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German man arrested for NINETEEN year overstay


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1 hour ago, taipan1949 said:

I am curious about how long exactly are these people held before they are actually put on a plane and deported??

Normally,They hold you until you have enough money to pay your fine and pay for a plane ticket to your home.I knew of some  Japanese that had to wait two years there.

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

Ninteen years is quite impressive, It could make a good title for a song, N-n-n-n-n-nineteen!

Seriously though the current immigration rules leaves over-stayers with little option. Where before you could leave and pay 20,000 and it was clear. Now people cant do that. And before someone harps up about all over-stayers being in the wrong, there are many who have legal issues with the court who end up with overstay often of a couple of years, and get found not guilty at the end. They then need a court order or they are in the same boat. Offering a short amnesty window would probably see a large number of people trying to put themselves into a legal situation once more. I am pretty sure there are many, many more out there with stays like this and probably longer too.

There was an amnesty for over a year ending in 2014.

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1 hour ago, overherebc said:

Maybe but if you have a car and or a load of valuable stuff at home unless you can find someone to look after it for 10 years its all gone.

Remember you will have no means of contact with anyone when in IDC. If no-one visits you're stuck there.

What?  The relevant Embassy is always notified when a foreign national is locked up, that's called contact!

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3 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

What?  The relevant Embassy is always notified when a foreign national is locked up, that's called contact!

The embassies in general will state that if you have been arrested for and convicted of breaking the law they will not intervene.

They might contact family but then leave it up to them to help you.

They will not help to pay for the ticket home or get involved in any financial assisstance.

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2 hours ago, alant said:

More proof that 90 day reports are essential

No, 90 day report is Thailand showing you 

how much of a Guest you are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bah:

Should be renamed 90 day Bull shit report. :bah:

And TM30 should be renamed, TM Unfriendly. :bah:

Edited by stanleycoin
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There will be more over stayers like this guy now looking over their shoulders

thinking I could be next

I am surprised there are no replies on here about having sympathy for this guy  ie is he married  has a medical problem  short of money

The Police and Immigration could not care less he should have done what most of us do report to the immigration as required you know the rules 

as already reported had the chance in 2014 


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5 minutes ago, thaibreaker said:

Took me 9 days before I was contacted by the Norwegian embassy. Stripped of phone and internet, that was a problem for me, but I was home 3 days later. Just needed access to internet to wire myself money.


And you are indeed right, they never help financially, except a couple of embassies (like the American) who can offer some kind of loan. 

Many people depend on the embassy to set up a flight home though, either through friends or internet.

Many wrongly compare been banged up in IDC with being banged up in UK or EU where you get your free call, a lawyer if you need one etc etc.

It's 50/60 in each 'cage' and one toilet.

You are 'on your own' in the strongest meaning of the phrase.

When contact is made to the Embassy you 'wait' until they have contact with you and friends then you 'wait' until they get back in contact again.

If you're lucky right at the start and you can convince them you can buy your own ticket then your stay will be shorter.

As far as I know the embassies visit once a week or send a rep/helper.

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3 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

Nineteen years of laughing at us 'gullible fools' who play by the rules doing visa runs, and renewing our passports every 3 years. Time's up Karl, enjoy your incarceration and trip back to the Fatherland. 

Every 3 years??

what country is that???

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45 minutes ago, thaibreaker said:

A korean guy at room 7 when I was there, had been in that same room for almost 14 years. A couple of chinese for 8 and 10 years.

Lots of people have been there much longer than 2 years. And trust me, this isn't a pleasant place to be..

But free lice.......???

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3 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

Nineteen years of laughing at us 'gullible fools' who play by the rules doing visa runs, and renewing our passports every 3 years. Time's up Karl, enjoy your incarceration and trip back to the Fatherland. 

Jeallous ?

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2 hours ago, Cereal said:

I am with this sentiment 100%. In fact I'd go further:


Jail time per length of overstay:


- 1 month for each year

- 1 week for each month

- 1 day for each week


Therefore Eugen would be looking at 20 months in the crowbar hotel courtesy of the Thai government.


That crap has got to stop because it has already affected me and many others like me. My "jump through all the proper hoops and legalities obtained" business visa in Laos used to allow me unlimited access into the LOS. My wife and I used to go at least monthly, do some shopping and visit her family.


Thai immigration changed the laws a couple of years ago limiting me to 2 land crossings a year unless I buy a 6 month multi-entry visa from the Thai Embassy in Vientiane for 5000 baht. I have bought said visa but the only reason I had to do so was because of scofflaws like Eugen et al.  Their illegal, greedy, selfish, careless and thoughtless actions cost me money.


No sympathy here in the slightest. Barring the extraordinary, there is no plausible reason whatsoever to have an overstay. Throw them away and then deport them for life.

So you had to get a multiple entry visa .

So you can come multiple times in and out of the country.

Amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :coffee1:


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2 hours ago, JAG said:

Rather proved what I have suspected all along, no -one actually looks at the reams of copies of passports, immigration forms, and various other varieties of paperwork which we provide for the slightest reason.

Yesterday I wanted to change some B1000 notes for smaller notes to pay the "Tribes of Issan" who have been helping best beloved on the farm.

I went into a bank where I have had an account for 5 years, and had my driving licence copied, and gave them telephone numbers and email address, all solemnly written out , signed dated and countersigned...


Girl behind the counter was jolly pretty though...

If you have anything to do with a farm, then you are also not legal and just as bad as the 19 year overstay guy.


Now it`s the overstayers and I`m sure they`ll be after the illegal property and business owners next. Be afraid, be very afraid.

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3 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

So you had to get a multiple entry visa .

So you can come multiple times in and out of the country.

Amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :coffee1:



Edited by jouec
wrong quote
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2 hours ago, Cereal said:

I am with this sentiment 100%. In fact I'd go further:


Jail time per length of overstay:


- 1 month for each year

- 1 week for each month

- 1 day for each week


Therefore Eugen would be looking at 20 months in the crowbar hotel courtesy of the Thai government.


That crap has got to stop because it has already affected me and many others like me. My "jump through all the proper hoops and legalities obtained" business visa in Laos used to allow me unlimited access into the LOS. My wife and I used to go at least monthly, do some shopping and visit her family.


Thai immigration changed the laws a couple of years ago limiting me to 2 land crossings a year unless I buy a 6 month multi-entry visa from the Thai Embassy in Vientiane for 5000 baht. I have bought said visa but the only reason I had to do so was because of scofflaws like Eugen et al.  Their illegal, greedy, selfish, careless and thoughtless actions cost me money.


No sympathy here in the slightest. Barring the extraordinary, there is no plausible reason whatsoever to have an overstay. Throw them away and then deport them for life.

When you have a xenophobic, fascist govt, these things tend to happen. It's nothing to do with anything else. 

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

Here's an idea, declare a blanket amnesty to all overstayers, get to know who they're, fine then accordingly and renew their visa if they are good people and not a  wanted criminals of fujities of some sort, that way Thailand will show that they're reasonable and forgiving and by doing that they may have the chance to clear the books and start fresh...

Like in the USA LOL

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