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Why is Thailand heaven for foreign criminals? Thai media talk to immigration


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1 hour ago, Fex Bluse said:

I know Thai people generally probably don't want to accept it, but a significant reason so many foreign criminals come to Thailand is because so many Thai criminals are in Thailand. 


Like attracts like. A large number of low quality local people will attract a disproportionately high number of low quality foreign people. That simple. 


Overwhelming majority of Thai people break THIER OWN LAWS. So, why would they expect foreingers to take those laws seriously? 


When Thai people begin to show consistency of following their own laws, irrespective of money, power, status, they can then expect far fewer low quality people showing up in their country. 

You mean like soo many American criminals are in the USA, And soo many English criminals are in the UK, and soo many Australian ETCETC who also dont follow their respective country laws!


I dont quite get what your saying? 

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Agh yeh open and easy borders and a non strict visa policy, plenty of sea ports. A cash economy - easy money laundering and a wild west justice system where you can get away with almost anything. Marry a thai live the dream and run around lawless. Money gets you literally anything and as soon as you enter the country you basically can dissapear

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1 hour ago, robertthesculptor said:

I truly doubt there are more or worse criminals here than anywhere. but the media loves to scream about it.

ease of movement from area to area...no that is untrue. all foreigners here are very monitored. much more so than Europe or the US or Mexico.  

truly there is a strong xenophobic feeling in official Thailand. I was not allowed to get a SIM card from DTack even though I am married to a Thai and have lived here for over 6 years with no problems.

I went to 7/11 and bought a true SIM.  No questions asked...... Not even passport required.  This was less than 12 months ago. 

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The answer is simple.

Criminals from the West are likely to be nabbed in the West if they stay there.
Here in Thailand crime a free-for-all. Police aren't interested in doing anything about crime because that would mean getting off their <deleted> and doing what they're paid to do. Much better for them to turn a blind eye to crime and participate in it by taking bribes and being corrupt.

Thailand is a country that's not serious at all about crime. Any crackdowns concentrate on easy targets like foreign overstayers. The authorities really couldn't give the tiniest shit, just as Thailand doesn't give the tiniest shit about the daily carnage on Thai roads.

Criminals can get away with anything in Thailand simply by paying the bastard Police and Customs officers. Nothing will change for the better in Thailand while corruption is rife everywhere.
What a backward country.

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2 hours ago, Monomial said:


He means a postpaid SIM card.  For that, you either need to be Thai or have a work permit.

I’m on a retirement visa and married to a Thai, had my postpaid sim from Dtac for over 5 years now. Had no issue getting it, just showed my yellow book, visa in my passport and bank book to prove I lived here. 

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Criminals are some cops who always ask me to pull over then a weird long complicated story then i give 300 bht and i can continue driving  how about that heaven?

They always stand behind the toll gate boxes driving from hua hin to bkk they aim on foreigners maybe media can address that..

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