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British divers reveal astonishing details about rescue of final two boys trapped in Tham Luang cave


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On 7/29/2018 at 12:17 PM, lovelomsak said:

Your post leaves me with a nagging question that I cannot answer may be you can.

  I f the foreigners would not have helped   would the Thai's been able to save the boys? If they were left to their own resources would have they succeeded

 Think about it.

Good question.  Face not facts are important in Thailand, and you are seeing a slow revision of history. 


Its no accident that the Thai government wants control over any film or documentary about the rescue.  While its true the story could be filmed outside of Thailand, the Thai government can still largely control the version shown in Thailand, Already in my office, people are complaining that the "contribution" of the foreigners to the rescue has been vastly over-rated and that this was a primarily a Thai effort.


Pause and think about other major events in Thai history, and how the Thai media has re-written history to serve the interests of the elite and military.  Think about how anyone who deviates from the official line risks prison time or worse.  There is a reason for all of this. 

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49 minutes ago, Horace said:

Good question.  Face not facts are important in Thailand, and you are seeing a slow revision of history. 


Its no accident that the Thai government wants control over any film or documentary about the rescue.  While its true the story could be filmed outside of Thailand, the Thai government can still largely control the version shown in Thailand, Already in my office, people are complaining that the "contribution" of the foreigners to the rescue has been vastly over-rated and that this was a primarily a Thai effort.


Pause and think about other major events in Thai history, and how the Thai media has re-written history to serve the interests of the elite and military.  Think about how anyone who deviates from the official line risks prison time or worse.  There is a reason for all of this. 

The best answer to those downplaying the job done by the "foreigners" is simply to remind them, that without their help the kids and coach would probably be still in the cave. 

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On 7/30/2018 at 11:38 PM, bangrak said:

Na-ah, this is 'fake news', made up by silly Farangs, the brave Thais did it all by themselves, the authorities said it, and they never lie!

I think the Thai have been quite open in their thanks and credit to those who helped.  I don't think any of the rescuers would say they are disappointed because they didn't receive enough thanks.  True heroes don't.  Even today, the Thai's are still showing a "Thank You" to all the countries who provided aid on BBC and CNN.

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43 minutes ago, silverhawk_usa said:

Even today, the Thai's are still showing a "Thank You" to all the countries who provided aid on BBC and CNN.

Thankyou's in the main seem to come from the families, those directly involved in the rescue, the Provincial Governor BUT very little from up on high i.e. the PM and his Deputies. There may be an odd exception in that last group.

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1 hour ago, lvr181 said:

Thankyou's in the main seem to come from the families, those directly involved in the rescue, the Provincial Governor BUT very little from up on high i.e. the PM and his Deputies. There may be an odd exception in that last group.

......and if you are one who actually deserves recognition, which of the above do you think is the most gratifying?

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On 7/29/2018 at 9:10 AM, trainman34014 said:

Brave Men and have to say if it wasn't for them the Boys would not have survived.    Not enough has been done for them by the Thai Government, whilst they continue to pat themselves on the back for their own Seals, who actually only played a supporting roll !

After reading this report, I'd like to alter your statement to:


"Brave Men and have to say if it wasn't for them (and a whole lot of luck) the Boys would not have survived. Until this story came out, I don't think anyone realized how close it was.

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1 hour ago, silverhawk_usa said:

......and if you are one who actually deserves recognition, which of the above do you think is the most gratifying?

Undoubtedly those rescued and their families, but that wasn't the point being made - the point was the complete lack of meaningful recognision by the Thai government. I can only speak for the Australians where the government acted immediately to recognise the extremely difficulty and danger that was involved by bestowing appropriate awards on those involved. 

The can theorise and waffle about the lack of recognision by the Thai government as much as you want and make as many excuses as you want- but it doesn't change their p iss weak response in anyway. 

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