who are responsible for most of the terrorism in the west ?

I don't think they are bastards. I see them as trying to extend their influence in their home area, same as many countries are doing.


Many things can be said against them, but quite a few of those things originate from our western point of view. 


Iran iternally though I agree, many points for improvement.

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7 minutes ago, stevenl said:

I don't think they are bastards. I see them as trying to extend their influence in their home area, same as many countries are doing.


Many things can be said against them, but quite a few of those things originate from our western point of view. 


Iran iternally though I agree, many points for improvement.

I don't think that Trump or Netanyahoo are interested in improving things for Iran

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3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

It is. North Korea does not pose a threat to US national security or  national interests in the same way Iran does. Iran has long been linked to the funding of groups who have specifically targeted US nationals and assets. Need I remind you who the  most important backer of Hizbollah is (After the Qataris)? Islamic Jihad is the group which  murdered the 243 US marines & 58  French troops who were peacekeeping during the Lebanese civil war. Islamic Jihad was backed and funded exclusively by Iran.


Iran has been  funding terrorist and extremist groups in the region for decades and  is responsible for their being a state within a state in Lebanon.  Assad was able to hang on was because Iranian Republican Guards backed him up.


The BS  hyperbole of Iran being bullied  is laughable. You do know that the Iranians have illegally occupied parts of the UAE for some time and have regularly threatened the Sunni Gulf states for decades. The Arabs in the region detest the Iranians and with good reason.


Trump is speaking  in terms Iranians understand. Talking in empty hollow statements doesn't work in that culture. They understand action and will push and take advantage if there is any weakness shown. One need only look at the  UK sailors who were captured by Iran. The UK response prior to the capture was laughable. When the Iranians threatened a US warship, they were met with a strong response and quickly backed off.


Trump's relationship with Putin  will get the Russians onside in preparation for kicking the Iranians out of Syria. The Russians can keep their naval base but the  Iranian Republican guards are going to have to leave  and stop threatening Jordan and Lebanon. They are one of the reasons why there hasn't  been a resolution of the Israeli issues with the PLA. The Iranians have done their utmost to undermine any resolution.  Pacify Iran and a lot of the region's problems will go away. 


And in case you have forgotten, Iran  has murdered thousands of dissidents over the years and some of the more recent cases involving the  deaths of the elderly woman journalist from Canada  and the  wildlife biologist who was an advocate of protecting Iran's wildlife speak volumes about the religious  despots who rule Iran.

Pretty much what you say about Iran could be applied to Saudi Arabia in spades. The difference being that the USA and UK supply them with arms. With friends lke Saudi, who needs enemies ?

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4 hours ago, JAG said:

And nicked for touching up an undercover copper in a night club somewhere in the mid west?

Yeah, but then all charges were dropped and the police chief apologized to her--maybe her lawyer is that good.

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3 hours ago, whatsupdoc said:

Iran is definitely not one of the 'good guys', but destabilizing it would be even worse than what happened with Iraq. Iran at least is a counter balance for Saudi Arabia, which is (and has been) a much bigger threat when it comes to supporting terrorism.

Unfortunately, Trump would be incapable of understanding that.

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9 hours ago, keith101 said:

This IDIOT is determined to start World War 3 somewhere and really doesn't care with who , nor does he have any common sense to realise it would be the biggest mistake ever .

Calm down. That 3rd world-war fearmongering gets boring. In the meanwhile one would think the strategy of Trump is widely known. Beside that it's a successful strategy. With that, you could predict the next steps quite easily. A small hint: It isn't the 3rd world-war.

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1 minute ago, alocacoc said:

Calm down. That 3rd world-war fearmongering gets boring. In the meanwhile one would think the strategy of Trump is widely known. Beside that it's a successful strategy. 

As we've seen in the case of North Korea.

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3 hours ago, whatsupdoc said:

This is all about Iran being an enemy of Israel. To the USA or Europe they are not a big threat. And Iran also actively fought against Islamic State. Anyone who fights IS deserves credit for that. Those Sunni extremists are the real enemy, not Iran.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

You conveniently  forget that Iran   was behind multiple terror attacks in Europe including  bombings in  the UK and Germany. You forget that Iran has threatened to  send missiles against the UK and France. Yo forgetvthat  Denmark was condemned.  


2 hours ago, stevenl said:

Warped view of history, originating from overly love for Israel.

What exactly did I state was incorrect? Are you denying that Iran funds Hizbollah and has  supported the shiite state within Lebanon? Are you denying that Iran has not backed shiite militants in Iraq?  Are you denying the fact that Iran financed  Islamic Jihad? Are you denying the  incarceration of human rights activists in Iran, or the murder of thousands, or the recent murder of the biologist?

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25 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

As we've seen in the case of North Korea.

Is North Korea threatening anyone since the meeting? Has it launched missiles  at Japan or intruded into South Korea territory? Lil Kim has been well behaved since he met Trump.

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