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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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9 hours ago, vogie said:

And in the interest of balance, here are some of your brighter people. 



"Tend toward" is a technical term. You will always have "outliers"; I am 64 but voted remain even though older people tend toward brexit

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8 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Yes it would be interesting if a case was taken to the supreme court and a vote to remain was overuled by the supreme court as null and void I know you would be thinking it rrelevant waffle and they can't do it.

 Because it's BS

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28 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Once again you appear not to understand our representative democracy. May be you should educate yourself on that?


MPs salaries are not excessive but maybe more care should be taken in choosing which one should represent you. More well qualified independents would be good

Thanks I do understand very well who MP's represent it you that clearly doesn't when you suggest mp's should vote with their their conscience 

The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests

As stated in would be interesting if MP's vote with their conscience  to see  a legal case going to the Supreme Court for any vote to be ruled null and vote due to breach of contract 

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32 minutes ago, Grouse said:

 Because it's BS

Are you postive I am sure their is a Leavers equivalent of Gina Miller ready to take a Group of MP's to court for breach of contract if they vote against their constituents direction following the 2016 EU referendum

I suspect most MP's are indeed spineless and wouldn't want to do anything that will leave them unemployed 

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Customs deception was eradicated with the introduction of the single market. Only the mentally challenged can believe that technology can be as effective as physical examination. After 30 odd years people seem have forgotten how imaginative customs deception can be.

Post brexit every point of entry to the UK will become a hard border, including Ireland. The problem with Ireland is they need to come up with some way of disguising the fact.

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6 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

I wish all those MPs in areas that voted leave mostly Labour, would read that, when they try to frustrate Brexit.

It will be interesting what happens if there is anouther vote which is unlikely but possible.

Further, if the vote reversed, how could that move the country on with so much division? When would the third vote be?

Hard Brexiteers just seem to live in their own bubble where 'frustrating Brexit' = frustrating Hard Brexit. Which it doesn't. As for another vote, ie another referendum, it would take place when Parliament whenever decided it would. As for division in the country, crocodile tears from any Hard Brexiteer trying to push that dodgy motor.

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1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

Are you postive I am sure their is a Leavers equivalent of Gina Miller ready to take a Group of MP's to court for breach of contract if they vote against their constituents direction following the 2016 EU referendum

I suspect most MP's are indeed spineless and wouldn't want to do anything that will leave them unemployed 

'Breach of Contract' :cheesy: Micky Mouse logic from our Hard Brexiteer friends.

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

And because it's been tried already:
The historic Brexit legal challenge has drawn to a close with a reminder from the Supreme Court that it will not "overturn the result of the EU referendum".


Which of course has nothing to do with having another referendum.

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6 hours ago, vinny41 said:

I think it could In addition to allotments  use Royal Parks In London council parks right across the country  turn national parks into Huge Farms or for rearing lifestock During ww2 there was gardens called Victory Gardens

The Largest Problem is once everyone starts growing their own and future trade deals would be stuffed as there would be no need unless home grown supplies produce a surplus 


There would be some unhappy food supply growers in Europe plus ,Haulage companies, SuperMarkets 


If There was a law passed that all landowners with gardens are required by law to set aside 50% of their land for growing of Vegatables and they were required to produce a minimum amount of food but in return they would receive a 25% council tax rebate while the landowners that didn't set asdide 50% of their land would be subject to a surcharge of 25% on their council tax People would be growing Vegatables in their droves 

So there we have it guys. The forum Hard Brexiteers here want a WW2 theme park based on allotments as key plank of their Brexit strategy. A casual visitor to these pages would wonder if they had stumbled into a funny farm. A Hard Brexit Funny Farm.

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14 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

So there we have it guys. The forum Hard Brexiteers here want a WW2 theme park based on allotments as key plank of their Brexit strategy. A casual visitor to these pages would wonder if they had stumbled into a funny farm. A Hard Brexit Funny Farm.


or maybe a hard brexit lettuce and carrot farm for rainy days


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16 hours ago, Jack100 said:

The pound in your pocket is not worth any less -seem to have heard that before somewhere !

Harold Wilson said that back in 1967


"From now on, the pound abroad is worth 14 per cent or so less in terms of other currencies. That doesn't mean, of course, that the Pound here in Britain, in your pocket or purse or in your bank, has been devalued.

Broadcast (19 November 1967), following the devaluation of the Pound Sterling. Usually remembered as "the Pound in your pocket".




And one I particularly like especially for the Remainers


Given a fair wind, we will negotiate our way into the Common Market, head held high, not crawling in. 

Negotiations? Yes.

Unconditional terms of whatever is offered us? No.


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1 minute ago, Srikcir said:

It does if the question is whether the Supreme Court can overturn the next referendum results - it won't regardless of the results.

The Supreme Court overturning the next referendum results? Making predictions about something that hasn't happened a Hard Brexiteer speciality it appears. (Or maybe just an error. ????) And 'er this would presumably be a reference to the very same Supreme Court denounced by the Hard Brexit crowd as one of the institutional Enemies Of The People)

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4 minutes ago, billd766 said:

And one I particularly like especially for the Remainers

Given a fair wind, we will negotiate our way into the Common Market, head held high, not crawling in. 

Negotiations? Yes.

Unconditional terms of whatever is offered us? No.

Unfortunately the HB crowd don't point out that anything short of No Deal is a surrender for them.

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12 hours ago, vogie said:

And in the interest of balance, here are some of your brighter people. 



The girl in the pink coat isn't too bright as she keeps asking the same daft question. I wonder how many times she had to ask it to come up with these half-dozen-odd halfwits. 100? 500? 700,000?

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17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Harold Wilson said that back in 1967


"From now on, the pound abroad is worth 14 per cent or so less in terms of other currencies. That doesn't mean, of course, that the Pound here in Britain, in your pocket or purse or in your bank, has been devalued.

Broadcast (19 November 1967), following the devaluation of the Pound Sterling. Usually remembered as "the Pound in your pocket".




And one I particularly like especially for the Remainers


Given a fair wind, we will negotiate our way into the Common Market, head held high, not crawling in. 

Negotiations? Yes.

Unconditional terms of whatever is offered us? No.


Another Harold Wilson quote: "A week is a long time in politics". If so, then 2 years must be an eternity. If Brexit finally happens in March 2019, nobody under the age of 20 3/4 will have been given the opportunity to help decide the long-term future of their country. About 900,000 people who voted for Brexit will no longer be alive. About 2 million new voters will have been added to the electoral roll, and if they followed the pattern of their predecessors 64% of them would vote in a referendum, and 75% of those would vote Remain. How can leaving the EU be equated with Democracy if it would almost certainly happen against the wishes of the electorate at the time?

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15 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Why do you say she isn't too bright for asking the same daft question?


How do you know that those were the only people she asked?


Were the people she asked representative of the Remainers? They ought to be as they were at the rally demonstrating against leaving the EU.


That was the whole point of the interviews. 


To ask the same questions of many different Remainers to get the reason why they want either democracy or the EU Commission.


When over a thousand people are asked in a random poll do you think that they are all asked the same question or over 1,000 different questions?

It may have escaped your notice that the clip had been carefully edited, no doubt leaving out all the people who pointed out that you can't give a sensible answer to a stupid question. She may as well have asked "Do you want the EU Commission or a banana pancake", it makes as much sense. There are many layers of democracy. EU Commissioners are appointed by elected governments. That is one of them.

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