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Trump renews attacks on protesting NFL players, says 'be cool'


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6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


While I'm not surprised that he's venting on this, his hot-button topic (he hates the NFL, and he's a well-documented and proven RACIST), especially when he's all alone on vacation.


A real leader would figure out a way to bring people together, rather than divide them. Sad.



"A house divided against itself cannot stand."


Wow, you've been with Trump on vacation??

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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

Yet again a member  of the 'right' wants to suppress lawful protest

One thing you have to take into consideration is that they are doing this on "Company Time" I never worked for a company that would allow you to protest while on the job, what they do on there own time is another story

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5 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Salaries should be cut until they remember they are being paid millions to play a game, not play politics. Many of the players, of all races, would have been lucky to maintain a middle class life without football. Living the dream and biting the hand.

Where to begin with your post that won't get me suspended...  How about, you're just plain wrong.  It certainly matters how much these NFL players earn because it is this unlikely wealth that is getting the issue of police brutality recognized.  Look at Lebron James as an example of an American hero.  He's doing more for that country than anyone in this current administration is, and he's doing it with class.  


When Trump tweets "Be cool" is just code for "shut your 'son of a b mouth' and dribble."  He's lost the plot and the angrier he gets with ridiculous illegal mandates, the more the NFL players should ignore them.

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If those who oppose taking the knee stopped watching NFL on TV, stopped buying tickets to games, stopped buying jerseys.....that's how you put a stop to this BS. Until that time let the millionaires (football players) sob about the unfair treatment of blacks.


Who really gives a <deleted>.

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23 minutes ago, flexomike said:

One thing you have to take into consideration is that they are doing this on "Company Time" I never worked for a company that would allow you to protest while on the job, what they do on there own time is another story

NFL players are affiliated to the  largest union in the US, AFL-CIO, thereby have a degree of power. Discussions are ongoing e.g.


“The NFL required each team to submit their rules regarding the anthem before their players reported to training camp. We will address this issue once the season starts. All options are still open.”



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6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Not correct. 


They are more than able to define what angers them. 


Once more the grand poobah of trumptopia makes up what he what he wants to be true. 



And isn't this the fat orange-faced "patriot" who had to be reminded, in full view of the world, by his Immigrant wife to place his podgy little hand over his heart when the stars and stripes were played?



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6 hours ago, upu2 said:

No matter if you agree or disagree with what the players are doing, I was under the impression the USA embraced the concept of Free Speech. evidently this is myth and shows that the so called Land of the free is anything but

There is no free speech on private property or in the work place.

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7 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Salaries should be cut until they remember they are being paid millions to play a game, not play politics. Many of the players, of all races, would have been lucky to maintain a middle class life without football. Living the dream and biting the hand.

Their freedom of speech and the fact that they want the government to do something about all the racist things happening to people of color is really bothering you, WHY?

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Deflection. Deflection. Deflection. 

It's so obvious that Trump is only doing this to appeal to his base with a mixture of misguided patriotism and more than a hint of racism to take away from all the other legal issues that are mounting up.

Do you see any tweets from him about the far-right protests in Washington coming up?  Actual Nazi's are going to be marching through a major city. The same people who were complicit in the murder of a counter protester in Charlottesville last year and what do you get from Trump? 

Nothing. Nada. Zip.

But some black athletes making a peaceful protest over an important issue gets multiple tweets and 'Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay!" (on a separate note, would someone pleeeese teach this man the correct use of capital letters).

That tells you all you need to know about Trump and if you're agreeing with him then you are no better than a deluded fool.  

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The man that sells clothes made in other countries, hires foreigners to work cheap for him, uses chain migration for his wife’s family, but wants to abolish others that want their families to be with them.  I bet he would approve a skin shade sensor for voting 

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1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

Their freedom of speech and the fact that they want the government to do something about all the racist things happening to people of color is really bothering you, WHY?

Has nothing to do with luck 

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7 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Striking then is not to be allowed because I am on the job.... In fact, whistleblowing, as it also bites the hand should also be against the law which should protect the employer's interests. It appears you lean further toward, "law and order" than I do. To each their own but I would and did protest what I considered ill concieved policy in the work place. My US Constitutional Rights do not stop at the factory door.

Tell it to Roseanne

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>Yes, they are part of a great Union, but the US government is

subsidizing the NFL. I come from a long family with military service to me and a lot of other people it is just showing disrespect for your flag. Just like a lot of TV posters say if you don't like it leave 

Edited by flexomike
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6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Ignorance of the law is rarely an excuse for violating it, except in tRUmp's case so frequently.


Suggesting that employees be fired without cause is probably not illegal per se, just stoopid.


Encouraging others to engage in illegal acts - like your son, for instance, can be viewed as a conspiracy.





Any team can cut any player they want at any time. If not, then TO would still be playing.

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

I have just re-read the article and it doesnt state that Trump is calling for "legal action" against the players

It didnt in that it is true but on the news he has called for legal action against the players

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21 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


What should end now? The Anti-Trust/Collusion/Monopoly Exemptions granted by Congress?




Not sure how that impacts the player's behavior on the field during the playing of the anthem?



Yes, the anti trust exemptions.

Yes, you are right it wouldn't effect the players.

If 'Last Chance U' on Netflix is fairly real I don't think much would affect those players, they aren't brainiacs for the most part. Mollycoddled since 7 yrs old at the expense of tax payers (mostly white) has , it seems to me, stunted their intellect.

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NFL statement:


"The NFL has been engaged in constructive discussions with the NFL Players Association regarding the anthem and issues of equality and social justice that are of concern to many Americans. While those discussions continue, the NFL has agreed to delay implementing or enforcing any club work rules that could result in players being disciplined for their conduct during the performance of the anthem.


"Meanwhile, there has been no change in the NFL's policy regarding the national anthem. The anthem will continue to be played before every game, and all player and non-player personnel on the field at that time are expected to stand during the presentation of the flag and performance of the anthem. Personnel who do not wish to do so can choose to remain in the locker room.


"We remain committed to working with the players to identify solutions and to continue making progress on important social issues affecting our communities."

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1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

Yes, the anti trust exemptions.

Yes, you are right it wouldn't effect the players.

If 'Last Chance U' on Netflix is fairly real I don't think much would affect those players, they aren't brainiacs for the most part. Mollycoddled since 7 yrs old at the expense of tax payers (mostly white) has , it seems to me, stunted their intellect.



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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

I feel privileged having a stalker. Thank you. 

I see your reality disconnect is blooming. Don't worry, it's a common affliction among supporters of the Swamp King. And don't worry about any stalking - I would only do that to interesting people.

Edited by Becker
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