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What a way to go! Unidentified foreigner slumped up against beer bar pole for two hours


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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

So stupid....lol


I live with my head above the sand, I know Thai's, you obviously don't, as for your video on the UK, would never visit it as I know what the Brits are like as well.


Education has always been a key, sadly most are not educated like some.



The last time I had alcohol poisoning, just recently I may add, I treated it by projectile vomiting from my front door into my kitchen and then attempted to clean it up by rolling around in it.


Not my proudest moment but I did have the presence of mind to roll onto my front before passing out, so I consider myself to be extremely educated as in the face of adversity I still remembered the golden rule.


That, and I’m nowhere famous enough to die alone choking on my own vomit (RIP Bon)

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5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Most likely a heart attack.  When the left ventricle blocks you have a limited window to respond before you die. It's why it is called the widow maker. Perhaps he was just a typical patron of the bar and it was used to people passing out.



cool, not only a heart attack but you have delineated the precise anatomy.  so left anterior descending artery blocked off?



why do think it was heart attack versus opiates or alcohol?

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he does look like he's just passed out drunk, you'd have thought that someone in the bar would check up on him though.

i've been in bars where they often had people passed out, thai guys, and they just leave them there, few hours later they'd wake up and hobble off. 

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Such a sad way to go. Alone and on the floor, in a Pattaya beer bar area. Wow. Many of us can only hope we do not meet the same fate. Since I am such a light drinker, I kind of doubt it, but kind of a sobering thought. Probably a heart attack. And probably a good idea to always carry ID. 

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To be fair, maybe the Staff and Patrons of this presumably, Up Market, Highly Reputable Establishment, thought the poor chap was simply Meditating and Making Merit ?


”NO, NO” you say ? What an unkind, cynical lot !

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Hmmm! Alchohol poisoning might be a good place to start.

Got to say though that customer service at this bar sucks. Dead for 2 hours before anyone bothers to even check him?

Can’t believe no one bothered him for a taxi or lady or buy drink or suit in this time



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