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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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39 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Yes, we've already seen how free member states are to vote against new treaties.

Correct. They are free to do that. 


39 minutes ago, nauseus said:

It is even more difficult to actually leave with any kind of dignity, as we see now.

Nonsense. Just pull article 50. Couldn’t be easier. 



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10 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

Its not my homework, it's yours.

Nope, when you throw out an accusation it’s your job to provide evidence proving it. Not the other way round. 


10 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

I have wasted too much time on this forum providing well researched and well written answers to people who ignore them or misconstrue them, and who reply with insults or one liners. There is ample evidence for what I have said  from multiple souces - it is not an obscure theory. If you are unable to use google or Amazon it's your problem. The quotes I have already provided are sufficient evidence for anyone with an open mind.

None of what you posted proves your claim that the EU has been lying to its people. I have asked you like 4-5 times now and you still fail to provide any evidence for your claims. 


10 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

As for article 50 guaranteeing reversibility - how naive are you?

I am not naive. You pull article 50 and you are out. That’s a fact. 


10 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

The EU is deceitfully and deliberately moving towards a superstate by a series of steps which combine to make it in practical terms irreversible.

All those decisions were and are being made by the member states themselves. If a member state doesn’t like increased integration, it can vote against it. If you as a citizen don’t like it, you can vote for a party that offers to leave the EU. No deceit there at all. A very democratic process. 



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3 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:


All those decisions were and are being made by the member states themselves. If a member state doesn’t like increased integration, it can vote against it. If you as a citizen don’t like it, you can vote for a party that offers to leave the EU. No deceit there at all. A very democratic process. 



Can you tell me at what election I voted for Martin Selmayr or  an alternative candidate as Secretary General of the European Commission?


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1 hour ago, oilinki said:

You clearly copied the quotes from one source and didn't rewrite the quotes yourself. Which source you used to copy the texts here?


Yes, I'm pushing this to see what sources you are actually using. If you quote text from another source, please show us the source as well. In that way we can also see the credibility of the source.


Go, get the source. 

Mustard too?

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50 minutes ago, aright said:


The idea at the heart of our democracy is not complicated. At a general election, the voters choose who makes the laws that govern our lives. If governments fail to live up to their promises, the electorate throw them out. This precious right may sound simple, but it took hundreds of years of struggle and sacrifice to secure. It is up to us to keep it intact for future generations – and we must never let our vigilance slip.

The ECJ now routinely interferes in the most fundamental duties of an elected government

It has become increasingly clear that we can guarantee that future far better if we leave the European Union.  If a government cannot keep its promises because of its membership of an unelected, unaccountable outside organisation, the connection between the people and their laws is broken. The whole basis of our democracy is undermined.

 In the EU, the unelected European Commission creates laws for us and our parliament can only rubber-stamp them. The whole system is overseen by the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) in Luxembourg, which has ultimate jurisdiction over our parliament and law courts.



“It has become increasingly clear that we can guarantee that future far better if we leave the European Union.“


Not for those of us living in a reality based time/space domain it hasn’t.

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5 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Stop spreading such lies. Truth is:


1. The EU Commission proposes a law. The EU Commission is made up of 28 commissioners who are proposed by democratically elected national governments and approved by the European Parliament which is also democratically elected. 


2. The EU Council amends and negotiated with parliament. The EU Council is made up of democratically elected ministers from the governments of the member states. The EU Parliament is made up of directly elected MEPs representing the people of the member states. Once Council and Parliament reach an agreement, the proposed law is passed. 


3. You can always vote for a new government that promises you to take different positions or to leave the EU completely. 




1. Commissioners are appointed, this is now done via QMV, which means UK preferences can be ignored. Ask Cameron.


2. The EU Parliament MEPs are indeed elected in regions of members states but the Parliament is dominated by the majority groups, particularly the EPP. The EP routinely carries through EC proposed laws and regulations without any contest. 


3. Good on (3). We did that already.


The notion of EU democracy is just a fallacy.

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Just now, nauseus said:

You seem to see the Russians everywhere. 

So why don't you show your sources, which would clear your association with the ruskies?


You can't?

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

1. Commissioners are appointed, this is now done via QMV, which means UK preferences can be ignored. Ask Cameron.


2. The EU Parliament MEPs are indeed elected in regions of members states but the Parliament is dominated by the majority groups, particularly the EPP. The EP routinely carries through EC proposed laws and regulations without any contest. 


3. Good on (3). We did that already.


The notion of EU democracy is just a fallacy.

Member states each take part in the promulgation of EU laws, each have a sovereign right of veto and each pass agreed EU laws through their own respective parliaments.


When was the last time you voted for a member of the civil service?

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10 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

Selmayrgate. An election with only one voter - Juncker. Absolutely appalling. Another coup for the EU cabal acting in stealth according to the Monnet playbook:


"Selmayr's stealth promotion as European Commission secretary-general was described on Tuesday (4 September) by European ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, as a case of maladministration following her review of thousands of pages of commission internal documents."


from euobserver.

Yet another post without a link to the original content. Are you folks ashamed what sources are you using? Alt-left web must be full of these quotes, which might be real or simply invented by the alt-left propaganda machine.

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I see in some newspapers that TM is planning another snap election in November.

Furthermore that she intends to step down come summer.


If she survives the party conf and of the planning goes ahead,

would be interesting to see if voters will dish out another mandate to her and the tories.


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37 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

I see in some newspapers that TM is planning another snap election in November.

Furthermore that she intends to step down come summer.


If she survives the party conf and of the planning goes ahead,

would be interesting to see if voters will dish out another mandate to her and the tories.


The voters didn’t ‘dish out a mandate’ to TM and the Tories.


The Tories scraped through the election and rely upon backup from Ulster Unionist paid for with Taxpayer’s money.


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10 hours ago, oilinki said:

Yet another post without a link to the original content. Are you folks ashamed what sources are you using? Alt-left web must be full of these quotes, which might be real or simply invented by the alt-left propaganda machine.

<deleted>, you'll be wanting MTL to wipe your arse next!

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11 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

I have posted quotes which prove it from Monnet and Juncker like 4 or 5 times now. They are not my claims - they are Juncker's and Monnet's claims. I'm just the messenger.

Those are interesting quotes, but you haven’t provided any evidence to prove your accusation that the EU has been continuously lying to Europeans. What are those lies? What‘s the evidence proving they are in fact false statements (or at least highly inaccurate) intending to deceive the electorate?


Macron labelled the leave campaign as liars. That’s factually true; there are lists with what the false statements are. Red bus, anyone? 


You countered that the EU has been doing the same, but you fail to provide evidence for your claim. What’s the EU‘s red bus? 


I am pretty sure Macron could find some nice quotes from dead British leaders if he would dig deep enough. But he’s not argueing the leave campaign are liars because a dead guy said A, B and C some 60 years ago. 



But "pull A50 and you are out" is clearly naive.

No. It’s not. 



The EU is trying to push us back in

No. It’s not. 


Where in the EU regulations does it provide any way to push back a member state’s exit after it has pulled article 50? There isn’t any. 



, that's a fact unless you haven't read any news in the last 2 years.

“the last 2 years” have been about the U.K. wanting to negotiate future (post-leave) relationships with the EU. Not about the leave. The leave cannot be undone or pushed back by the EU. The regulations do not provide any way to do so. 




If that's what you believe then you clearly haven't digested the quotes from Monnet and Juncker that I have made.

It’s not what I believe. It’s the reality. I prefer to stick to facts rather than what a dead guy mumbled 60 years ago. 



If I were to give you a list of books to read, would you open your mind and buy them and read them?

The academically correct way would be: You make your statement. Then you provide a reference to the author, title and page in a publication where the evidence proving your statement can be found. That’s what i suggested earlier. 


So please tell us what statements made by the EU are lies, and where we can find the evidence proving that it is in fact a lie. 

Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The voters didn’t ‘dish out a mandate’ to TM and the Tories.


The Tories scraped through the election and rely upon backup from Ulster Unionist paid for with Taxpayer’s money.


whatever suits you,

she ended up with votes and keeping job and leeway to continue the "Brexit means Brexit" Play.

I tend to call that a mandate.


Curious to see if there will be a repeat in November, that is provided she survives the Tory conf.


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