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Another day on Thai roads - another 58 corpses


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14 hours ago, Briggsy said:

This is possible, the spiritual angle. The time of the death and rebirth is predetermined and all that.


My personal view is that the death tolls largely stems from indiscipline. Indiscipline of all sorts.

Indiscipline in following rules (of the road).

Indiscipline in using safety equipment (seat belts, helmets).

Indiscipline in law enforcement.

Indiscipline in self-restraint in relation to the safety of others including their own children.

The list goes on.


We will have to agree to differ in opinion.

Sorry Briggsy but you must have grown up in a different world to me I have never met anyone out of infants school who believes in the garden of eden. I do firmly believe that the indoctrination of reincarnation is responsible for a lot of acceptance of fate , it is far more evident in India .but then as Karl Marks wrote "Religion is the Opiate of the masses". I think a lot of the problem is in the attitude expressed in the OP "time to remind people to wear helmets", that says it all, a  lack of will to enforce.  Not just helmets but any law and sense of responsible for their own actions.

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13 hours ago, AdamTheFarang said:

As you can see in my catchphrase below one thing that stands out in Thailand that I have never seen any where else in the world is pulling out on to a road especially a larger road without looking. Why do Thais do this? There should be automatic jail of 5 years for anyone that causes an accident for not looking! There clearly needs to be a deterrent.

Not sure you could fit another 10/20 million people in the already bursting jails

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18 hours ago, Don Chance said:

I don't know why Thai's can't even stop at a cross walk for pedestrians. It is ridiculously dangerous to just cross a roadway.

It's a lot safer to stay away from pedestrian crossings. I always cross where there is no expectation of traffic stopping for me so we both, driver and myself, know the rules. no stopping.

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I've said it goodness knows how many times on here, but the two things that will improve the driving here are enforcement and severe deterrent. A driver/rider goes through a red light because he can and if caught, he'll get a 500 baht fine (or more likely, a 200 baht bribe to the copper). The same with all the broken rules here.

Thais don't like obeying rules, they also love money, so hit them where it hurts, in the pocket.

Of course, for these things to work, they first need a competent, honest police force. That's the tricky bit.

Edited by jesimps
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14 minutes ago, maximillian said:

One of my Thai lady friend's 18 year old daughter lost one foot in a mc accident. What a shame.

Whose fault it was I don't know, but according to them it was the car driver's fault, ofcourse.

Anyway, sitting at their place I watched her sister arriving on a mc with 3 kids on it.

None of them wearing a helmet. At one glance I saw that the motocy was in a bad shape.

Then I took a closer look: No mirrors, cable for front brake missing, chain loose, rusty and dry,

lights not working, indicators not working.

A little later my friend and three (!!!) of her friends visited me on an old bike. They traveled 40 km

one way with four on a bike. No helmets, ofcourse.

I took the bike to the next repair shop to have at least the brakes fixed.

They could NOT CARE LESS.

Flintstone braking system, 4 pairs of flipflops dragged on the road. Seems quite common around my way.

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Sorry this topic is starting to get mundane now 

It's  the same every day week month ect nothing changes 

we talk about what should change  all the time unless the Government  and   police enforce the rules wearing of helmets. Driving with undue care and attention 

Dishing out Heavier  penalties nothing is going to change  

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2 hours ago, Aupee said:

Sorry Briggsy but you must have grown up in a different world to me I have never met anyone out of infants school who believes in the garden of eden.

I think you have attributed the comments of the poster @Enoon to me. Because your comments if addressed to me make no sense at all in relation to my comments.

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In my town we have police officers directing traffic outside the local school where underage children drive out 4 or 5 to a bike with no helmets in sight, and presumably with no licenses as they are underage. Parents and police do nothing so why should the kids worry?


The sad thing is a friend of mine recently lost his teenage daughter to the slaughter on the roads here in town. The pain, misery and expense it caused her family had to be seen to be believed.


What is needed is strict enforcement of the laws. The problem with the police and the school is that at the end of the school day most kids lack any money to pay a fine as they have already spent their school money, so the police don't bother to stop them. The problem is deep-rooted  as the police won't enforce any laws unless they can collect a bribe. Even those who have a license, like my wife, paid for it after she couldn't pass the test. It is a bizarre way to run a country.

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20 hours ago, Don Chance said:

I don't know why Thai's can't even stop at a cross walk for pedestrians. It is ridiculously dangerous to just cross a roadway.

Thai drivers don't understand what a pedestrian crossing is, they think it's just a stain on the road to inconvenience drivers!!!

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31 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

In my town we have police officers directing traffic outside the local school where underage children drive out 4 or 5 to a bike with no helmets in sight, and presumably with no licenses as they are underage. Parents and police do nothing so why should the kids worry?


The sad thing is a friend of mine recently lost his teenage daughter to the slaughter on the roads here in town. The pain, misery and expense it caused her family had to be seen to be believed.


What is needed is strict enforcement of the laws. The problem with the police and the school is that at the end of the school day most kids lack any money to pay a fine as they have already spent their school money, so the police don't bother to stop them. The problem is deep-rooted  as the police won't enforce any laws unless they can collect a bribe. Even those who have a license, like my wife, paid for it after she couldn't pass the test. It is a bizarre way to run a country.

The police and schools, showing care in the community. 

they are so cool. :bah:

Edited by stanleycoin
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In Thailand vehicles (motorcycles in particular) rarely stop at the end of one street before they turn on to another.  Many of the accident videos posted on TV show motorcycles flying out of a side street onto the main road without even slowing down.  I would never consider driving in this country.

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18 hours ago, overherebc said:

Not more than 30 minutes ago I was behind a small bike/scooter and the woman in 'control' of it had 3 kids on it as well. One sitting on her lap, one standing in front of her and one sitting behind her. Everyone of them in shorts T,shirts etc and not a helmet in sight.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Freedom, balance and fearlessness. But indeed they are stupid not to own a limousine,  sarcasm. 

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Only us "farang" and maybe a few others are concerned about this carnage. Thai Government and people seem not to worry.


Begs the question, "Why should we worry"?


It's their culture, their lives and not about to change anytime soon (if ever). IMHO, a sad fact. :sad:

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6 hours ago, tigermoth said:

It's a lot safer to stay away from pedestrian crossings. I always cross where there is no expectation of traffic stopping for me so we both, driver and myself, know the rules. no stopping.

I've heard it is a serious offense if a driver hits someone at a zebra crossing, straight to jail. 


It is shocking when they speed right through the crossing with people obviously trying to cross. I often put my hand out and demand them to stop. The cops should sit there day and night and hand out tickets.

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On 8/15/2018 at 3:27 PM, Don Chance said:

I don't know why Thai's can't even stop at a cross walk for pedestrians. It is ridiculously dangerous to just cross a roadway.

Don’t you know, CROSSWALKS are there in order to make it SIMPLER for DRIVERS to LINE-UP  Pesky Pedestrians !


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