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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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24 minutes ago, nontabury said:

So you don’t consider “ you’ll be swinging by a rope “ for your support for Brexit to be a threat, this one was made after she was interviewed on BBC radio 4. There have been many more directed at her by remainers, or should I refer to them as those anti democratic remainers.

More of a metaphor than a threat, I would have thought. I'm sure she didn't take it to mean that the perpetrator was going to hang her.

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14 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Historic or otherwise, the left is all-in for it now.


The far left is still ambivalent: as I said, think Corbyn. It was his refusal to promote the left's pro-Europe stance that caused so many Labour voters, particularly in the North of England, to vote Leave, many casting an anti-Tory vote as opposed to an anti-EU one. These are the people who are now saying they would vote Remain given another opportunity.




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22 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Try not to pigeonhole me especially with Grouse as he has been on my ignore list for months. 


I don't indulge in petty fights. I leave that to the children on TVF.



Months? Years!


Me? I read everyone's point of view!

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50 minutes ago, Stupooey said:

The main problem with your analysis is that the left wing has traditionally been anti-EU. Think Corbyn. Also those two polar opposites, Tony Benn and Enoch Powell, who were both fiercely opposed to the EEC for, surprisingly, basically the same reason, the erosion of UK Parliamentary Sovereignty. They must be turning in their graves now, to think that Parliament abrogated its responsibilities and put this question to a plebiscite.

You are so wrong on both of these parliamentarians.

This is Tony Benn on the undemocratic E.U. When he addressed  the Oxford Union.




Edited by nontabury
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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Months? Years!


Me? I read everyone's point of view!

Yes Grousev I agree we should walk away and let them sort their own EU out without us.


Barnier will be back quickly as if no deal the EU will be screwed and at all costs we should call their bluff as they are bluffing!



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27 minutes ago, Stupooey said:

More of a metaphor than a threat, I would have thought. I'm sure she didn't take it to mean that the perpetrator was going to hang her.

AThe left do this all the time with their violent protests, mostly funded by Soros!

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58 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Historic or otherwise, the left is all-in for it now.


If you mean by the left, those who have taken over the Labour Party,you are correct, if you mean those on the left politically,meaning Labour voters ,then you are wrong.

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17 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I think it's more a pessimistic reaction to wild optimism.  Mostly, Leavers had absurdly high hopes, and we all know about project fear.


Both are wrong.


6 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

That's business!

Yes that's what will bring the countries around who want to o a deal and are frustrated with Barnier.




He is not listening to the likes of Spain, and Portugal who will go into recession on no deal!

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have kinda lost some interest in these threads - the bye bye letter from johnson young blow kinda made it

serious countries cannot live with political leadership like this - this is below all standards




norway has had 2 referanda re eec/eu, early 70s and early 90s,

both resulting in no

margin about as in uk, 48/52 - nobody made a fuss about that - clear message - government acted accordingly


recently the organisation No to EU has had its yearly general meeting,

membership diminishing

average age of members- now 65

they say, we are the winners of the early 70s ref - difficult to find new blood


this org has recently been to the police filing a formal complaint against the prime minister

for breaching stipulations in the constitution

this relates to giving too much power to EU without ratification by parliament or people



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15 minutes ago, nontabury said:

If you mean by the left, those who have taken over the Labour Party,you are correct, if you mean those on the left politically,meaning Labour voters ,then you are wrong.

Most labor voters outside the metropolitan elite voted leave.

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15 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


have kinda lost some interest in these threads - the bye bye letter from johnson young blow kinda made it

serious countries cannot live with political leadership like this - this is below all standards




norway has had 2 referanda re eec/eu, early 70s and early 90s,

both resulting in no

margin about as in uk, 48/52 - nobody made a fuss about that - clear message - government acted accordingly


recently the organisation No to EU has had its yearly general meeting,

membership diminishing

average age of members- now 65

they say, we are the winners of the early 70s ref - difficult to find new blood


this org has recently been to the police filing a formal complaint against the prime minister

for breaching stipulations in the constitution

this relates to giving too much power to EU without ratification by parliament or people



I wish we could file formal complaints!

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On 11/10/2018 at 7:23 PM, Grouse said:

1) Your parliament is sovereign; it can do what it damn well likes, when it damn well likes, regardless of what anyone said previously


2) If you look at the wording of the act, parliament did not bind themselves. That is why they didn't specify a super majority. It was to guage opinion only.


3) A majority of those who voted were in favour of leaving but that was not a majority of the electorate


4) Democracy can not be undermined by more democracy


5) People are free to change their opinion


IMO, members of parliament should vote down any so called deal that leaves the country in a worse economic position than the status quo ante. They should then have THEIR decision ratified by referendum.

You mean another route to a losers second chance.

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4 hours ago, oilinki said:

These brexiteer or Ruskie trolls, are so keen to play the role of "I'm a weak girl, you must help me!!"


I just wish they would grow a pair and start acting like men. Broad wish, I know. 


Would it be too much to ask for our Brexitter Russian trolls to behave like a man?

Get on another thread and ask them. They might be there.

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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Well it has been stated that with a no deal we still pay north of £21 billion.  I wish I had your optimism over a no deal scenario but all the voices seem to be saying it will be a catastrophic for the country.  If not then why wouldn't May just go with it?

The more I see of this circus without a tent 21B is starting to look like a bargain!

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4 hours ago, Stupooey said:


It was the House of Lords that proposed lowering the voting age to 16 for the Referendum, so they clearly thought they were responsible enough; after all, they are allowed to marry, so are considered capable of making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. I posed the question earlier, who had more right to determine the long-term future of the country, a 17 year old or a 97 year old, but received no reply. I wonder why not.

Leaving and rejoining would mean that things had really gone belly-up, not worth contemplating. Much better not to leave at all, especially if the electorate of the time (2019) don't want it.

Regarding general elections, I think you are missing the point. A difference of 4% in the vote for the two major parties would usually result in a hung parliament, which would quickly be followed by another election, as for example in 1974.


Swathes of "Lords" have been appointed relatively recently by pro EU governments. Irresponsible appointments of irresponsible creatures. 

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4 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

Who said remainers are stupid. Where is your evidence most hate seems to come from the left and remain sniggering comments dog whistle comments!

...says the contributor who slips in Conspiracy Theory dog-whistle nasties as a party piece.

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49 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You mean another route to a losers second chance.


17 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The Hard Brexit team will certainly looking to reverse any agreement reached between the UK and EU on the terms of Brexit.

Yes we will !!

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40 minutes ago, Grouse said:



This is an interesting bed time read


AJP Taylor was a great chap; I wonder what he would have made of Brexit

He would probably have supported a united Europe?

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2 hours ago, mommysboy said:

I think it's more a pessimistic reaction to wild optimism.  Mostly, Leavers had absurdly high hopes, and we all know about project fear.


Both are wrong.

No both are right on some things, but leave will liberate us.

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