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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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Just now, AlexRich said:


I'm still waiting for a reply on my post in response to your woeful no deal and WTO terms justification. You didn't reply because you were handed your ass. 



WTO gains net over 10 billion of EU tariffs every year and allows an independent trading policy. How are those two things bad?

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1 minute ago, My Thai Life said:

I didn't reply because I answered that question several times before you joined this thread.

Like teaching them the basics of percentages you know 52 is a bigger no than 48 so that means on a contest 52 % would be a win 48 % would be loose?

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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

24 hours ago I would have said that May had got no chance whatsoever at getting her deal through parliament but now I am not so sure.  I think she has a cunning plan.  As it is she is giving three options.  Her deal or no-deal or no Brexit.  I think the pitch to the Brexiteers is that if they don't vote for her deal then it could be no Brexit at all.  At the same time her pitch to the remainers is that if they don't vote for her deal then it could mean crashing out with no-deal.  It might just nudge enough voters to pass her deal after all.  I know it is unlikely but there seems to be a bit of a mood change today.  The Brexiteers JRM and McVey have said the deal is a surrender but without any real conviction anymore.


If Theresa May pulls this off then it we be the biggest coup since Blair pushed through the vote to go to war with Iraq.  That was overwhelmingly unpopular and based on lies too. 

She was Teflon coated when Home Secretary cleverer than she looks!

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17 minutes ago, nontabury said:

And that is one of the E.u worries. After Brexit, our lords and masters in Brussels will only represent a population of 430 million, that’s 70+ million less than now. Likewise the GDP of the E.u will shrink by 1/6th, leaving them with less influence when they attempt to make a trading pack with China,India and the USA.

Couple this with the fact that they would no longer receive our yearly Charity contributions ( why are we paying them 39 billion to leave?) and their on going concern,that when an independent UK is successful, this may encourage other nations to abandon ship.

A very wise and accurate summary of the current situation.

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11 minutes ago, nontabury said:

That’s been my policy with Grouse for some time. Pity really, as he did suggest some good changes to the workings of the E.u earlier today.

However, unfortunately he’s under the illusion that he’s so intellectually supperior to us mere mortals,that he thinks the E.u would listen to him.

Very sad a modicum of intelligence as well, I fact he can do the 48 -52% math and know 52% is a win! Amazing really for a remainer?


I used to look up to him when I first joined the forum sadly no longer possible!

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Your interlocutor does not understand the difference between GDP and GDP/head (and certainly not Gini coefficients)

What you are about?

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1 hour ago, bomber said:

him getting in will cause more carnage than brexit,you must be a self harmer

No m8 I said I hope he doesnt get in, 1983 we were in Northern Ireland I lost two friends the same week as he was walking across London Bridge with two IRA murderers Adams and Mc Guinness.


I hate the guy he is a traitor! And I still beleive in the ultimate punishment for that but sadly it will not happen.

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4 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Excellent point. 


Blair and May are both remainers, both liars (the latter point is not uncommon among politicians of course).


But "coup". I don't really think so.


The issue isn't what happens before March 29, it's what happens after.


Whichever side you are on (I am on no side), the genie is out of the bottle, and it isn't going back.



The Genie is out of the bottle and growing I doubt they can control the following on the right its just too big and lots of ingrained hatred. Or the left with their violent poster children in Black ANTIFA, politics is polarised between brave true Brexeteers and sneaky unpatriotic remainers in the left.


we will prevail 

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10 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

No m8 I said I hope he doesnt get in, 1983 we were in Northern Ireland I lost two friends the same week as he was walking across London Bridge with two IRA murderers Adams and Mc Guinness.


I hate the guy he is a traitor! And I still beleive in the ultimate punishment for that but sadly it will not happen.

Russians with no.  the western unity by adding few of their subjects to the public.

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4 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Excellent point. 


Blair and May are both remainers, both liars (the latter point is not uncommon among politicians of course).


But "coup". I don't really think so.


The issue isn't what happens before March 29, it's what happens after.


Whichever side you are on (I am on no side), the genie is out of the bottle, and it isn't going back.


4 hours ago, My Thai Life said:



Here's traitor Corbyn  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/19/exclusive-mi5-opened-file-jeremy-corbyn-amid-concerns-ira-links/

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55 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

its been common knowledge for years,ive said it on here and the secrets forum until i was banned by the lunitics,anyway back to JC he was until brexit,thanks again leave voters

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1 hour ago, Patriot1066 said:

The Genie is out of the bottle and growing I doubt they can control the following on the right its just too big and lots of ingrained hatred. Or the left with their violent poster children in Black ANTIFA, politics is polarised between brave true Brexeteers and sneaky unpatriotic remainers in the left.


we will prevail 

See you on the barricades.I will be on the left.

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10 minutes ago, JAG said:

I believe she was, as Home Secretary, known as "The Submarine". At the first sign of trouble she would go deep and rig for silent running.

She did well to survive that long at the Home Office. If you look at her predecessors' casualty rate! The job entails being the fall guy for just about every domestic UK problem. Whilst lacking somewhat in the charisma stakes (Blair and Cameron had it by the bucketloads and look where it has got us) she is undoubtedly a wily operator.

Not well served by her party though...

not sure I am that impressed by this submarine

she screwed up solidly re handling a50 without consulting parliament, wily?

she screwed up solidly re a50 AGAIN, wily?

she screwed up solidly re snappy GE, wily? (didn't even have to, enjoyed majority already)


remains to be seen if she can convince angry dup to support the deal in parliament

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