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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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I am no fan of Abbots and think she is a massive negative for the Labour Party.  Would certainly be a liability and could possibly completely scupper Labour's chances if she remains in place.


Ironic that she was elected and keeps getting re-elected when Farage can't even get elected once.  Actually not surprising though.

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6 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Blame this poster who drew more attention to the petition, thinking that 'only' 78,000 signing the petition meant it was only "trundling along" ????.



Eh, I was being even handed in the debate and sought to promote the petition in the interest of fair play. 


Although I have strong views on Brexit I am not blinkered.  Lately, actually I have also been talking about the legitimate claims of the Brexiteers.

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3 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Really nasty postings lately!  I guess we all have to project our own contempt at times, but its got out of hand.  We're talking about politics here, not Mr. and Miss Universe.


And I think we can all agree that sadly none of us get any the better looking with age.

I promise to try and reverse that next year ????

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1 hour ago, mommysboy said:

Really nasty postings lately!  I guess we all have to project our own contempt at times, but its got out of hand.  We're talking about politics here, not Mr. and Miss Universe.


And I think we can all agree that sadly none of us get any the better looking with age.

Most of it's just banter. It could be those of us who have debated facts and put forth solid, grounded arguments are maybe in need of a bit of light entertainment? And taking the pi** out of politicians is always fair game - they deserve it. I wish none of the aforementioned any ill will, but I really dislike a few of them for a number of valid reasons. Not least because they are (to varying degrees) useless at their jobs and have set themselves up for a good ribbing in any case, having chosen the careers they have. Those in positions of power particularly should be both criticised and carped when necessary and, I'd say, praised when deserving of it too. 


I like Farage, Davis and Mogg for a number of different reasons, but when they open themselves up for it they're just as fair game as any of the Remoan crowd, in my eyes. 

Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

And keeps getting re-elected.  Certainly no looker but then again what female politician is?  Obviously Jeremy found her hot stuff back in the day.


2 hours ago, roo860 said:

Would the day be 'Dog Day Afternoon '?


Not if one had any idea of the plot of that movie.

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4 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

It's just banter mate. It could be those of us who have debated facts and put forth solid, grounded arguments are maybe in need of a bit of light entertainment? And taking the pi** out of politicians is always fair game - they deserve it. I wish none of the aforementioned any ill will, but I really dislike a few of them for a number of valid reasons. Not least because they are (to varying degrees) useless at their jobs and have set themselves up for a good ribbing in any case, having chosen the careers they have. Those in positions of power particularly should be both criticised and carped when necessary and, I guess, praised when deserving of it too. 

I like Farage, Davis and Mogg for a number of different reasons, but when they open themselves up for it they're just as fair game as any of the Remoan crowd, in my eyes. 

The waffling never quite stops does it for some of the Brexiteer crowd.

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

But she's incompetent AND ugly. Pretty and bright is preferable ????

I wouldn’t wish to discuss her beauty as beauty is in the beholder. Obviously shrek may be happy.


However, she is very very dim. In almost every debate she gets mixed up, can’t answer questions and doesn’t remember figures even when she is the shadow secretary for her department.


As to her getting elected she is in Hackney, it is not a mono culture now as very very ‘diverse’ and if labour put up a blind deaf chimp they would still get the votes to be elected. Statistically immigrants vote labour so her vote is assured, It is know as a safe seat. In fact the chimp may make better decisions as probability would suggest 50% of what it decided would be coherent, bring on the Chimp!!

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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I always liked Spitting Image.


A brilliant series that took the p*ss out of politicians then. I would love to see it come back. Politicians thought it an honour to be portrayed back then.


This one took my fancy back then and it still appeals to me now.




Yes it was brilliant and it was fairly politically neutral. I doubt the likes of the BBC could put on anything that was politically neutral. It would have been hilarious to see Junkets chatacter if it was run today.

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36 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

I wouldn’t wish to discuss her beauty as beauty is in the beholder. Obviously shrek may be happy.


However, she is very very dim. In almost every debate she gets mixed up, can’t answer questions and doesn’t remember figures even when she is the shadow secretary for her department.


As to her getting elected she is in Hackney, it is not a mono culture now as very very ‘diverse’ and if labour put up a blind deaf chimp they would still get the votes to be elected. Statistically immigrants vote labour so her vote is assured, It is know as a safe seat. In fact the chimp may make better decisions as probability would suggest 50% of what it decided would be coherent, bring on the Chimp!!



Totally true. The metropolitan airhead 'trendies' & majority of immigrant communities vote Labour (especially when talking about London - Hackney) so it's a non-argument that her re-election to that seat is any kind of achievement.


'In fact the chimp may make better decisions as probability would suggest 50% of what it decided would be coherent, bring on the Chimp!!'


I'd second that motion!


Same goes for the insufferable Thornberry. They're both so dense, biased and disconnected from reality it is unbelievable. A toxic twosome.



Depending on your viewpoint, either hilarious or disturbing viewing.

Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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2 hours ago, mommysboy said:

Really nasty postings lately!  I guess we all have to project our own contempt at times, but its got out of hand.  We're talking about politics here, not Mr. and Miss Universe.


And I think we can all agree that sadly none of us get any the better looking with age.

Speak for yourself. I'm 64 and ageing disgracefully. No complaints from Soi Cowboy over the weekend. Gray temples give one a certain gravitas don't you think? That and my belly!

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9 minutes ago, Grouse said:

No, a Gentleman's degree is a first or a third. A 2.1 is a swot's degree. Never hire anyone with a 2.1; they try hard but not brilliant.

I have a first but never actually been asked the rank, but it is quiet old now.


Sometimes our staff without degrees are much better at dealing with real life. I am not convinced the British education system turns out work ready people.

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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Speak for yourself. I'm 64 and ageing disgracefully. No complaints from Soi Cowboy over the weekend. Gray temples give one a certain gravitas don't you think? That and my belly!

Hehe I can live with that.

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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Speak for yourself. I'm 64 and ageing disgracefully. No complaints from Soi Cowboy over the weekend. Gray temples give one a certain gravitas don't you think? That and my belly!



You may find that your girth...... girth of your wallet.... is what makes you a hansum man.. ????

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