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Kolkata Consulate and VFS

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An Indian lady Christian has been teaching English in a large Christian school here in Thailand.
All arranged properly and legally.


Her first stint teaching was on a Tourist Visa, and she was asked to extend that to a B-Visa by returning to India. (Apparently Indian Thai visa applications are complicated, like that.)


So last week she flew back to Kolkata (not her home state), with all the 20+ documents cited in the required list given to her. 

Her school provided ALL the correct documents, and paid for her trip.


Last week, she arrived in Kolkata, applied for the B-visa last Monday, certain that she had completed everything satisfactorily, but the application was denied on Thursday, and no reason was given.


Last Friday, she enquired very politely at the Thai Consulate, in person, by email, and by phone, but received, "Sorry, we cannot help you." replies.


She is now stuck in Kolkata, eager to return to her students in Thailand.


Her charitable school cannot really afford the time or expense of intervening on her behalf.


Can anyone offer helpful advice... how:


1) To obtain her documents, which are normally returned to the applicant.


2) How to discover the reason her application for a B-visa was denied. She has visited VFS Kolkata, and enquired about her documents, and they do not have them. Nor do they yet know the reason it was denied.


The documents she supplied have not been returned to her, the Thai Consulate said she could get them from VFS, but they do not have them.



She's understandably frustrated, and concerned, in a strange city, and her legitimate application denied.


Thank you, and I'll pass on any good advice to her.

Edited by cmjc
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Not sure what can be done. There have many reports of problems similar to hers when applying through a VFS office.

I think her documents are at the consulate. I don't think they sent them back to the VFS office. 

Apparently the school was not aware she could of applied for the non immigrant visa (category B) at immigration if she had at least 15 days remaining on her tourist visa entry. The requirements for doing it are here: https://www.immigration.go.th/content/service_73 Perhaps somebody could look at the requirements to see if she the school could meet them. If they can then perhaps she could get another tourist visa. 



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Non B denied with all documents is strange .  Vfs application centers in India are a big problem . they will never give you any reason . at least embassy should paste a note with passport for reason of rejection

i can understand the frustration . if you apply again they will deny again . so don't apply at this consulate again . New Delhi is even worst .  may be you can try in Mumbai or Chennai 


this is really unprofessional from them keeping your documents and not returning . 

can she ask for documents again from the school? 

 also may be she should have applied for visa at consulate which comes under her home city . 


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Quote from OP:

"An Indian lady…… has been teaching English in a large…. school here in ThailandAll arranged properly and legally.  Her first stint teaching was on a Tourist Visa…..”


Since when has it been legal to teach (work) in Thailand when only in possession of a Tourist Visa?  Surely to be arranged properly an legally the lady would have needed a Non-B Visa plus a Work Permit.


Regarding the refusal of her application for a Non-B Visa it is quite possible that the supporting letter from the school may well have indicated that the lady has already been teaching there etc., and a keen eyed Thai Consular Officer spotted that she only had a Tourist Visa in her passport.


Regarding returning her documents, I note from several Thai Embassy/Consular websites from around the world that they state that they will keep all supporting documents and applicants are advised to make copies before submitting their application.

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10 minutes ago, 007 RED said:

Regarding returning her documents, I note from several Thai Embassy/Consular websites from around the world that they state that they will keep all supporting documents and applicants are advised to make copies before submitting their application.

That is only if the application is approved and a visa is issued.

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Thank you all for your informed comments, I'll pass them on to her for consideration.


Her first stint was pre-arranged by both her Indian church and  Christian bodies here in Thailand with the school's full consultation, so there's nothing untoward in her being on a TV initially. Thai Immigration were also advising her during the first stint.


She, and I am confident that she has performed all tasks as requested and properly. Keep in mind, how it is well known the regulations for Indians applying for Thai visa are complicated. Westerners have it easy in comparison, believe me.


I'll update you in due course.


Thank you. 

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6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Not sure what can be done. There have many reports of problems similar to hers when applying through a VFS office.

I think her documents are at the consulate. I don't think they sent them back to the VFS office. 

Apparently the school was not aware she could of applied for the non immigrant visa (category B) at immigration if she had at least 15 days remaining on her tourist visa entry. The requirements for doing it are here: https://www.immigration.go.th/content/service_73 Perhaps somebody could look at the requirements to see if she the school could meet them. If they can then perhaps she could get another tourist visa. 



Much appreciated UbonJoe ?


She was certainly aware of the difficulties whilst she was here consulting with Thai Immigration, so took particular care to get all her B-visa docs lined up.


Her list of required docs was exhaustive, but her school helped her diligently to get them all. 


I also quizzed her personally, if she had checked with Thai Immigration on the best way to proceed before returning to India. Her local Thai Immigration suggested the method she has taken, i.e.. Go to India to apply for the B-visa. So she was very confident of obtaining it quickly, and being back with her pupils.


Her English is streets ahead of most "English Teachers" I come across here, and she's very popular at her school, with Staff and pupils. They have already invested a lot of funds in her, but have reached their limit.


I will certainly draw her schools attention to the url you have kindly provided.

It is a straw for her to clutch.



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