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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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12 hours ago, Basil B said:

Did we not have a referendum a few years ago?


Sorry for the minority who voted like I did, but the others who voted against and those that did not vote deserve all the ills that the corrupt system brings...

I think we are all well aware that people frequently vote without really understanding the ramifications of what they are voting for.

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1 hour ago, rixalex said:

Everything i have stated is true as you yourself have just confirmed. You and your family HAVE personally benefited from the EU. How much of a role that personal benefit plays in your vociferous defence of the EU?....well, people will no doubt decide for themselves. It could just be a complete coincidence that you, tebee and adam - three of the most vocal advocates of the EU here - happen to support something that is beneficial to yourselves.

Regarding ill manners, coming from you, that really takes the biscuit. If Kwilco, or whatever his name is (he says QED a lot), has finished looking at himself, borrow his mirror.

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Are you the spokesperson for your little group of increasingly disappointed Brexiters?


I have benefitted from the U.K. Being a member of the EU. Do you know what a tense is? Well  "have benefitted" is the past participle


My attitude now is based on real experience and also contrasting experience (the USA). I would like others to have the same opportunities that I had as a young family man. Rather altruistic wouldn't you say?


But, no. You wish to accuse me of being selfish. You are quite wrong.


However, I forgive you. It must be awful for you.

Edited by Grouse
Change American spelling
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18 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Make no mistake, being educated does not guarantee


My old form master told me to remember that, 'its not only

cream that floats to the top'.


Why do you keep bringing up intelligence?


Your form master was correct; it's a pity that you misunderstood his point!

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2 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Like dictators leading the UK to a dystopian 2nd class colony.

There is a world of friends to be made beyond Brussels.

There is an old saying, Good fences make good neighbours.


How very American of you. It's a pity you misunderstand Frost's point!






You clearly learnt nothing from our European friends. How sad.


If you are reduced to quoting Americans, please consider "Tear down that wall, Mr Gorbechov!"

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18 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


True enough, yes. Project Fear has done its utmost to the put the frightenners on the whole populous, regardless of position or politics. However, MPs are, sadly, paid up stooges for the most part, it seems, and of course can benefit from the EU more than nearly anyone else in society, be they Tory or Labour. 


The ones with a backbone, integrity and morals have remembered their duty and the fact that (whether Cons or Lab) their party stood on a manifesto at the last GE that guaranteed the public an exit from the CU/SM and jurisdiction of the ECJ. This is one promise the scoundrels must NOT be allowed to weasel their way out of.


Perhaps - IF we had a headstrong Brexit voter in power.


And, no of course the EU doesn't want us and our juicy annual contributions gone - plus we're the epicentre of their international markets for a great many goods. It's simply commerce 101 - they NEED us, yet, as per usual, the Remoaner capitulation camp either fail to comprehend or just willfully misunderstand this fact. As Iain Duncan Smith said yesterday on LBC, quite rightly:


'the UK government showed their hand way to early and have simply given the EU everything they have asked for' . We had a great bargaining position that has been squandered. The best, and most sensible route now is to simply leave on WTO terms. Show the EC who's in control here and then watch what happens.


right, but C B - look at this


where do you find Brexiteers (hard or soft) at heart:


some, quite a few I think - within labour

a whole bunch within tory

some in SNP

and I guess a few in DUP

LibDem, yes, some

green? dunno - just 1 MP?


can they be activated? think step 1 must be to replace TM



Tory is obviously not too unhappy with the deal

the 1922 team is not overly busy with opening letters

they have plenty of time left for afternoon Belhavens in Westminster


then, you have parliament and motion of no conf

what does parliament say? zilch

what does parliament do? zilch


double zilch points towards deal being accepted


if Brexiteers want to get on top of this they must do something, not later but NOW


what does blowjob do? zilch

what does Farage do? zilch

what does retromug do? zilch

what does Raab do? zilch

what does dodgy davies do? zilch


you know, when these guys are interviewed by msm,

they say that deal is crap TM is crap

but that does not move foggy islands in any direction

they must DO



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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

Of course they should be trained and equipped to the same standard.

That is all that has ever been suggested, closer co-operation under national responsibility. Anything else is a distortion in an attempt to support a particular point of view.

You surprise me again believing anything Nigel Farage has to say.

And NATO - how reliable is that with the unpredictable calling the shots.


On Thursday, he arrived late  — and apparently furious — at the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s top political decision-making body, and hijacked a meeting that was already in progress with the presidents of Ukraine and Georgia. Taking the floor, he warned of “grave consequences” if allies do not quickly ramp up their spending, and threatened that the U.S. could “go our own way” if they do not meet his demands.


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20 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


Finding it hard to decipher some of this Melvin, but here goes.


I don't disagree with your statement, broadly speaking. We need politicians who will stand up and be counted.


With regard to Farage, he offered his assistance back in 2016, as he has repeated many times when asked the same question as you did above; he was of course rebuffed by the Tories, who, generally speaking, detest him. What is he supposed to do now? Besides being vocal and raising people's awareness / allowing them to voice their opinions in a public domain - i.e.: almost daily radio broadcasts, I don't see what else he can do. He is not in power. All he can do is vote down the 'draft deal' in the EP - which he has claimed he will do this week.


BJ and Retromug ? Acquaintances from Nana Plaza? Lost me there mate.


Davis could and perhaps should stand up and throw his hat in the ring IF May resigns / the House reject her toilet roll of a deal. JRM wouldn't have the support of his party, being a more inexperienced and non-ministerial Tory back-bencher, despite his balls, intelligence and integrity.


It is a difficult position we find ourselves in. What should have happened of course is that Mrs. May should never have been elected as PM, we should have had a Brexiteer in that position from day 1. All I and my 17.4m compatriots can hope for now is that May's deal is blown out of the water, she resigns (to the cheers of the public ????) someone who means business steps into her shoes and we go out on WTO terms and get on with our lives - satisfied in the knowledge that the democratic will of the public has been enacted. 


But as my old man (a realist) always said to me, 'crap in one hand and wish in the other...see which one fills up quicker'. Never stopped me from being an optimist!



If working out who BJ and Retromug are is beyond you maybe you shouldn't reply.

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