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Thailand's rabies death toll up to 14 this year


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25 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

I'm sorry, and I dont mean to be argumentative, everyone is entitled to an opinion.  But, some of the Thai dogs are 'horrible', what, at being dogs?  They are certainly territorial, but they're dogs.  They can be quite aggressive, they're  dogs. I don't have any mandate for dogs, I'm a person myself, and they can be just as 'horrible'.  at being cats. The problem is not  with the dogs, its with the owners, or the people that are closest to the dogs, usually the odd home owner who feed them occasionally.  Destroying them is not the answer, controlling the population through selective sterilisation is much more effective. .  

This ones definitely a keeper, could breed for years if selectively sterilised.


Image result for horrible mangy thai soi dogs

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1 minute ago, PatOngo said:

This ones definitely a keeper, could breed for years if selectively sterilised.


Image result for horrible mangy thai soi dogs

So put to sleep the irresponsible people. Fantastic idea.  I agree. But there is some kind of law against that so sorry it has to be the dogs that suffer. Humanity at its worst. 

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34 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

Destroying them is not the answer, controlling the population through selective sterilisation is much more effective.

I agree that sterilisation is more effective than destroying.

However, why it is difficult for sterilisation to be pushed through in Thai is because the law does not permit municipalities to buy drugs to faint the dogs for sterilisation to occur. Like many things in Thailand, too many departments are dealing with the one issue so they all end up screwing each other over. 

Sure, the provincial vet office does small to medium dogs for free, however, only a small percentage of people actually bother taking their dogs to be done. Not a large enough number to have an impact on population. 

As a result, everyone tries to pass the buck, local officials are those who feel the pressure and try to act, the law doesn't give them any power to act, so destroying animals is pushed through as a viable option - when it really shouldn't be. 

Tessabans are more than happy to run programs for mass sterilisation from their budget...but their hands are tied. 

Edited by wildewillie89
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57 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

I agree that sterilisation is more effective than destroying.

However, why it is difficult for sterilisation to be pushed through in Thai is because the law does not permit municipalities to buy drugs to faint the dogs for sterilisation to occur. Like many things in Thailand, too many departments are dealing with the one issue so they all end up screwing each other over. 

Sure, the provincial vet office does small to medium dogs for free, however, only a small percentage of people actually bother taking their dogs to be done. Not a large enough number to have an impact on population. 

As a result, everyone tries to pass the buck, local officials are those who feel the pressure and try to act, the law doesn't give them any power to act, so destroying animals is pushed through as a viable option - when it really shouldn't be. 

Tessabans are more than happy to run programs for mass sterilisation from their budget...but their hands are tied. 

sorry but that is not entirely accurate, some sterilisation projects are going on right now in the north. 

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Quote:   "Progress has also been made recently in Asian and African countries. In Asia,  an  intersectoral rabies control  program, based on two mass canine vaccination campaigns, succeeded in reducing human deaths  and  canine  rabies  cases  to zero within 2 years on  the  island of  Bohol  in the  Philippines.  In  Bali,  Indonesia, two island-wide  mass  dog  vaccination campaigns in 2010 and 2011 reduced the average number of rabid dogs reported  each  month  from  45  to 6. An assess-ment of 4 years of improved rabies control  intervention in Colombo  City  in  Sri Lanka showed that  the  program  had reduced dog rabies cases from an average of 43 per year in the period 2002–2005 to only two in the last 6 months of the intervention. Finally, in the Indian city of Jaipur, a combined vaccination and sterilization program between 1994 and 2002 decreased human deaths from the project area to zero, despite the population doubling over the course of the study and cases rising in other nearby areas."




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7 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Every dog you see is potentially your death instrument. Thailand needs to fix this problem or the tourist industry will die too.

But we have all been assured that Thailand is a safe Holiday destination.


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4 hours ago, Pilotman said:

The vast majority of soi dogs have little wrong with them, bar fleas, tricks and skin aliments   . 

I have met a few with mental health issues too.

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7 hours ago, humbug said:

usual 'exterminating control freaks on here'


14 dead is that it, This isn't news,just an excuse for the animal abusers to post their misery


how about people dying from road accidents thats news thats 27,000 dying every year


people slipping on bath tiles and dying is probably more than 100 a year





Bah Humbug

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5 hours ago, sniggie said:

It was also in my son's school exercise book. A line drawing of a child being bitten by a dog and a corresponding picture to choose of same child having an injection. Everyone in our village knows what to do and takes it very seriously.

Apart from sponsoring rabies carrying feral dogs or is yours different

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Even without the rabies threat soi dogs need to be got rid of, what ever works just decide and DO IT, preferably just kill the pests on sight by using the army. They are traffic hazards, they shit everywhere, spread diseases and are a danger to children, quite apart from the noise nuisance. Thailand will always be looked at as a backward third world country if it cannot deal with basic problems like soi dogs.

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25 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Even without the rabies threat soi dogs need to be got rid of, what ever works just decide and DO IT, preferably just kill the pests on sight by using the army. They are traffic hazards, they shit everywhere, spread diseases and are a danger to children, quite apart from the noise nuisance. Thailand will always be looked at as a backward third world country if it cannot deal with basic problems like soi dogs.

sound like you are describing some of the  tourists in Pattaya, do you want them killed as well? 

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1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

Even without the rabies threat soi dogs need to be got rid of, what ever works just decide and DO IT, preferably just kill the pests on sight by using the army. They are traffic hazards, they shit everywhere, spread diseases and are a danger to children, quite apart from the noise nuisance. Thailand will always be looked at as a backward third world country if it cannot deal with basic problems like soi dogs.

And what are you doing to help out? Sitting on your axx complaining. Get off your fat axx & do something to help out your community!!

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9 hours ago, tigermoth said:

Until Thailand has some sort of laws against stray dogs or even owned dogs the government is responsible for these deaths.


All dogs running loose must be caught and impounded and if not claimed within 48 houre destroyed.


Owned dogs must be kept within the owners property and if outside the property must be on a leash, not alone.


All dogs must have a collar with an identifying tag, a registration number or an address.


Failure to comply with the above will result in a substantial fine, i.e. 10,000 to 20,000 baht.


The above rules exist in most democratic countries in the world and rabies is extremely rare.


Off you go then. 

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1 minute ago, TumblinDice said:

And what are you doing to help out? Sitting on your axx complaining. Get off your fat axx & do something to help out your community!!

The spade you mentioned in POST 44 would come in handy for initial removal then digging the hole for permanent removal

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2 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Even without the rabies threat soi dogs need to be got rid of, what ever works just decide and DO IT, preferably just kill the pests on sight by using the army. They are traffic hazards, they shit everywhere, spread diseases and are a danger to children, quite apart from the noise nuisance. Thailand will always be looked at as a backward third world country if it cannot deal with basic problems like soi dogs.

I saw more Shit on the footpath in England on holiday than I have ever seen in Thailand. 

Stepping in dog crap can't be real healthy. Especially for an Aussie wearing thongs. 

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12 minutes ago, TumblinDice said:

And what are you doing to help out? Sitting on your axx complaining. Get off your fat axx & do something to help out your community!!

Easier to type and whine rather than do something positive.  But where would TVF be without these people? 

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4 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

The spade you mentioned in POST 44 would come in handy for initial removal then digging the hole for permanent removal

Your cute. Go ahead & do it then. Show how tough you are. Go bash their heads in & bury them. Cuz right now your nothing but a cowardly windbag.

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1 minute ago, tryasimight said:

I saw more Shit on the footpath in England on holiday than I have ever seen in Thailand. 

Stepping in dog crap can't be real healthy. Especially for an Aussie wearing thongs. 

Or anybody else wearing thongs

Certainly in February anyway 

But at least we are right out of rabies

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3 minutes ago, TumblinDice said:

Your cute. Go ahead & do it then. Show how tough you are. Go bash their heads in & bury them. Cuz right now your nothing but a cowardly windbag.

If you cant take it dont bother to hand it out

No chance of yours truly picking up your dummy

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22 minutes ago, TumblinDice said:

And what are you doing to help out? Sitting on your axx complaining. Get off your fat axx & do something to help out your community!!

Helping out is one thing, educating pork is another

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13 minutes ago, TumblinDice said:

Your cute. Go ahead & do it then. Show how tough you are. Go bash their heads in & bury them. Cuz right now your nothing but a cowardly windbag.

And likely to end up on prison. Thailand has some fairly severe penalties for animal cruelty.

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Just now, tryasimight said:

Easier to type and whine rather than do something positive.  But where would TVF be without these people? 

I adopted a soi dog, got him cleaned up & brought him home to Canada. He's living the dream on a beautiful farm, chasing squirrels, barn cats, digging up moles, running with the horses. He's an absolute beautiful dog & my buddy. I am so glad I came across him.

Too bad these a**holes on here have no compassion or care. They whine, bitch & complain but do nothing to help out. 1000B would vaccinate & neuter probably 5 dogs. But the cheap axx farang couldn't be bothered to offer.



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4 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

And likely to end up on prison. Thailand has some fairly severe penalties for animal cruelty.

Mine was a play on words as regards Spade and Spayed, I knew I should not of wasted my valuable time

It was worth a chuckle though lads

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